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One code, same interface, same reports... for all target platforms.
With WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile, the same source application runs natively on Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows 10 Iot, Internet, SaaS, and more.
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Download the FREE and TIME-UNLIMITED version of WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile.

WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV MOBILE come with a powerful, free-to-deploy database (local, network, mobile, Cloud, Client/Server, Cluster):
WINDEV, WEBDEV, and WINDEV MOBILE can also access all other databases via ODBC,OLEDB and Native Connectors: HFSQL, AS/400 & IBM i, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Informix, PostgreSQL, Progress, Sybase, xBase, SQLite, Access, MariaDB, Hadoop (HBASE, Hive, HDFS), MongoDB, Memcached, Redis, and more.