Désolé, votre navigateur ne supporte pas le javascript. PC SOFT WEBDEV: Test some of the websites developed and provided with WEBDEV
Cross-platform application development software suite Integrated software for developing cross-platform applications


Take advantage of a free test hosting service for your WEBDEV sites on a genuine deployment server.

This new free service has been implemented by PC SOFT's Free Technical Support to allow you to:
- Test the deployment of your website on a professional, high-performance deployment server.
Evaluate the performance of your website on a shared server.
Do an actual presentation of your website to a client or to your management.

How does it work?
PC SOFT offers you a free WEBDEV account and an FTP account.
ou have storage space for your project and your data.
The number of concurrent connections is limited to 100.
his hosting service is only available for testing purposes.

Usage rules
This is a free service, intended for testing purposes only.
ou must only host websites for testing, for a limited time.

How to use this service?
To benefit from PC SOFT's test hosting service, simply create a setup procedure from WEBDEV (go to the "Project" tab, "Generation" group, expand "Deploy site" and select "Generate and deploy site").
alidate the different steps and select “Deploy in PC SOFT test hosting service” in the setup wizard.
n the next step, click the link to create your developer account.
ou will then receive all the necessary information.