This page presents 3480 WLanguage functions.WLanguage (WL) is a 5th generation language. It includes the usual functions of programming languages as well as a native data-oriented platform.
The graphic aspects, the check and validation of inputs are performed upstream of coding, via the outstanding GUI editor. The window editor eliminates the coding step of interfaces as it allows for definition and test of interfaces in a 100% WYSIWYG mode, including for the advanced definition of controls. WLanguage allows you to access and modify all the created elements.
Don't forget that WINDEV is interfaced with the following languages: Java, C, C++, C#, Cobol, Fortran, VB... You can also perform calls to ActiveX, OCX, etc WINDEV is totally opened. Don't forget that there is no need to program most of the actions that can be easily defined in the editors!
WLanguage reduces the amount of necessary code by up to 90%.
This list is impressive! But only a small number of functions will be actually used in your applications.
This list is an exhaustive list, it will allow you to never be stuck.
The following functions are available ; they give you the ability to modify by programming what was defined in the editors: it provides additional flexibility. For example, to display an image found in a file, there is nothing to program (even to add effects!). However, you have the ability to program a specific process if you want to. You will never be stuck with WINDEV.
AAFChangeCaption | Customizes the caption of a menu option for the popup menus corresponding to an AAF (Automatic Application Feature). |
AAFConfigure | Used to specify the behavior of some Automatic Application Features (AAF). You can for example configure the option for exporting to Excel used by the automatic menu of tables. |
AAFDisable | Disables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, on a window or on the current application. |
AAFExecute | Runs an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or on a window. This function can be used to start the spelling checker on an edit control for example. |
AAFExportSecurity | Secures the export of confidential data in the AAFs (Automatic Application Features) that are used to export, print or save data. |
AAFPopupMenuToString | Returns the list of options found in the popup menu actually displayed by the control. |
AAFPossible | Indicates whether an AAF (Automatic Application Feature) can be run on a specific control. |
Abandon | Closes the current window by running the code of the CANCEL button. |
Abs | Returns the absolute value of a numeric value or numeric expression (integer or real). |
ActionBarDeleteSearchHistory | Deletes the history from the search control found in the action bar of a window. |
ActionBarSearchVisible | Used to find out and modify the visibility status of the search control associated with the Action Bar found in the current window. |
ActionDeclareUndo | Declares how to cancel an action that was added by ActionDo. This function MUST be called when running the procedure supplied to ActionDo. |
ActionDo | Creates and runs a custom action (defined by programming) with support of "Undo/Redo". |
ActionPlanConfigure | Configures an action plan in the software factory |
ActionPlanExecute | Runs an instance of the action plan in the software factory. |
ActionPlanInfo | Retrieves information regarding the execution of an instance of action plan. |
ActionRedo | Runs the last action canceled. |
ActionUndo | Cancels the last action performed by the end user. |
ActiveXEvent | Associates a procedure written in WLanguage with an event of an ActiveX control. |
Add |
Adds an element in last position
AddColumn | Adds a column at the end of a two-dimensional array property (xlsDocument variable for example]). |
AddFavorite | Adds an Internet address into the list of favorites for the Web user. |
AddLine |
Adds a row at the end
AddLink | Adds a link onto a text section in an edit control. |
AddVoiceCommand | Adds a voice command into the current window. From version 17, this function is replaced by SpeechRecognitionAddCommand. |
Age | Returns the age according to the date of birth. |
AgentAdvice | Displays a message containing a text, an icon and a combination of buttons. |
AgentBeep | Emits a sound. |
AgentChoice | Displays a message containing a title, a list of choices, an icon and a combination of buttons. |
AgentCreate | Initializes an agent for an application. |
AgentHeight | Returns the height of the agent window. |
AgentHide | Hides an agent. |
AgentInput | Displays a message containing a title, a text, an icon, a combination of buttons and an input area. |
AgentMessage | Displays a message containing a title, a text, an icon and a combination of buttons. |
AgentMove | Moves and/or resizes the window of an agent. |
AgentShow | Displays the agent managed by the application. |
AgentTerminate | Deletes an agent from memory. |
AgentWidth | Returns the width of the agent window. |
AgentXPos | Returns the horizontal position of the agent window. |
AgentYPos | Returns the vertical position of the agent window. |
AJAXAsynchronousCallPending | Used to find out whether a server procedure called by AJAXExecuteAsynchronous is currently run. |
AJAXAvailable | Used to find out whether the AJAX technology is supported by the current browser. |
AJAXCancelAsynchronousCall | Cancels the automatic execution of the browser procedure called by AJAXExecuteAsynchronous. |
AJAXExecute | Runs a server procedure without refreshing the page. |
AJAXExecuteAsynchronous | Runs a server procedure without refreshing the page. |
AlbumPicker | Retrieves a photo, an image or a video stored in the photo album of the mobile device. |
AlbumSave | Saves an image, a photo or a video in the photo album of the mobile device. |
AnimationEnabled | Enables or disables the animations in the controls. |
AnimationGetParameter | Reads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for an Image control or for a Static control. |
AnimationMinFPS | Configures the minimum number of images per second in order for the animations (transition effects) to be enabled in the controls. |
AnimationPlay | Plays an animation when a control, a group of controls or a window is modified. |
AnimationPlayOnControlProperty | Animates the modification of an integer property between 2 values. |
AnimationPrepare | Prepares the animation on a control, a group of controls or a window. |
AnimationSetMode |
Changes the type of animation
AnimationSetParameter |
Changes one of the animation parameters used for
AnsiToOem | Transforms a character string in ANSI format (Windows) into a character string in OEM format (DOS). |
AnsiToUnicode |
apDisableAction | Disables the execution of an action found in an action plan. |
apExecute | Runs an action plan. |
apFullProjectName | Retrieves the full physical name of a project opened during the execution of an action plan |
API | Runs a function found in an external DLL. |
APIParameter | Modifies the options for calling API and CallDLL32. |
apLog | Saves an information in a "log" file during the execution of an action plan. |
AppliActivateVersion | Activates one of the application versions available in the history of versions on the reference setup server. |
AppliChangeParameter | Changes an information in the mechanism for automatic update of the specified application. |
AppliControl | Enables (or disables) the remote control for the current multi-user WINDEV application. This function is an advanced function. |
AppliDeleteVersion | Deletes a version from the history of versions found on the reference setup server. |
AppliInstallUPD | Triggers the automatic update of the current application. |
AppliInstallVersion | Installs a specific version of the application. |
AppliListVersion | Lists the versions available on the reference setup server. |
AppliParameter | Returns information about the mechanism for automatic update of the specified application. |
AppliUPDAvailable | Used to find out whether an update is available for the specified application. |
AppliVersionInfo | Returns information about a version available on the setup server. |
AppointmentAdd |
Adds an appointment
AppointmentCreate | Displays the window for appointment creation of the native application for managing appointments found on the Android device. |
AppointmentDelete |
AppointmentDisplay | Displays an appointment in the native application for managing appointments found on the mobile device (Android or iOS). |
AppointmentFirst | Reads the first appointment found in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
AppointmentLast | Reads the last appointment found in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
AppointmentList | Lists the appointments found on the mobile device (Android/iOS) and corresponding to the specified criteria. |
AppointmentListCalendar | Lists the calendars available on the mobile device (Android/iOS). |
AppointmentModify |
Modifies the current appointment
AppointmentNext | Reads the appointment found after the current appointment in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
AppointmentPrevious | Reads the appointment found before the current appointment in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
AppointmentRead | Reads an appointment found in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
AppointmentReset |
AppointmentToiCalendar | Exports an appointment or a list of appointments in iCalendar format. |
AppOpenForm | Opens the form of an application on Android (Play Store), iOS (App Store) or Windows (Windows Store) in order for the user to give a mark to it and/or to comment it. |
AppServerAddScheduledTask | Adds a new scheduled task to the application (site or webservice). |
AppServerDeleteScheduledTask | Deletes a scheduled task associated with the application (site or Webservice). |
AppServerInfoScheduledTask | Reads the description of a scheduled task. |
AppServerListScheduledTask | Returns the list of scheduled tasks for the application (site or Webservice). |
AppServerModifyScheduledTask | Modifies an existing scheduled task. |
AppServerRunScheduledTask | Immediately starts the execution of a scheduled task on a WEBDEV Application Server. |
ArcCos | Returns the arc cosine of a numeric value (integer or real). |
ArcSin | Returns the arc sine of a numeric value (integer or real). |
ArcTan | Returns the arc tangent of a numeric value (integer or real). |
ArcTan2 | Returns the arc tangent 2 of the values passed in parameter. |
ArrayAdd |
Adds an element in last position:
ArrayAddLine |
Adds a row at the end
ArrayAddSorted | Adds an element into a one-dimensional array while taking into account the sort criterion defined by ArraySort. |
ArrayCopy | Copies the content of an array into another array. |
ArrayCount |
ArrayDelete |
Deletes an element at a given position:
ArrayDeleteAll |
Deletes all the elements:
ArrayDeleteDuplicate | Deletes the duplicates from an array. |
ArrayDeleteLine |
Deletes a row at a given position
ArrayInfo | Returns the characteristics of an array: type of elements, number of dimensions, dimensions, ... |
ArrayInsert |
Inserts an element at a given position:
ArrayInsertLine |
Inserts a row at a given position
ArrayMix | Mixes the elements of a WLanguage array. |
ArrayMove |
Used to:
ArrayMoveLine |
Used to:
ArrayReverse | Reverses the content of a one-dimensional array |
ArraySeek | Seeks the subscript of an element in a WLanguage array. |
ArraySeekByProcedure | Seeks an element in a one-dimensional array by using a comparison procedure. |
ArraySort | Sorts a WLanguage array. |
ArraySwapLine | Used to swap two rows in a two-dimensional array or in an advanced array property |
ArrayToCSV | Converts a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array into a character string in CSV format. |
ArrayToString | Converts a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array into a character string. |
ArrowEnd | Specifies the position of the end of an arrow in a "Shape" control. |
ArrowStart | Specifies the start position of an arrow in a "Shape" control. |
Asc | Returns the ASCII code of specified character. |
ASPDisplay | Calls an external ASP script and returns the result page in the current browser window. |
ASPExecute | Calls an external .asp script and returns the result in a string. |
AssistedInputAdd | Adds a row into the list of values available for the assisted input of an edit control |
AssistedInputClose | Closes the list of values proposed by the assisted input for an edit control |
AssistedInputConfigure | Used to configure the filter and the opening of the assisted input. |
AssistedInputDeleteAll | Clears the list of values proposed for the assisted input of an edit control |
AssistedInputOpen | Opens the list of values proposed by the assisted input for an edit control. |
AttachPointAdd | Defines an attach point for one of the two extremities of a Wire control. |
AttachPointDeleteAll | Deletes all the attach points for a control. |
AuthIdentify | Performs an authentication using the OAuth 2.0 protocol on any webservice. |
AutomationEvent | Branches a procedure to the event of an automation object. |
AutomationParameter | Configures the management of accesses to the ActiveX objects and to the Automation objects. |
AutoRunAdd |
Used to:
AutoRunDelete | Used to stop the automatic run of a Windows Mobile or WINDEV application |
awProcedureGetAndSendInfo | Specifies the WLanguage procedure that will be called when receiving information coming from awSendAndGetInfo. |
awProcedureGetInfo | Specifies the WLanguage procedure that will be called when receiving information coming from awSendInfo. |
awSendAndGetInfo | Sends data from an iOS phone to an Apple Watch (or conversely) while expecting a response. |
awSendInfo | Sends an information from an iOS phone to an Apple Watch (or conversely). |
BankHoliday | Indicates whether a day is a bank holiday or not. |
BankHolidayAdd | Indicates that a day (or a list of days) is a bank holiday. |
BankHolidayDeleteAll | Clears the list of all bank holidays. |
BankHolidayList | Returns the list of bank holidays defined by BankHolidayAdd. |
BannerFirst | Displays the first plane of a Scrolling Banner control. |
BannerLast | Displays the last slide of a Scrolling Banner control. |
BannerNext | Displays the next plane of a Scrolling Banner control. |
BannerPrevious | Displays the previous plane of a Scrolling Banner control. |
BannerStartScrolling | Enables the automatic scroll on a Scrolling Banner control. |
BannerStopScrolling | Stops the automatic scroll on a Scrolling Banner control. |
BCCalculateControlCharacter | Returns the check code of a bar code. |
BCCapture | Decodes the information stored in a bar code by using the device camera (Android, iPhone, iPad). |
BCDecode | Decodes the information stored in a QR Code bar code. |
Beep | Emits a beep. |
BinaryAND | Returns the result of a logical AND (bit by bit) between two values. |
BinaryInfo | BinaryInfo is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
BinaryLoad | BinaryLoad is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
BinaryNOT | Returns the result of a logical NOT (bit by bit) performed on a value. |
BinaryOR | Returns the result of a logical OR (bit by bit) between two values. |
BinarySave | BinarySave is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
BinaryXOR | Returns the result of a logical exclusive OR (bit by bit) between two values. |
BitmapInfo |
Retrieves the characteristics of an image file or the characteristics of a PDF file
BreakAdd | Adds a break into a Table control or into a Looper control. |
BreakDelete | Deletes a break from a Table control or from a Looper control. |
BreakDeleteAll | Deletes all the breaks from a Table control or from a Looper control. |
BrightnessAuto | Returns or modifies the activation status of the automatic adjustment of the brightness on the device. |
BrightnessGet | Returns the current setting of the brightness for the screen of the device. |
BrightnessModify | Modifies the setting of the brightness for the device screen. |
BrowserBlade | Returns the number of the blade displayed in a page in Responsive Web Design mode. |
BrowserClose | Closes the current browser window and stops the execution of the current code. |
BrowserHeight | Returns the height (in pixels) of the client area where the page is displayed. |
BrowserIPAddress | Returns the IP address of the computer of the Web user connected to the WEBDEV site. |
BrowserIsConnected | Indicates whether the browser is connected to the network. |
BrowserMobile | Allows you to find out whether the browser used by the Web user is started on a mobile device. |
BrowserName | Returns the name of the browser of the Web user ("user agent"). |
BrowserOpen | Opens a new browser window. |
BrowserOS | Indicates the operating system announced by the browser of the Web user. |
BrowserPlatform | Returns the platform of the browser used by the Web user. |
BrowserRunApp | Opens the default Web browser of the current device. |
BrowserType | Returns the type of browser used by the Web user. |
BrowserVersion | Returns the version of the browser used by the Web user. |
BrowserWidth | Returns the width (in pixels) of the client area where the page is displayed. |
BTAcceptConnection | Used to find out whether a Bluetooth radio accepts (or not) the requests for connection coming from the devices. |
BTActivate | Enables or disables the management of Bluetooth on the device. |
BTChangeConnectivity | Used to configure a Bluetooth radio to accept (or not) the requests for connection coming from the devices. |
BTChangeVisibility | Changes the visibility of a Bluetooth radio. |
BTConnectDevice | Allows you to be authenticated toward a Bluetooth device. |
BTDisableService | Disables a service on a Bluetooth device. |
BTDisconnectDevice | Cancels the authentication beside a Bluetooth device. |
BTEnableService | Enables a service provided by a Bluetooth device. |
BTInfoDevice | Returns specific information about a Bluetooth device. |
BTInfoRadio | Returns specific information about a Bluetooth radio connected to the computer. |
BTIsVisible | Used to find out whether a Bluetooth radio is visible. |
BTLECharacteristicChangeOfValue | Enables or disables the detection regarding the change of value for a Bluetooth Low Energy characteristic. |
BTLECharacteristicReadValue | Reads the value of a characteristic on a Bluetooth Low Energy device. |
BTLECharacteristicWriteValue | Writes a value in a characteristic on a Bluetooth Low Energy device. |
BTLEConnect | Used to connect to a Bluetooth Low Energy device. |
BTLEConnectionStatus | Returns the current status of the connection to a Bluetooth Low Energy device or asks to be notified when the status of the connection changes. |
BTLEDescriptorReadValue | Reads the value of a descriptor on a Bluetooth Low Energy device. |
BTLEDescriptorWriteValue | Writes the value of a descriptor on a Bluetooth Low Energy device. |
BTLEDisconnect | Used to disconnect from a Bluetooth Low Energy device. |
BTLEGetACharacteristic | Retrieves the characteristic of a Bluetooth Low Energy service corresponding to the specified identifier (UUID). |
BTLEGetADescriptor | Retrieves the descriptor of a Bluetooth Low Energy characteristic corresponding to the specified identifier (UUID). |
BTLEGetAllCharacteristics | Retrieves all the characteristics with the same identifier associated with a Bluetooth Low Energy service. |
BTLEGetAllServices | Retrieves all the services corresponding to a UUID. |
BTLEGetAService | Retrieves the service of a Bluetooth Low Energy device corresponding to the specified identifier (UUID). |
BTLEInitialize | Initializes Bluetooth Low Energy (required in iOS only). |
BTLEListDevice | Returns the list of accessible Bluetooth Low Energy devices. |
BTLEStatus | Returns the current activation status of Bluetooth on the device or asks to be notified when the activation status changes. |
BTListDevice | Returns the list of accessible Bluetooth devices. |
BTListRadio | Returns the list of Bluetooth radios connected to the computer. |
BTListService | Returns the list of services provided by a Bluetooth device. |
BTOpenDeviceProperties | Opens the window of properties for a Bluetooth device. |
BTSelectDevice | Opens a system window to select a Bluetooth device. |
BTStack | Returns the Bluetooth stack currently used. |
BTStatus | Returns the current activation status of Bluetooth on the device or asks to be notified when the activation status changes. |
BufferToHexa | Converts a buffer into a displayable hexadecimal string (for example: "4A 5B 00"). |
BufferToInteger | Extracts an integer found in a binary buffer at a given position. |
BufferToReal | Extracts a real found in a binary buffer at a given position. |
BuildAutomationVariant | Builds an Automation variant parameter. |
BuildBrowsingTable | Creates a Table control from the items found in a data file (view or query). |
BurnerAddDirectory | Adds all the files found in a directory to the compilation. |
BurnerAddFile | Adds a file to the compilation. |
BurnerCancel | Cancels the current burn process. |
BurnerCompilationInfo | Retrieves the characteristics of current compilation. |
BurnerEject | Opens or closes the door of the current burner. |
BurnerErase | Erases the files found on a rewritable CD or DVD. |
BurnerList | Returns the list of burners installed on the current computer. |
BurnerMediaFound | Used to find out whether the burner is empty or not. |
BurnerMediaInfo | Retrieves the characteristics of the CD/DVD found in the current burner. |
BurnerMediaType | Used to find out and modify the format of the CD or DVD to burn. |
BurnerPath | Returns the path of the current burner. |
BurnerProperty | Used to find out and modify the properties of the current burner. |
BurnerSave | Burns the files found in the compilation onto the CD or DVD. |
BurnerSelect | Used to select the default burner. |
BurnerStatus | Returns the status of the current burner. |
BurnerVolumeName | Allows you to find out or modify the name of the CD or DVD to burn. |
CalendarOpen | In a Date edit control, opens a popup window displaying a calendar. |
CalendarPicker | Opens a modal dialog with a calendar to enter a date. |
CalendarPosition | Returns the month displayed in a Calendar control. |
CalendarSelect | Returns the date selected in a Calendar control. |
CalendarSelectMinus | Deselects a date in a multi-selection Calendar control. |
CalendarSelectOccurrence | Returns the number of days selected in a Calendar control. |
CalendarSelectPlus | Selects a date in a Calendar control. |
CallDLL32 | Runs a function found in an external DLL. |
CallInterface | Runs a method of an interface of an object implemented in a DLL external to the WINDEV framework. |
CameraCapture | Saves the video currently transmitted by a "camera" as an image or a video sequence. |
CameraChangeDriver | Connects the "Camera" control to a specific driver for video capture. |
CameraConfigure | Used to configure the driver for video capture. |
CameraDisplay | Displays in a "Camera" control the video sequence currently transmitted by a "web camera" or by the camera of the mobile device. |
CameraGenerateMiniature | Generates a miniature of the specified photo or video. |
CameraListDriver | Lists the drivers for video capture installed on the current computer. |
CameraListParameter | Lists the values supported by the device camera for a given parameter. |
CameraParameter | Returns or modifies the value of a parameter for the device camera. |
CameraRequestPermission | Requests the permission for using the video camera found on the device. |
CameraRunApp | Starts the native camera application of the device in order to record a video or to take a photo. |
CameraStartDecoding | Starts decoding bar codes in a Camera control. |
CameraStatus | Returns the status of a Camera control. |
CameraStop | Stops playing or recording a video sequence in a Camera control. |
CameraStopDecoding | Stops decoding bar codes in a Camera control. |
CancelAWPContext | Deletes from the AWP context a variable that was added by DeclareAWPContext. |
CancelWebserviceContext | Deletes from the webservice context a variable added by DeclareWebserviceContext. |
CapsLockVerify | Checks whether the CapsLock key is pressed. |
CaptchaDisplay | Displays a new Captcha in a Captcha control. |
CaptchaVerify | Checks whether the value typed by the user corresponds to the string displayed in a Captcha control. |
cdbAdd | Adds the record found in memory into a data file (standard database found on the Mobile Device or ".CDB" database). |
cdbCancelSearch | Cancels the current search criterion (standard database found on the Mobile Device or ".CDB" database). |
cdbClose | Closes a database (".CDB" file) that was opened by cdbOpen. |
cdbCol | Returns a characteristic of a column found in the current record (value, type, identifier or name) in a standard database of the Mobile Device or in a ".CDB" database. |
cdbDateTimeToInteger | Transforms a DateTime variable into a value compatible with a Date and Time column (unsigned 8-byte integer). |
cdbDelete | Deletes the current record or the specified record from the data file. |
cdbFound | Checks whether the current record corresponds to the current search. |
cdbIntegerToDateTime | Transforms the value of a Date and Time column (unsigned 8-byte integer) into a DateTime variable]. |
cdbListFile | Returns the list of data files found in a CEDB database. |
cdbModify | Modifies the specified record or the record found in memory in the data file. |
cdbNbCol | Returns the number of columns found in the record in memory. |
cdbNbRec | Returns the number of records found in a data file. |
cdbOpen | Opens a database (".CDB" file) on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
cdbOut | Used to find out whether the record on which we want to be positioned is outside the file. |
cdbRead | Reads a record in a file according to a given record number. |
cdbReadFirst | Positions on the first file record and reads this record. |
cdbReadLast | Positions on the last file record and reads this record. |
cdbReadNext | Positions on the next file record and reads this record. |
cdbReadPrevious | Positions on the previous file record and reads this record. |
cdbReadSeek | Positions on the first record of a data file whose value for a specific column is equal to a sought value (exact-match search). |
cdbRecNum | Returns the number of the current record found in a data file. |
cdbReset | Re-initializes all the variables for one of the structures of the standard databases found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) |
cdbWriteCol | Modifies the value of a column for a record in memory. |
CDEject | Opens or closes the door of the CD/DVD player selected on the current computer. |
CDList | Returns the list of CD/DVD players installed on the current computer. |
ceConnect | Connects the current computer to a Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
ceConnectionStatus | Used to find out the status of the connection between the current computer and a Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
ceCopyFile |
Copies one or more files:
ceCreateShortcut | Creates a shortcut on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceDeleteFile | Deletes a file from the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceDeleteShortcut | Deletes a shortcut that was created by ceCreateShortcut. |
ceDir | Finds a file or a directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceDisconnect | Closes the connection between the current computer and the Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
ceFileDate | Returns or modifies the different dates associated with a file (creation, modification or access). |
ceFileExist | Checks the existence of a file found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceFileSize | Returns the size (in bytes) of a file found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceFileTime | Returns or modifies the different times associated with a file (creation, modification or access). This file is found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) |
ceListFile | Lists the files found in a directory (and in its sub-directories) and returns the number of listed files. The directory used is found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
CellCloseDialog | Hides a cell displayed in the page via CellDisplayDialog. |
CellDisplayDialog | Displays a cell in a page with a DDW effect (Dim Disabled Windows). This function is used to easily simulate a dialog box in browser code, by using a cell in a page. |
ceMachineName | Returns the name of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
ceMakeDir | Creates a directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceOEMInfo | Returns the OEM information of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
cePlatform | Returns the name of the platform for the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
cePowerStatus | Used to get information about the main or secondary battery of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
ceProcessorType | Returns the type of processor on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistryCreateKey | Creates a key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistryDeleteKey | Deletes a sub-key from the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistryDeleteValue | Deletes a value from the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistryExist | Checks the existence of a key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistryFirstSubKey | Identifies the key found after the specified key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistryListValue | Returns the name (and possibly the type) of the values for a registry key of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistryNextKey | Identifies the key found after the specified key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistryQueryValue | Reads the value of a register in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistrySetValue | Writes a value into a register of the registry on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRegistrySubKey | Identifies the path of the Nth sub-key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceRemoveDir | Deletes a directory from the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
CertificateCheckDuplicate | Checks the signature of a duplicate. |
CertificateCheckFileSignatureBuffer | Checks the correspondence between a signature and a file. The signature was stored as a Buffer variable |
CertificateCheckFileSignatureFile | Checks the correspondence between a signature and a file. The signature was kept as an external file |
CertificateCheckString | Checks the correspondence between a signature and a string. |
CertificateClientInfo | Returns information about the certificate used by the client computer. |
CertificateExtract | Extracts a certificate from a signature buffer or from a print duplicate. |
CertificateList | Returns the list of certificates available on the computer. |
CertificateLoad | Loads a certificate from a file or from a buffer. |
CertificateOpenProperties | Opens the Windows window used to find out the properties of a certificate. |
CertificateSelect | Opens a window for selecting the certificates. The listed certificates are the certificates installed in the personal store. |
CertificateSignExecutable | Signs an executable file with a certificate. |
CertificateSignFile | Creates the signature of a file. This signature can be stored in a Buffer variable or in a text file. |
CertificateSignString | Creates the signature of a character string. |
ceRunExe | Starts the execution of a program (an executable for example) from the current application. The program is run on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
ceSysDir | Returns the path of a system directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceWindowsVersion | Returns information about the Windows version used on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceWinEnum | Used to enumerate the Windows windows currently opened on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
ceWinTitle | Returns the title of the specified Windows window. |
ceXRes | Returns the horizontal resolution of the screen on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ceYRes | Returns the vertical resolution of the screen on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer. |
ChangeAction | Used to specify the action to perform when the HTML page displayed in the browser is no longer synchronized with the page context on the server. |
ChangeCharset |
Retrieves and/or changes the character set used:
ChangeKeyboard | Finds out and/or modifies the language associated with the keyboard. |
ChangeSeparator | Changes the value of the separators (decimal separator or thousand separator) used in the numeric masks for internationalization. |
ChangeSkinTemplate |
Dynamically changes the skin template
ChangeSourceWindow | |
ChangeStyle | Modifies the style of a control dynamically. |
ChangeTarget | Changes the target frame of the current page after the execution of a button click. |
Charact | Returns the character corresponding to the specified ASCII code. |
CharactType | Returns information about the type of a character. |
CharactTypeOccurrence | Returns the number of characters matching the information of a given type |
CharactUnicode | Returns the character corresponding to the specified Unicode code |
CheckBoxAdd | Adds a new option into a Check Box control. |
CheckBoxCount | Returns the number of options found in a Check Box control. |
CheckBoxDelete | Deletes an option from a Check Box control. |
CheckBoxInsert | Inserts a new option into a Check Box control. |
CheckUserIdentity | Used to check the real identity of the current user via biometrics check. |
ChronoEnd | Stops a stopwatch and returns the time passed (in milliseconds) since the start of timing (call to ChronoStart). |
ChronoPause | Pauses a stopwatch in order to measure the time spent on a process. |
ChronoReset | Stops and resets an existing stopwatch to zero. |
ChronoResume | Restarts a stopwatch that was stopped by ChronoEnd or ChronoPause. |
ChronoStart | Starts a stopwatch to find out the duration of a process (in milliseconds) and resets an existing stopwatch. |
ChronoValue | Indicates the time passed (in milliseconds) since the call to ChronoStart |
Clipboard | Retrieves the text or the image found in the system clipboard. |
ClipboardFormat | Identifies the format of information found in the clipboard. |
ClipboardHeight | Calculates the height of an image (in bitmap format) found in the clipboard. |
ClipboardRTF | Retrieves an RTF string from the clipboard (the content of the clipboard is in RTF format). |
ClipboardUnicode | Returns the text found in the clipboard in Unicode format. |
ClipboardWidth | Calculates the width of an image (in bitmap format) found in the clipboard. |
Close | Closes a WINDEV window (and returns a value if necessary). |
CloseSession | Closes a session with Lotus Notes or Outlook. |
ColorHue | Calculates the hue of a color. |
ColorLightness | Calculates the lightness of a color. |
ColorPalette | Returns a color found in the current palette. |
ColorSaturation | Calculates the saturation of a color. |
CombinationCheckName | Checks whether a combination of one of more options known by their names is valid. |
CombinationFromName | Returns a combination of one or more options known by their names |
CombinationFromValue | Returns a combination of one or more options known by their associated values. |
ComboClose | Forces the closing of the scroll list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column combo box). |
ComboOpen | Expands the list of a Combo box control (single-column or multi-column combo box). |
COMCallMethod | Runs a method of an interface of a COM object instantiated by COMCreateInstance. |
COMCreateInstance | Instantiates a COM object (Component Object Model). |
CommandLine | Identifies and retrieves the different elements of the command line passed in parameter to the current program. |
CommonLength | Returns the number of characters common to two characters strings (from the beginning or from the end). |
Compile | Dynamically compiles a procedure whose source code is supplied. |
Complete | Returns a character string of a given size. |
CompleteDir | Adds (if necessary) the "\" character at the end of a character string. |
ComponentInfo | Returns information about a component. |
ComponentList | Returns the list of external components (".WDK" files) used by the current WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile application or by the current WEBDEV site. |
ComponentLoad | Loads the specified component in memory. |
ComponentLoadAll | Recursively loads in memory all the external components used in the project. |
ComponentLocate | Specifies the access path to an external component of the project. |
Compress | Compresses a string or a memory block (buffer) in binary format. |
COMQueryInterface | Calls the QueryInterface method of the specified COM object to get a specific interface of this object so that it can be used with COMCallMethod |
ConfigureAAF | Used to specify the behavior of some Automatic Application Features (AAF). |
ConfigureAWPContext | Configures the operating mode of AWP context. |
ConfigureSpellCheck | Configures the spelling checker of OpenOffice for the edit controls and for the table columns found in the application. |
Confirm | Displays a message in a standard dialog box that proposes "Yes", "No", "Cancel" and returns the user's choice. |
ConnectionCount | Returns the number of instances of the WEBDEV site currently run on the server. |
ContactAdd |
Adds a contact
ContactCreate | Displays the window for contact creation of the native application for contact management found on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows). |
ContactDelete |
Deletes the current contact
ContactDisplay | Opens the form of a contact in the native application for contact management of the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows). |
ContactEdit | Opens the form of a current contact in edit mode in the native application for contact management found on the device (Android, iPhone, iPad, Universal Windows). |
ContactFirst |
Reads the first contact found in
ContactLast |
Reads the last contact found in
ContactList | Lists the device contacts corresponding to the specified criteria |
ContactListSource | Lists the sources (or accounts) of the contacts saved on the device. |
ContactModify |
Modifies the current contact in
ContactNext |
Reads the contact found after the current contact in
ContactPrevious |
Reads the contact found before the current contact in
ContactRead |
Reads a contact found in
ContactReset |
ContactSearch |
Finds a contact
ContactSelect | Displays the list of contacts found on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows). |
Contains | Used to find out whether a sub-string is included in a string. |
ContextClose | Closes a page context. |
ContextExist | Used to find out whether a page context exists on the server (which means whether the page was opened). |
ContextOpen | Opens a new page context without returning the information to the browser. |
ControlAlias | Identifies, modifies or restores the file link of a control or group of controls. |
ControlClone | Creates a new control from an existing control. |
ControlCreate | Creates a new control (of any type) in a window by programming. |
ControlCurrent | Returns the name of the control currently in edit. |
ControlDelete | Permanently deletes a control from a window, a page or a report. |
ControlEnabled | Ungrays a control or a group of controls found in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls. |
ControlError | Customizes the value displayed in the controls when the value cannot be displayed. |
ControlExecuteModification | Considers that the control was modified by the user (..Modified is set to True for the control and for the window if necessary) and runs the "Whenever modified" process associated with the control. |
ControlExist | Checks the existence of a control (or group of controls) in a window, in a page or in a report. |
ControlFindHighlight | Highlights, in a window or in a control, all the captions and texts corresponding to a given text. |
ControlFindTextFirst | Finds and selects the first element corresponding to the sought text in a window or control. |
ControlFindTextNext | Finds and selects the next element corresponding to the sought text in a window or in a control. |
ControlFindTextPrevious | Finds and selects the previous element corresponding to the sought text in a window or in a control. |
ControlFirst | Indicates the name of the first control specified in the navigation order for a specific window. |
ControlGrayed | Grays a control or a group of controls. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls. |
ControlInfoXY | Returns the name of the control located at a given position. |
ControlInOutReason | Indicates the origin of the entry in the control. |
ControlInvisible | Makes a control (or a group of controls) invisible in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls. |
ControlNext | Identifies the next control in edit. |
ControlNoSpace | Specifies whether the space characters on the right of the value found in the control are deleted. |
ControlOver | Identifies the control hovered by the mouse cursor. |
ControlPane | Returns the name of the static or dynamic pane found in a Tab control associated with a control. |
ControlPopupOwner | Identifies the control on which the popup menu was opened. |
ControlPrevious | Specifies the name of the control that was in edit before the current control. |
ControlTab | Returns the name of the Tab control that contains the specified control. |
ControlToSource | Assigns the control value to the source of a control link. |
ControlTypeInfo | Returns the icon corresponding to the specified type of control |
ControlVisible | Makes a control (or a group of controls) visible in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls. |
Conversion | Converts a value from a unit to another one. |
Convert | Converts a numeric value into a binary string in order to perform a search on a numeric key. |
CookieRead | Retrieves the value of a cookie saved on the computer of the Web user. |
CookieWrite | Writes a cookie onto the computer of the Web user. |
CoordinateEditorToScreen | Converts a size or a position specified in the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi) to the native dpi of the screen on the device where the application is run. |
CoordinateScreenToEditor | Converts a size or a position specified in the native dpi of the screen on the device where the application is run to the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi). |
Cos | Calculates the cosine of an angle. |
CoTan | Calculates the cotangent of an angle. |
Count | Returns the number of occurrences of a control in a window, in a page or in a group of controls. |
CreateShortcut | Creates a shortcut on the Windows desktop, in the "Start" menu of Windows or in a specific directory |
CriticalSectionEnd | Marks the end of a critical section: the code will be run by another thread. |
CriticalSectionStart | Marks the start of a critical section: no other thread will be able to run the code as long as the current thread does not exit from the critical section. |
Crypt | Encrypts a character string in binary format or in ASCII format. |
CryptStandard | Encrypts a character string or a binary buffer by using a symmetrical encryption algorithm (AES, DES, etc.) |
CSVToArray | Fills a one- or two-dimensional array of the specified type with the character string in CSV format passed in parameter. |
CurrentColumn |
CurrentMonth | Returns the current month. |
CurrentPage | Returns the name of the page containing the WLanguage code currently run. |
CurrentSubscript |
Depending on the specified control, returns:
CurrentTitle | Modifies the title of the current window (returned by CurrentWin) and the title bar. |
CurrentWin | Identifies the window currently in edit. |
CurrentYear | Returns the current year in integer format |
CursorCapture | Directs all the events associated with the mouse toward a specific window or control, regardless of the screen object where the mouse event occurs. |
CursorDisplay | Displays or hides the mouse cursor. |
CursorPos | Returns and modifies the position of the mouse cursor. |
dAlphaBlend | Blends an image inside another image. This allows you to create fade-in effects between 2 images. This function handles the Image controls and the Image variables |
dArc |
Draws an arc of circle or an arc of ellipse
DashAddWidget | Adds and displays a Widget (internal window) in a Dashboard control. |
DashCount | Returns the number of Widgets found in a Dashboard control. |
DashDelete | Deletes a Widget displayed in a Dashboard control. The Dashboard control is updated and a free location replaces the deleted Widget. |
DashDeleteAll | Deletes all the Widgets displayed in a Dashboard control. |
DashDisplay | Refreshes the display of the elements in a Dashboard control. |
DashGetWidgetPosition | Returns the position of a Widget found in a Dashboard control. |
DashInfoXY |
Used to find out:
DashInitialConfiguration | Modifies the configuration of a Dashboard control (defined in the editor) before its first display. |
DashLoadConfiguration | Restores the configuration of a Dashboard control. |
DashMode | Opens or closes the "Edit" mode of a Dashboard control. |
DashMoveWidget | Changes the position of a widget found in a Dashboard control. |
DashResizeWidget | Changes the dimensions of a widget found in a Dashboard control. |
DashSaveConfiguration | Saves the configuration of a Dashboard control in string format. |
DataType | Identifies the type of a WLanguage variable. |
DateDifference | Calculates the number of days between two dates. |
DatePicker | Displays the system date picker. |
DateSys | Returns or modifies the system date (date of the day defined on the current computer). |
DateTimeByDefault | Used to define the default value of Date, Time and DateTime variables. |
DateTimeDifference | Calculates the difference between two dates and times. |
DateTimeLocalToTimeZone | Converts a local date and time into the date and time of a time zone. |
DateTimeLocalToUTC | Converts a date and a time expressed in local time (time zone, summer time, winter time) into a date and time expressed in universal time (UTC). |
DateTimeTimeZoneToLocal | Converts a date and a time expressed in a time zone into local date and time. |
DateTimeToReal | Converts a date and time into an 8-byte real. |
DateTimeUTCToLocal | Converts a date and a time expressed in universal time (UTC) into a date and time expressed in local time (time zone, summer time, winter time). |
DateTimeValid | Checks the validity of a date/time included between January 01 0001 at 0 hour 0 minute 0 second 0 hundredth of a second and December 31 9999 at 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 99 hundredths of a second. |
DateToDay | Returns the day corresponding to a given date. |
DateToDayInAlpha | Returns the spelled-out day of the week corresponding to the specified date. |
DateToInteger | Transforms a date into an integer. |
DateToMonthInAlpha | Spells out the month corresponding to the specified date. |
DateToString |
DateToWeekNumber | Returns the number of the week corresponding to the specified date. |
DateValid | Checks the validity of a date found between January 01 0001 and December 31 9999. |
DayNumberInAlpha | Returns the name of the day of the week according to its number. |
dBackground |
Declares the default background color for the rectangles, the circles, ... used
dbgAssert | Used to find out and signal the possible errors via an assertive programming. |
dbgAuditOption | Retrieves or modifies the options of the dynamic audit. |
dbgAuditStatus | Retrieves and modifies the status of dynamic audit. |
dbgCheckDifferent | Checks whether the specified expressions are different in assertive programming and in automatic test mode. |
dbgCheckEqual | Checks whether the expressions are equal in assertive programming and in automatic test mode. |
dbgCheckFalse | Checks whether an expression is false in assertive programming and in automatic test mode. |
dbgCheckNotNull | Checks whether an expression is not Null in assertive programming and in automatic test mode. |
dbgCheckNull | Checks whether an expression is Null in assertive programming and in automatic test mode. |
dbgCheckTrue | Checks whether an expression is set to True in assertive programming and in automatic test mode. |
dbgEnableAssert | Enables or disables the assertive programming. |
dbgEnableAudit | Enables the dynamic audit by programming. |
dbgEnableLog | Enables the runtime log by programming. |
dbgEndMemoryDiff | Saves a memory dump containing the memory resources that have been allocated and that have not been freed since the previous call to dbgStartMemoryDiff. |
dbgEndRecording | Stops recording the scenario. |
dbgError |
dbgInfo | Returns a debug information. |
dbgLogOption | Retrieves or modifies the options of the runtime log. |
dbgLogStatus | Returns and modifies the status of runtime log. |
dbgOnError | Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called whenever an error is detected by a function from the dbgCheckXXX family. |
dbgSaveDebugDump | Saves a debugging dump of the application. |
dbgSaveMemoryDump | Saves a dump of the memory used by the application. |
dbgStandardOutput | Writes an information into the standard output stream "stdout" (also called "console") |
dbgStartMemoryDiff | Starts a difference operation of the memory used by the application. |
dbgStartRecording | Starts recording a test scenario (also called reproduction scenario). |
dbgWriteCommentAudit | Writes a comment into the current dynamic audit |
dbgWriteWarningAudit | Writes a custom runtime warning into the dynamic audit. |
dBorder | Draws a border. |
dChangeMode | Changes the drawing mode used by the drawing functions (dLine, dRectangle, ....). |
dChord |
Draws the chord of a circle (intersection between an ellipse and a straight line)
dCircle |
Draws a circle or an ellipse
dCopy | Copies an image into another image. |
dCopyBlt |
Copies an image
dCopyScreenImage | Copies the content of the screen into an Image variable or into an Image control. |
dCopyWindowImage | Copies the image of a WINDEV window into an Image variable or into an Image control. |
dCrop | Returns the cropped part of an image. This image is found in an Image variable |
DDEConnect | Establishes a DDE connection between the current program and the recipient according to a given topic. |
DDEDisconnect | Deletes a connection between the current program and a recipient. |
DDEError | Returns the runtime status report of a DDE function. |
DDEEvent | Associates a WLanguage procedure with a DDE event: when the DDE event occurs, the associated WLanguage procedure is automatically run. |
DDEExecute | Sends a command that will be run on the server. |
DDEItem | Identifies the item affected by a DDE event. |
DDELink | Creates a hot link with a data. |
DDERecipient | Identifies the recipient of a DDE connection. |
DDERetrieve | Retrieves a data sent by a program (the recipient of the connection for the specified object). |
DDESend | Sends a data to the program connected via DDE. |
DDEStart | Starts the execution of a program (an executable for example) from the current application. |
DDEString | Returns the information retrieved by DDERetrieve. |
DDETopic | Identifies the subject of the conversation associated with a DDE connection. |
DDEUnLink | Interrupts a link between an item and a data. |
DDEUpdate | Modifies a linked data. |
DDEWarmLink | Creates a warm link with a data. |
dDisplay | Displays the drawing in the Image control |
DecimalPart | Returns the decimal part of a number. |
DecimalToSexagesimal | Returns the sexagesimal angle (in base 60) corresponding to a decimal angle. |
DeclareAWPContext | Used to declare a list of variables whose value will be persistent between the successive displays of AWP pages. |
DeclareWebserviceContext | Used to declare a list of variables whose value will be persistent between the successive calls to a webservice. |
Decode | Decodes a character string that was encoded by Encode. |
DelayBeforeClosing |
Limits the display duration of a window or dialog box.
If no user action is performed, when the specified amount of time is reached
Delete |
Deletes an element at a given position
DeleteAll |
Deletes all the elements
DeleteColumn | Deletes a column at a given position from the advanced array property (array of events of gglCalendar, …). |
DeleteLine |
Deletes a row at a given position
DeleteParameter | Deletes a parameter (or a set of parameters) saved either by SaveParameter, or automatically via the persistence of data in the controls. |
DeleteShortcut | Deletes a shortcut previously created by CreateShortcut from the Windows desktop, from the "Start" menu of Windows or from a specific directory. |
DeleteVoiceCommand | Deletes a voice command that was added by AddVoiceCommand. From version 17, this function is replaced by SpeechRecognitionDeleteCommand. |
dEncrustColor | Encrusts a color in an image found in an Image variable]. |
dEndDrawing | Frees the image from memory. |
Dequeue | Dequeues an element from a queue. |
Deserialize | Deserializes a buffer or a character string containing the data of a class, structure, array (including an associative array), queue, stack, list or advanced variable as well as their sub-elements. |
dFill |
Colors an area
dFont |
Declares the font that will be used by dText
dHalo | Adds a halo effect on an image found in an Image variable]. |
dHorizontalSymmetry |
Performs an horizontal symmetry of an image found
Dialog | Displays a message box and returns the value of the button clicked by the user. |
DictionaryLoad | Indicates and loads the dictionary corresponding to a given language. |
diffApply | Applies a difference buffer to a specific buffer. |
diffCreate | Compares two buffers and creates a buffer containing the differences between these two buffers. |
dImageToArray | Copies the RGB pixels of the image into a one-dimensional or two-dimensional array. The array of colors is cleared then it is filled with the integers representing the colors (24 bits) of the image |
Dimension | Returns the size of a variable (string, numeric, array, ...) or resizes a dynamic array. |
dInvertColor |
Reverses the colors
DisableAAF | Disables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, on a window or on the current application. |
dLine |
Draws a line
dLoadImage | Loads an image in an Image variable from a memo, a file or a binary buffer. |
dModifyHSL |
Modifies the hue, the saturation and the lightness of an image found
dModifyHue |
Modifies the hue of an image found
dModifyLightness |
Changes the lightness of an image found
dModifyOpacity | Modifies the opacity of an image (which means the alpha layer of the image) |
dModifySaturation |
Modifies the saturation of an image found
DnDAccept | Indicates the action accepted by the target of Drag/Drop and manages the mouse cursor during Drag/Drop. |
DnDCacheDashElement | Adds a Widget into a Dashboard control during Drag and Drop. |
DnDCacheData | Indicates the type of data and the data to copy/move during Drag/Drop. |
DnDCursor | Manages the mouse cursor and specifies the action allowed during Drag and Drop. |
DnDEvent | Indicates the procedure to run during an event of Drag/Drop. |
DnDForce | DnDForce is kept for backward compatibility. |
DnDGetData | Retrieves a specific type of data during Drag/Drop. |
DnDIsDataAvailable | Checks whether a specific type of data is available during Drag/Drop. |
DNSAddAddress | Adds an IP/Name relation into the DNS server. |
DNSDeleteAddress | Deletes a Name/IP Address relation from a DNS server. |
DNSListAddress | Lists the IP addresses associated with a name in the DNS server. |
DocAdd |
Adds at the end of a Word Processing document:
DocClose | Closes a docx file and frees the document. |
DocEndModification | Signals the end of grouping for a set of operations in a single event (management of "undo/redo"). |
DocExitEdit | Exits from the current edit. The entry in edit was performed by DocGoIntoEdit. |
DocGoIntoEdit | Enters in edit in the Word Processing control in a specific document section: body, header or footer. |
DocInsert |
Inserts an object into a Word Processing document or replacs the content of current fragment. The objects that can be used are
DocInsertTable | Inserts a table into a Word Processing document. |
DocOpen | Opens a Word Processing file (docx format) in Read/Write mode. The docx file is opened and locked until it is closed. |
DocPosition | Triggers the scroll of the Word Processing control in order for the requested text to be entirely displayed. |
DocPrint | Prints a document in "docx" format. |
DocRedo | Restores the last action canceled on a Word Processing document. |
DocRedoOccurrence | Returns the number of canceled actions that can be redone on a Word Processing document. |
DocReplace | Finds and replaces all the occurrences of a character string by another string in a Word Processing document. |
DocSave | Saves a document in "docx" format. |
DocSeek | Seeks a character string in a Word Processing document. |
DocSelect | Selects a fragment in a Word Processing control. |
DocStartModification | Signals the start of grouping for a set of operations in a single event (management of "undo/redo"). |
DocToHTML | Converts a Word Processing document into an HTML file. |
DocToImage | Exports a page found in a Word Processing document in image format. |
DocToPDF | Converts a Word Processing document into a PDF file. |
DocToText |
Creates a character string from the data
DocUndo | Cancels the last action performed on a Word Processing document. |
DocUndoOccurrence | Returns the number of actions that can be canceled on a document. |
DocUndoRedoDeleteAll | Deletes the entire history of Undo/Redo mechanism for a Word Processing document. |
DomoClose | Closes the communication opened by DomoOpen. |
DomoOpen | Used to establish a connection with a X10 interface. |
DomoSend | Sends a command to one or more electrical devices compatible with the X10 protocol. |
DomoStatus | Used to find out whether an electrical device (compatible with the X10 protocol) is switched on or off. |
DomoSwitchOff | Switches off one or more electrical devices compatible with the X10 protocol. |
DomoSwitchOn | Switches on one or more electrical devices compatible with the X10 protocol. |
DotNetAddHeader | Adds a header to the next procedure that will be run on the server. |
DotNetDelegate | Initializes a.NET delegate. |
DotNetError | Returns the error for the last .Net procedure that failed. |
DotNetGetResult | Returns the result of the last .Net procedure that was successfully run. |
DotNetRun | Runs a procedure on a .Net server. |
DotNetRunXML | Runs a procedure on a server for .Net XML Web services. |
DotNetVersion | Returns the version number of the .Net Framework available on the current computer. |
dPen |
Declares the default color and style for the lines, the rectangles, the circles, ... found
dPixelColor |
Identifies the color of a pixel found
dPixelOpacity |
Identifies the opacity of a pixel in an image that supports the Alpha layer. This image can be
dPoint |
Draws a point
dPolygon |
Draws a polygon
DrawingAvailable | Indicates whether the drawing features are supported by the browser |
DrawingStyle |
Allows you to find out and modify:
dRectangle |
Draws a rectangle
dRectangleGradient |
Draws a rectangle
dResize |
Resizes an image found
dRotation |
Performs a rotation
dRoundedRectangle |
Draws a rounded rectangle:
dSaveImage | dSaveImage is kept for backward compatibility. |
dSaveImageBMP |
Saves an image:
dSaveImageGIF |
Saves an image:
dSaveImageICO | Saves an image in icon format either in a file, or in memory. |
dSaveImageJPEG |
Saves an image:
dSaveImagePNG |
Saves an image:
dSaveImageTIFF | Saves an image in TIFF format into a file or memory. |
dShadow | Adds a shadow effect on an image found in an Image variable]. |
dSlice |
Draws a circle section or an ellipse section
dStartDrawing |
Indicates that the drawing functions that will be used are intended for
dText |
Draws a text
dTextRTF |
Draws an RTF text:
dTransferToImage | Creates an image from a buffer of pixels encoded in a specific format This function is an advanced function. This function is mainly used to handle the images returned by external APIs via Image variables |
DurationToString | Formats the specified duration into the specified format. |
dVerticalSymmetry |
Performs a vertical symmetry of an image found
DynamicServingConfigure | Indicates the environment that will be used by the "Dynamic Serving" to choose the set of pages to display. |
DynamicSiteDisplay | Starts a dynamic WEBDEV site from a static page or or from a dynamic WEBDEV page. |
Easter | Returns the date of Easter for the specified year according to the western Christian calendar. |
eChangeCurrency | Converts a currency into another currency. |
eCurrencyName | Returns the caption of a currency. |
eDefaultMemCurrency | Identifies or modifies the stored currency used by default. |
eDefaultViewCurrency | Identifies or modifies the display currency used by default. |
eExchangeRate | Returns the value of the exchange rate for a currency. |
eInitCurrency | Adds or modifies the characteristics of a currency in the exchange table of currencies. |
EmailAddFolder | Adds a folder into the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol (Internet Message Access Protocol), ...). |
EmailBuildSource | Generates the source code of the outgoing email from the variables currently found in the email structure or in an Email variable]. |
EmailChangeFolder | Modifies the current folder in the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol, ...). |
EmailChangeStatus | Changes the status of an email on a messaging server. |
EmailCheckAddress | Checks the validity of an email address. |
EmailCloseSession | Closes a session for email management according to the selected mode (SMTP/POP3, IMAP, MS Exchange, Pocket Outlook or Lotus Notes) |
EmailConfigure | Used to configure the WLangage functions for email management. |
EmailCopy | Copies an email found in a directory to another directory of an IMAP server. |
EmailCurrentFolder | Returns the name of the current folder in the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol (Internet Message Access Protocol), ...). |
EmailDeleteMessage | Used to delete the current email according to the current protocol (POP3, IMAP, MS Exchange, Pocket Outlook, Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging) |
EmailExpunge | Destroys all the deleted emails marked as deleted ("Deleted" status) from the current folder of an IMAP session. |
EmailGetAll | Retrieves all the emails found on a server. |
EmailGetIndicator | Retrieves the indicators defined on an email of an IMAP session. |
EmailGetTimeOut | Reads the value of the "time-out" for connecting to the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP messaging servers |
EmailImportHTML | Imports, into the Email structure or into an Email variable, the content of an HTML file in order to send it by email. |
EmailImportSource | Fills an Email variable from the content of its ..Source property or the different variables of the email structure from the content of the Email.Source variable. |
EmailListFolder |
Returns the list of folders
EmailLoadAttachment | Adds an attached file to an email. |
EmailMessageLength | Calculates the size of the specified message (without loading the message). |
EmailMsgError | Returns the message corresponding to the error identifier |
EmailNbMessage |
Returns the number of incoming messages currently found:
EmailOpenMail |
Opens the default messaging software
EmailProgressBar | Manages a progress bar while sending and receiving emails. |
EmailReadFirst | Reads the first incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook) |
EmailReadFirstHeader | Reads the header of the first incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook). |
EmailReadLast | Reads the last incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook) |
EmailReadLastHeader | Reads the header of the last incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook) |
EmailReadMessage | Reads an incoming according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook) |
EmailReadMessageHeader | Reads the header of an incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook) |
EmailReadNext | Reads the incoming email found after the current email according to the protocol (POP3 or IMAP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook) |
EmailReadNextHeader | Reads the header of the email found after the current email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook). |
EmailReadPrevious | Reads the email found before the current email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook) |
EmailReadPreviousHeader | Reads the header of the email found before the current email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook). |
EmailRemoveFolder | Deletes a folder from the Outlook messaging software or from an IMAP server. |
EmailReset | Re-initializes all the variables of the email structure or all the variables of an Email variable |
EmailRunApp |
Starts the native application for sending emails found on the current computer
EmailSaveAttachment | Copies the attachment of the current email to the user computer (locally). |
EmailSeekFirst | Finds one or more emails according to the criteria specified in the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol, ...). |
EmailSeekFirstNotes | Seeks one or more emails according to specified criteria, in a local or remote Lotus Notes or Domino database. |
EmailSend | Sends an email via the SMTP protocol while controlling the "buffer" of the email. |
EmailSendMessage | Sends an email according to the protocol used (SMTP, MS Exchange, Pocket Outlook, Lotus Notes, Outlook) |
EmailSetTimeOut | Changes the value of the "time-out" for connecting to the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP messaging servers. |
EmailStartIMAPSession | Starts a session for receiving and reading emails with the IMAP protocol. |
EmailStartNotesSession | Used to access the data handled by the Lotus Notes messaging (emails, contacts, groups of contacts, tasks, appointments). |
EmailStartOutlookSession | Used to access the data handled by the Outlook messaging software (emails, contacts, groups of contacts, tasks, appointments and folders). |
EmailStartPOP3Session | Starts a session for receiving and reading emails with the POP3 protocol. |
EmailStartSession | Starts a session for email management according to the selected management mode (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, MS Exchange or Pocket Outlook) |
EmailStartSMTPSession | Starts a session for sending emails with the SMTP protocol. |
EmailStatus | Returns the status of an email sent via an SMTP session started in asynchronous mode |
EmailUpdate | Updates the messages of MS Exchange according to the email server. |
EmulateActionBar | Emulates an Action Bar during the automatic tests run on a mobile device (Android or iOS). |
EmulateCheckBox | Emulates the selection of an option in a Check Box control. |
EmulateConfirm | Emulates the next call to Confirm and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter. |
EmulateDialog | Emulates the next call to Dialog and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter. |
EmulateError | Emulates the next call to Error and automatically clicks the "OK" button. |
EmulateInfo | Emulates the next call to Info and automatically clicks the "OK" button. |
EmulateInput | Performs an input by emulation in a control while checking whether this control is an editable control. |
EmulateMenu | Emulates the next menu that will be opened and automatically runs the menu option passed in parameter. |
EmulateMouse | Simulates a mouse event (left click, right click, double click, ...). |
EmulateOKCancel | Emulates the next call to OKCancel and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter. |
EmulatePane | Emulates the selection of a pane in a Tab, Ribbon or Sidebar control. |
EmulatePaneDock | Emulates the integration of an undocked pane in the associated dynamic Tab control. |
EmulatePaneUndock | Emulates the undocking of a pane in a dynamic Tab control. |
EmulateRadioButton | Emulates the selection of an option in a Radio Button control. |
EmulateSimulator | Emulates the window of the mobile (Android/iOS) simulator. |
EmulateSpeed | Defines the runtime speed for the emulating functions. |
EmulateWarning | Emulates the next call to Warning and automatically clicks the "OK" button. |
EmulateWindow | Indicates the test that will be run during the next window opening. |
EmulateYesNo | Emulates the next call to YesNo and automatically clicks the button specified in parameter. |
Encode | Encodes a character string or a buffer. To decode the result, all you have to do is use Decode. |
End | |
EndAutomatedProcedure | Stops the current or forthcoming execution of an automatic procedure (defined by the properties of the procedure in the code editor). |
EndEvent | Cancels the interception of a Windows event on a WINDEV control or window (implemented by Event). |
EndProgram | Ends the execution of the current program. |
EndService | Ends the execution of the current service. |
EndTimer | Ends the execution of a timer triggered by Timer. |
EndTimerSys | Ends the execution of a timer triggered by TimerSys. |
Enqueue | Enqueues an element into a queue. |
EnumControl | Returns the name of the Nth control found in the specified element. |
EnumElement | Used to enumerate the project elements: windows, pages, reports, queries, ... |
EnumerationCheckName | Checks whether an enumeration value known by its name is valid. |
EnumerationCheckValue | Checks whether an enumeration value known by its associated value is valid. |
EnumerationFromName | Returns an enumeration value known by its name. |
EnumerationFromValue | Returns an enumeration value known by its associated value. |
EnumMenu |
EnumSubElement | Used to enumerate the sub-elements of a project element. |
eRoundDifference |
Returns the rounding difference between:
Error | Displays a custom error message in a system error window. |
ErrorBuild | Displays a custom error message in a system error window. |
ErrorChangeParameter | Configures the automatic behavior that will be implemented if an error occurs in the current process. |
ErrorInfo | Retrieves information about the last error that occurred in a function of a WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV component. |
ErrorOccurred | ErrorOccurred is a preset variable of WLanguage indicating the result of the last WLanguage function used. |
ErrorPropagate | Propagates a non-fatal error that can be processed by the calling code if the management of non-fatal errors was enabled for this code (in the code editor or by ErrorChangeParameter). |
ErrorRestoreParameter | Restores the error process of a process. |
ErrorThrow | Triggers a non-fatal error. |
ErrorWithTimeout | Displays a custom error message in a system error window for a set amount of time. |
eToCurrency | Converts a value expressed in Euro into another currency. |
eToEuro | Converts a value expressed in a specific currency into Euro. |
EvaluateExpression | Evaluates the value of an expression built in a character string |
Event | Intercepts a Windows event on a control, a group of controls or a WINDEV window. |
EventChange | Modifies the status of a signal. |
EventClose | Closes a synchronization signal between several threads. |
EventCreate | Creates a signal. |
EventDestroy | Explicitly destroys a signal. |
EventOpen | Opens a synchronization signal between several threads. |
EventWait | Locks the current thread while waiting for the specified signal to be opened. |
ExceptionChangeParameter | Configures the automatic behavior that will be implemented if an exception occurs in the current process. |
ExceptionDisplay | Displays the standard window of exceptions with the content of the current exception |
ExceptionEnable | Re-enables the current exception process if the exception was corrected. |
ExceptionInfo | Retrieves information about the current exception. |
ExceptionPropagate | Propagates an exception. |
ExceptionRestoreParameter | Restores the exception process of a process. |
ExceptionThrow | Artificially triggers the security mechanism of WLanguage by throwing an exception. |
Execute | Starts the execution of a process by programming. |
ExecuteAAF | Runs an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or window. |
ExecuteAncestor | When the code is overloaded, used to run the process of the template corresponding to the process of the current control. |
ExecuteCode | Runs the WLanguage code found in a character string. |
ExecuteDelayedProcedure | Runs a delayed procedure (in the WEBDEV application server). |
ExecuteMainThread | Triggers the execution of the procedure specified in the main thread of the application. |
ExecutePresetAction | Runs a preset action of WINDEV. |
ExecuteProcess | Starts the execution of a process by programming (which means without any particular action performed by the user). |
ExecuteUpdateUI | Immediately runs the "Request for refreshing the display" process of window or internal window. |
ExecuteUpdateUIParent | Immediately runs the "Request for refreshing the display" process of parent. |
ExecutionMode |
Used to:
ExeGetPID | Returns information about the current process. |
ExeInfo | Retrieves the specified information about the version of an executable or DLL. |
ExeListDLL | Returns the list of libraries (".DLL" files) used by one of the applications currently run |
ExeListProcess | Returns the list of applications currently run. |
ExePriority | Returns or modifies the priority of an application currently run. |
ExeRemoteRun | Starts from the current application the execution of a remote program. |
ExeRun | Starts the execution of a program (an executable for example) from the current application. |
ExeRunning | Used to find out whether a 32-bit application is already run. |
ExeTerminate | Ends the execution of a 32-bit application on the current computer: all the instances of the executable are killed. |
Exp | Calculates the exponential of a numeric value (reverse of Napierian logarithm). |
ExplorerAccept | Enables or disables the ability to perform "Drag and Drop" from the Windows explorer to a WINDEV window or control. |
ExplorerRetrieve | Retrieves the number and the name of the files "dropped" from the explorer |
ExtractLine | Extracts a specific line from a character string. |
ExtractString |
Used to:
Factorial | Returns the factorial of an integer number. |
fAddBuffer | Adds the content of a buffer at the end of a file. |
fAddText | Adds the content of a character string at the end of a file. |
fAttribute | Returns or modifies the attributes of a file. |
fAttributeReadOnly | Specifies whether a text file is read-only and changes the read-only attribute of a file. |
FaxConnect | Establishes a connection to a fax server. |
FaxDelete | Deletes a fax from the spooler and cancels it. |
FaxDisconnect | Closes a connection to a fax server (established beforehand by FaxConnect). |
FaxInbox | Enumerates the pending faxes or the incoming faxes. |
FaxOutbox | Enumerates the pending faxes or the outgoing faxes. |
FaxPause | Pauses a fax in the spooler. |
FaxRestart | Restarts a fax in the spooler. |
FaxResume | Re-enables a fax paused in the spooler (pending fax). |
FaxSend | Sends a fax according to the connection that was established beforehand (FaxConnect). |
FaxStatus | Returns the status of a fax that was sent by FaxSend. |
FBGetUserInformation | Retrieves the Facebook information of the connected user. |
FBRequest | Performs a communication request (HTTP request) to the Facebook Graph API. |
FBSessionStatus | Checks the status of a Facebook session. |
FBStartSession | Used to authentificate and to connect to Facebook. |
FBStopSession | Stops the Facebook session that was started by FBStartSession. |
fBuildPath | Builds a complete file path from the directory and short name of a file. This function is mainly used to get a valid file name without having to worry about the presence of separators in the path ('/' or '\') or about their direction according to the platform |
fCacheDir | Returns the path of the directory that will be used to store the data in cache on the internal storage space of the application. |
fChangeSize | Resizes an external file. |
fClose | Closes an external file. |
fCompare | Compares the content of two files bit by bit. |
fCompress | Compresses a file. |
fCopyDir | Copies the content of a directory and possibly the content of its sub-directories. |
fCopyFile | Copies one or more files (regardless of their attributes). |
fCopyFileWebFolder | Copies an image file from the data directory of the application (or from one of its sub-directories) to the "_WEB" directory of the application (or to one of its sub-directories). |
fCreate | Creates an external file. |
fCreateLink | Creates a link on a file at the specified location. |
fCrypt | Encrypts a file in binary or ASCII format. |
fCurrentDir | Identifies or modifies the current directory. |
fCurrentDrive | Returns or modifies the current disk. |
fDataDir | Returns the full path of the directory of HFSQL data files specified by the user when installing the application. |
fDataDirCommon |
Returns a directory path for the shared data of the current application
fDataDirUser | Returns a directory path for the data of the current user of the current application. |
fDate | Returns or modifies the different dates associated with a file or directory (creation, modification or access). |
fDateTime | Returns or modifies the different dates and times associated with a file or a directory (creation, modification or access). |
fDelete | Deletes a file accessible from the current computer. |
fDeleteFileWebFolder | Deletes an image file from the "_WEB" directory of the application (or from one of its sub-directories). |
fDetectRemovableStorage | Detects whether a removable storage unit (CD, USB key, USB camera, ...) was added or removed. |
fDir | Finds a file or a directory. |
fDirAttrib | fDirAttrib is only kept for backward compatibility. |
fDirAttribute | Returns or modifies the attributes of a directory. |
fDirectoryExist | Checks the existence of a directory. |
fDirExist | Checks the existence of a directory. |
fDirSize | Returns the size of a directory in bytes. |
fDriveInfo | Returns information about a disk. |
fDriveReady |
Used to find out:
fExeDir | Returns the directory from which the execution is started. |
fExtractPath | Returns the different elements of a path: disk, directories, name and extension of the file. |
fExtractResource | Extracts a resource from the application into a physical location of the device. |
fFileExist | Checks the existence of an external file. |
fFind | Finds a character string or a buffer in a file opened by fOpen. |
fGlobalDirCommon | Returns a directory path for the global data of the current application (data shared among several applications), regardless of the current user. |
fGlobalDirUser | Returns a directory path for the global data of the current application (data shared between several applications), for the current user. |
fGraphicFilter | Returns the list of image formats supported by the current platform, in the format expected by the filter of fSelect. |
FileDisplay | Displays a file in the browser of the Web user. |
FileToArray | Fills an array of classes or structures with the content of a HFSQL data file or query. |
FileToMemory | Automatically initializes the values of the members found in a class or in a structure with the values of the items of the current file record. |
FileToMemoryList | Fills a memory list box or combo box with all the records found in a data file or in a query. |
FileToMemoryTable | Fills a "Memory table" control with all the records found in a data file, a HFSQL view or a query (query created in the query editor or by HExecuteSQLQuery). |
FileToPage |
Automatically initializes the controls of a page with:
FileToPalm | Sends the current record found in a HyperFileSQL data file in memo format to the Notepad database of Palm Pilot. |
FileToScreen |
Automatically initializes the controls found in a window or in a page with:
Filter | ..Filter is used to find out and modify the characteristics of a filter. |
fImageSelect | Opens the image picker of Windows. |
FinCurrentVal | Returns the current value of an investment. |
FinDecreasingRedemption | Calculates the amortization value of a good over a specific period of time, via the formula for fixed-rate decreasing amortization. |
FinError | Returns the number of the last error caused by a Finxxx function (financial functions). |
FinFutureVal | Returns the future value of an investment. |
FinInterestRate | Calculates the interest rate for a loan over a given period of time with fixed payments. |
FinLinearRedemption | Calculates the value of linear amortization of a good over a specific period of time. |
FinNetCurrentVal | Returns the net current value of an investment. |
FinPaymentNb | Returns the number of payments required to pay off a capital according to a given rate. |
FinPeriodInterest | Calculates for a given period the amount of interests due for a loan paid off by fixed periodic payments with a fixed interest rate. |
FinRedemption | Creates an amortization matrix for a fixed-rate loan over a defined period of time. |
FinRepayVal | Returns the amount of each regular payment for an investment with fixed interest rate and fixed payment. |
FirstDayOfMonth | Returns the first day of the month |
FirstDayOfWeek | Returns the date of the first day of the week (which means Monday) |
FirstDayOfYear | Returns the date of the first day of the year. |
fIsImage | Used to find out whether a file found on disk or a file contained in a buffer corresponds to an image format recognized by WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile. |
fListDirectory | Lists the sub-directories of a given directory and returns the list of sub-directories. |
fListDisk | Returns the list of disks installed on the computer. |
fListFile | Lists the files found in a directory and returns the list of files. |
fListResource | Lists the resources integrated to the application. |
fLoadBuffer | Loads the content of an external file (text, image, ...) in a buffer variable. |
fLoadText | Loads the content of a text file into any text control or text variable (string variable, edit control in a window, Static control in a report, ...). |
fLock | Entirely or partially locks an external file. |
fLongName | Returns the long name of a file or directory. |
fLongPath | Returns the full long path of a file or directory. |
fMakeDir | Creates a directory (and the intermediate directories if necessary). |
fMakeDir_55 | fMakeDir_55 is kept for backward compatibility. |
fMemExist | Checks the existence of a shared memory zone. |
fMemOpen | Opens a memory zone shared between several applications. |
fMemWait | Waits for the end of process about the notifications of modification of a shared memory zone. |
fMerge | Merges several files into a single one. |
fMoveDir | Moves a directory and its content. |
fMoveFile | Moves a file from a directory into another one. |
fNameOfFile | Returns the name of an external file that is currently opened. |
FolderData | FolderData is kept for backward compatibility. |
FolderWeb |
Returns the path of the directory containing:
FolderWeb |
Caution: when migrating a project from WEBDEV 1.5 to WEBDEV 17
FontCreate | Creates a font definition. |
FontList | Returns the list of valid fonts installed on the current computer (TrueType, Postscript, ...). |
FontSelect | Opens the standard window for font selection and selects the specified font. |
fOpen | Opens an external file (ANSI or UNICODE) in order to handle it by programming. |
fOpenTempFile | Creates and opens a temporary file. |
fParentDir | Returns the path of the parent directory for the specified directory. |
FramesetDisplay | Displays a WEBDEV frameset in the browser of the Web user. |
FramesetRefresh | Refreshes a frameset displayed in the browser of the Web user from the context found on the server. |
FramesetUse | Displays a WEBDEV frameset in the browser of Web user and closes all the current page and frameset contexts. |
fRead |
fReadLine | Reads a line in an external file (in ANSI or UNICODE format). |
fReadLineRegularExpression | Reads a line in an external file and retrieves in variables the sections of this line according to a regular expression. |
FreeAWPContext | Frees the AWP context in advance (on disk) to allow the other call on the same AWP context to be processed in parallel. |
FreeDLL | Frees the 32-bit library (DLL) that was loaded in memory by LoadDLL. |
FreeDLL | The FreeDLL keyword can correspond to |
fRemoveDir | Deletes a directory from a disk. |
fRename | Modifies the name of a file. |
fReportsAndQueriesDir |
fResourceDir | Returns the path of the read-only resources of the application. |
fSaveBuffer | Creates and fills a text file with the content of a string or buffer variable. |
fSaveText | Creates and fills a text file with the content of a text control or text variable (string variable, edit control in a window, Static control in a report, ...). |
fSeek | Returns and modifies the current position in an external file. |
fSelect | Opens the Windows file picker. |
fSelectDir | Opens a directory picker. |
fSep | Returns the separator of directory according to the current platform ('\' or '/') |
fSeparator | Returns a file path with normalized separators. |
fShortName | Returns the short name of a file or directory. |
fShortPath | Returns the full short path of a file or directory. |
fSize | Returns the size of a file (in bytes). |
fSizeUncompressed | Returns the size of a file before compression. When a file is decompressed by fUncompress, we recommend that you to compare the non-compressed size of the file with the available disk space. |
fSplit | Splits a file into several files. |
fStopCompress | Stops the operation used to compress or decompress a file. |
fTempDir | Returns the name of the directory used to store the temporary files. |
fTempFile | Returns the name of a unique temporary file. |
fTempPath | Returns the name of the directory used to store the temporary files. |
fTime | Returns or modifies the different times associated with a file or with a directory (creation, modification or access). |
FTPAttribute | Identifies the attributes of a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPCommand | Sends a specific FTP command to a server. |
FTPConnect | Connects the current computer to an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPCurrentDir | Identifies or modifies the current directory on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPDate | Returns the different dates (creation, modification or access) associated with a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPDateTime | Returns the different dates and times (creation, modification or access) associated with a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPDeleteFile | Deletes a file from an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPDisconnect | Closes the connection between the current computer and the FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPFileExist | Checks the existence of a file on an FTP server |
FTPGet | Transfers a file or directory from an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server to the current computer. |
FTPListFile | Lists the files (and/or the directories) found in a directory of an FTP server and returns the number of listed files (and/or directories). |
FTPMakeDir | Creates a directory on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPName | Returns the name of the last file accessed by an FTP function (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPParameter | Modifies the behavior of standard FTP functions. |
FTPProxy | Specifies whether the communication functions that use the FTP protocol must go through a proxy to run their requests. |
FTPRemoveDir | Deletes a directory and its content (files and sub-directories) from an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPRenameFile | Renames or moves a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPSend | Transfers a file or directory to an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPSize | Returns the size (in bytes) of a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
FTPTime | Returns the different times (creation, modification or access) associated with a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol). |
fTrackDirectory | Detects the modifications performed on the content of a directory. |
fTrackFile | Triggers the tracking of a file. |
fTrackStop | Stops all current tracking of a file or directory. |
fTrackStopAll | Stops all the current tracking performed on the files and directories. |
FullScreen | Enables or disables the full-screen mode in the applications in Universal Windows 10 App mode. |
FullScreenDisable | Disables the "Full screen" mode of the browser |
FullScreenEnable | Switches the browser to "Full screen" mode. The browser occupies the entire screen |
fUncompress | Decompresses a file that was compressed by fCompress. |
fUncrypt | Decrypts a file that was encrypted by fCrypt. |
fUnlock | Entirely or partially unlocks an external file. |
fWebDir | Returns the physical name of the directory containing the images, the Javascript files and the Java files of the WEBDEV site. |
fWrite |
fWriteLine | Writes a line into a text file (in ANSI or UNICODE format). |
GadgetCloseFlyout | Closes the detailed popup in a Vista gadget. |
GadgetDisplayFlyout | Displays a page of the Vista gadget. |
GadgetLoadParameter | Loads a persistent value in a gadget. |
GadgetSaveParameter | Saves a persistent value in a gadget. |
gAlignment | Builds a sequence of characters containing an aligned text or an aligned image. |
GanttAddHoliday | Declares a new holiday period for a row in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control |
GanttAddLink | Creates an "End to Start" link between two tasks displayed in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttAddTask | Adds a task into a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttChangeMode | Modifies the period (which means the number of days) displayed in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttDateTimePosition | Configures the first day and the first time displayed in a Gantt Chart column (found in a Table or TreeView Table control). |
GanttDeleteAll | Deletes all the tasks from a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttDeleteLink | Deletes the links from a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttDeleteTask | Deletes a task from a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttGetTask | Retrieves a task from its identifier in a Gantt Chart column (found in a Table or TreeView Table control). |
GanttListLink | Lists the links found in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttListTask |
GanttOrganizeTask | Reorganizes the tasks of a Gantt chart according to the constraints (dependencies and resources) |
GanttTimeDisplayed | Defines the time period displayed in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttWorkingHour | Overloads the working hours of a row in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
GanttWorkingWeekDay | Indicates whether a day of the week is a working day in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control. |
gARetrieve | Describes the text value to display and to return when retrieving the value of an element found in a list box or in a combo box. |
Gauge | Displays a progress bar in the status bar of current window. |
GaugeActivate | Enables the refresh of an Ajax indicator. |
GaugeDeactivate | Stops the periodic refresh of an Ajax indicator. |
GaugeExecute | Starts a long browser process and makes an Ajax indicator move forward according to the progress of this process |
gBackground | Builds a sequence of characters used to define the display color (background color of a text, circle, rectangle, ...). |
gBackgroundGradient | Describes a display color in gradient mode. |
gCircle | Builds a sequence of characters containing a circle or an ellipse. |
gClickableLink | Adds a clickable link in a graphic string. |
gCoord | Builds a sequence of characters used to define the position of the writing cursor for a text. |
GeneratePassword | Automatically generates a password with specific characteristics (size, characters used, ...). |
geoAzimuth | Returns the direction represented by a position in relation to another one. |
geoDistance | Returns the distance between the two positions. This distance is expressed in meters by default |
geoGetAddress | Retrieves an address (or a list of addresses) corresponding to the description of a geographical location. |
geoRunApp |
Starts the native mapping application of the device to display
geoTrackingDisable | Disables the tracking of user positions for a WINDEV Mobile application. |
geoTrackingEnable | Enables the management of position tracking in a WINDEV Mobile application. |
geoTrackingProcedure | Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called when the user position changes. |
geoTrackingStatus | Retrieves the status of the system for position tracking. |
GestureCurrentPointer | Returns the subscript of the pointer (finger or stylus) that triggered the call to a process specific to the multi-touch in an Image control. |
GestureNbPointer | Returns the number of pointers in contact with the screen. |
GesturePosX | Returns the horizontal position of the pointer (finger or stylus). |
GesturePosY | Returns the vertical position of the pointer (finger or stylus). |
GetActiveObject | Allows to use an Automation object already started on the current computer. |
GetColor | Allows you to get a set of harmonious colors without having to use a table of colors. |
GetCountryList | Returns the list of countries according to the ISO 3166-1 standard. |
GetDefinition | Retrieves the definition of the element type. |
GetGUID | Calculates a globally unique identifier (named "GUID"). |
GetIdentifier | Calculates a unique identifier (integer) for an executable or for a session. |
GetTypeDefinition | Retrieves the description of a type identified by its name. |
gFont | Builds a sequence of characters describing the font that will be used for the text. |
gFontBold | Builds a sequence of characters used to specify whether the text that follows the call to this function is in bold or not. |
gFontItalic | Builds a sequence of characters used to specify whether the text that follows the call to this function is in italic or not. |
gFontSize | Builds a sequence of characters used to specify the size of the font for a text found in a graphic string. |
gFontUnderlined | Builds a sequence of characters used to specify whether the text that follows the call to this function is underlined or not. |
GglAddressToCoordinates | Retrieves the coordinates (latitude/longitude) of an address. |
GglAnalyticsAddEvent | Adds an event beside Google Analytics |
GglAnalyticsAddException | Adds an exception beside Google Analytics. |
GglAnalyticsAddPage | Adds a page beside Google Analytics. |
GglAnalyticsAddSocialNetworkAction | Adds a social network action beside Google Analytics. |
GglAnalyticsAddTiming | Adds a duration beside Google Analytics. |
GglConnect | Used to authenticate beside a Google server. |
GglDelete | Deletes data from the Google server. |
GglDisconnect | Disconnects the user from the Google services used. During the next re-connection, the authorizations linked to the Google services will be asked again. |
GglFillAlbum | Fills a Google Picasa album with the data corresponding to the requested options. |
GglFillCalendar | Fills a calendar that was retrieved beforehand: the events corresponding to the calendar are retrieved (some criteria may be specified). |
GglFillCalendarByRequest | Fills a calendar that was retrieved beforehand: the events corresponding to the calendar are retrieved from a custom query. |
GglFillPhoto | Retrieves the details about the photos found in a Google Picasa album: initial image, comments, tags, thumbnails. |
GglGetAlbum | Retrieves a Google Picasa album. |
GglGetCalendar | Retrieves a Google calendar and its events according to its title or identifier. |
GglGetDocument | Downloads a document from the Google Docs service. |
GglGetLicense | Returns the text of the license for using the Google libraries. |
GglGetStaticMap | Retrieves the map of a specific location via the Google Maps service. |
GglListAlbum | Retrieves the list of "Google Picasa" albums available for the user. |
GglListCalendar | Retrieves the list of Google calendars associated with the specified Google account. |
GglListComment |
GglListContact | Retrieves the list of contacts associated with the specified Google account. |
GglListContactByRequest | Retrieves a list of contacts from custom parameters. |
GglListContactGroup | Retrieves the list of groups of contacts associated with the specified Google account. |
GglListDocument | Retrieves the list of documents available on the Google server for the current user. |
GglListPhoto | Lists the photos found in the Google Picasa albums corresponding to specific criteria. |
GglListTag |
GglPrintDocument | Prints a document (text or PDF file, images, Word or Excel document, ...) by using the Cloud Print service of Google. |
GglRequest | Sends a communication request (HTTP request) to a Google service. |
GglUploadDocument | Sends a document to the Google server. |
GglWrite | Creates and/or updates data on the Google server (addition or modification of data). |
gImage | Builds a sequence of characters containing an image. |
gImageExists | Checks whether an image was loaded in memory. |
gLine | Builds a sequence of characters containing a line. |
gLink | Adds an "invisible" value into an element found in a List Box or Combo Box control. |
gLinkActivate | Allows (or not) to retrieve the value defined by gLink in a list box or in a combo box. |
gPen | Builds a sequence of characters used to describe the color of the text and/or the color of the shape outline (rectangle or circle). |
GPSDetectPosition | Asks to be notified when the device gets close to a given position. |
GPSEnd | Indicates the end of use of geo-localization functions |
GPSFollowMovement | Asks to be regularly notified about the current device position |
GPSGetPosition | Retrieves information about the current device position. |
GPSInfo | Returns the information about the localization provider used by the application for the geo-localization functions. |
GPSInitParameter | Initializes the parameters of the WLanguage functions for geo-localization and finds a localization provider. |
GPSLastPosition | Retrieves the information about the last known position of the device |
GPSStatus | Retrieves the activation status of the geo-localization provider or asks to be notified when the status changes. |
GPSStopDetection | Stops the detection of position that was started by GPSDetectPosition |
gpwActivateUser | Validates the creation of a new user in the database of user groupware by activating the user. |
gpwAddUser | Adds a user into the database of user groupware. |
gpwCheckPassword | Checks a password (encrypted or not). |
gpwCheckUser | Checks the existence and validity of the password for a user of the user groupware. |
gpwConnectUser | Connects a user to the user groupware. |
gpwDisconnectUser | Disconnects the current user from the user groupware |
gpwEncryptedPasswords | Used to find out whether the passwords of the user groupware are encrypted. |
gpwEncryptPassword | Returns the encrypted password. |
gpwEnumControl | Enumerates the controls found in a window or page. |
gpwFindUser | Retrieves the characteristics of a user of the user groupware. |
gpwForgottenPassword | Runs an action to retrieve or change the password of a user. |
gpwGetFileInfo | Retrieves the directory of the data files found in the user groupware |
gpwGetLDAPInfo | Retrieves the configuration of the LDAP server used for the user groupware |
gpwGetRights | Used to get the rights granted to a control, a window, a page or a report. |
gpwGetUserInfo | Retrieves information about the current user (application that is using the user groupware). |
gpwImportLDAPUsers | Imports the users stored in a LDAP directory into the user file of user groupware. |
gpwInitAnalysis | Initialize the analysis of user groupware. |
gpwInLDAPMode | Allows you to find out whether identification of users in the user groupware will be done via a LDAP directory. |
gpwLogin | Connects a user to an application that is using the user groupware |
gpwMode | Returns the runtime mode of the user groupware |
gpwModifyUser | Modifies a user in the database of user groupware. |
gpwOpen | Opens the login window or page of user groupware. |
gpwOpenConfiguration | Opens the window or page for configuring the user groupware. |
gpwOpenConnection | Opens a connection to a specific Client/Server database to manage the files of user groupware in Client/Server mode. |
gpwOpenLDAPSession | Informs the user groupware that the authentication of users will be done via a LDAP directory. |
gpwOpenSite | Allows you to start the site when using the user groupware. |
gr3DSParameter | Retrieves or modifies a parameter for drawing a chart in 3D spatial mode. |
grAddData | Adds a data into a chart. |
grAutoRefreshCategoryLabel | Identifies or defines whether the category labels are refreshed whenever the chart is drawn. |
grAutoRefreshSeries | Identifies or defines whether a series is refreshed whenever the chart is drawn. |
grAxisPosition | Indicates the position where one of the chart axes (X or Y coordinates) will be drawn. |
grAxisTitle | Defines the title of X axis and the title of Y axis in a chart. |
grAxisTitleFont | Modifies the font used for the titles of the chart axes. |
grAxisVisible | Enables or disables the display of axes in a Line or Column chart. |
grBarColor | Initializes the color of a specific bar in a Column or Stacked Column chart. |
grCategoryColor |
Initializes the color of a category for a chart whose type is
grCategoryLabel | Initializes the label of a data category (or section) in a chart. |
grClearPict | Erases the chart drawing (in an Image control or in a window). |
grColor | Returns and initializes the color of the different chart elements. |
grColumnSpacing | Indicates the spacing between each data category in a column chart or in a Minimum/Maximum stock chart. |
grCreate | Creates a specific type of chart. |
grCreateFont | grCreateFont is kept for backward compatibility. |
grDeleteAll | Erases a chart and destroys this chart. |
grDeleteSeries | Deletes a data series from a chart. |
grDestinationBMP | Defines a BitMap file as destination of a chart (BMP means BitMap). |
grDestinationControl | Defines an Image control as destination of a chart. |
grDestinationEMF | Defines a meta file as destination of a chart (EMF means Enhanced Meta File). |
grDestinationImage | Defines an Image variable as destination of a chart. |
grDestinationWMF | Defines a meta file as destination of a chart. |
grDestinationWnd | Defines a window as destination of a chart. |
grDonutHolePercentage | Modifies the percentage corresponding to the radius of the hole in a Donut chart. |
grDraw | Draws a chart according to the specified parameters. |
gRectangle | Builds a sequence of characters used to draw a rectangle. |
grExist | Checks the existence of a chart in memory. |
grGetData | Retrieves a data from a chart. |
grGradient | Enables or disables the display of color gradients in a chart. |
grGraduate | Indicates the step for the marks on the vertical/horizontal axis of a chart (which means the interval between two marks). |
grGridlines | Displays or hides the chart gridlines. |
grHMAddData | Adds a data into a Heatmap chart. |
grHMCaptionX | Modifies the caption of a category on the X axis of a Heatmap chart. |
grHMCaptionY | Modifies the caption of a category on the Y axis of a Heatmap chart. |
grHMColor | Specifies the colors of the different values in a Heatmap chart. |
grHMDeleteColor | Deletes the colors specified by grHMColor from a Heatmap chart. |
grHMGetData | Retrieves a data from a Heatmap chart. |
grImageSize | Defines the size of the image containing the chart. |
grIncreaseData | Adds a value to a data in a chart. |
grInfoPoint | Returns the screen coordinates of a point or the screen coordinates of a value found in a chart. |
grInfoXY | Returns information about the series found at a specific point of the chart. |
grLabel | Indicates various parameters of additional legend in a chart. |
grLabelFont | Modifies the font used for the category labels of a chart. |
grLegend | Indicates the presence and position of the legend in a chart. |
grLegendFont | Modifies the font used for the chart legend. |
grLineThickness | Retrieves and/or modifies the value of the line thickness in a line chart. |
grLoadParameter | Restores the parameters used to draw a chart. |
grMask | Formats the data displayed by grLabel or by grTooltip. |
grMenu | Enables or disables the popup menu of a chart. |
grMenuOption | Modifies the text of an option in the popup menu of a chart. |
grOrientation | Modifies the orientation of chart axes. |
grOrigin | Modifies the start and end marks on one of the chart axes. |
GroupAdd | Adds a group of contacts into the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
GroupDelete | Deletes the current group of contacts from the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
GroupFirst | Reads the first group of contacts found in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
GroupLast | Reads the last group of contacts found in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
GroupModify | Modifies the current group of contacts in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
GroupNext | Reads the group of contacts found after the current group in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
GroupPrevious | Reads the group of contacts found before the current group in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
GroupRead | Reads a group of contacts found in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
GroupReset | Reinitializes the Group structure. |
grOverlayChart | Used to display two different types of charts in the same chart. |
grParameter | Retrieves or modifies a chart parameter. |
grPiePullOut | Pulls out a section (or all the sections) in a chart. |
grPieStartAngle | Indicates the start angle of the first section in a pie chart, semi-circular chart or donut chart. |
grPointType | Modifies the shape of point for a specific category or value found in a Line, Area, Scatter and Radar chart. |
grPrint | Prints a chart. |
grRaised | Used to display a chart with raised effect. |
grRotation | Turns a Surface chart around one of its axes in order to better view the data. |
grSaveBMP | Saves a chart that was previously drawn in a file in BMP format. |
grSaveEMF | Saves a chart that was drawn beforehand in a file in EMF format. |
grSaveParameter | Saves the parameters of a chart in the format of a compressed string. |
grSaveWMF | Saves a chart that was drawn beforehand in WMF format. |
grScatterAddDataXY | Adds a data into a "Scatter" chart. |
grScatterGetDataXY | Retrieves a data from a "Scatter" chart. |
grScatterLinkPoint | Links (or not) the points found in a "Scatter" chart. |
grScatterPointSize | Defines the size of the points found in a "Scatter" chart. |
grScatterSeriesColor | Initializes the color of a series in a "Scatter" chart. |
grScatterSeriesLabel | Initializes the label of a data series in a "Scatter" chart. |
grSeriesColor | Initializes the color of a series or the color of a section. |
grSeriesLabel | Initializes the label of a data series in a chart. |
grSeriesLineType | Modifies the type of line for a series found in a Line, Area, Scatter and Radar chart. |
grSeriesOpacity | Modifies the opacity factor of a series in a chart. |
grSeriesPointType | Modifies the type of point for a series found in a Line, Area, Scatter and Radar chart. |
grSeriesSecondaryAxis | Defines whether a series will be drawn on the secondary axis. |
grSeriesType | Defines the type for a series used in a composite chart (chart containing several types of charts). |
grSmoothing | Smoothes a Line chart or a Scatter chart by using the "cubic splines" algorithm. |
grSourceCategoryLabel | Defines the source of the category labels. |
grSourceSeries | Defines the source of a series. |
grStockAddData | Adds a data into a stock chart (candlestick, barcharts or minmax). |
grStockGetData | Retrieves a data from a stock chart (candlestick, barcharts or minmax). |
grSunburstAddData | Adds a data to a Sunburst chart. |
grSunburstGetData | Retrieves a numeric value from a Sunburst chart. |
grSunburstPullOut | Pulls out a section (or all the sections) in Sunburst chart. |
grSunburstRootSection | Changes or specifies the path of the root in a Sunburst chart. |
grSunburstSectionColor | Changes the color of a section in a Sunburst chart. |
grSunburstStartAngle | Specifies the start angle of the first section in a Sunburst chart. |
grSurfaceAddData | Adds a data into a Surface chart. |
grSurfaceAltitudeColor | Defines the color used for the altitude (Z axis) of a surface chart. |
grSurfaceDeleteAltitudeColor | Deletes the altitude colors specified by grSurfaceAltitudeColor. |
grSurfaceDeleteMarkCaption | Deletes the captions of the marks found in a Surface chart. |
grSurfaceGetData | Retrieves a data from a Surface chart. |
grSurfaceGridlines | Displays the gridlines for the different planes of a surface chart. |
grSurfaceMarksCaption | Allows you to specify the caption of a mark for a Surface chart. |
grSurfaceMesh | Enables or disables the mesh on a Surface chart. |
grTitle | Modifies the caption and/or the position of the chart title. |
grTitleFont | Modifies the font used for the chart title. |
grTooltip | Displays and formats the tooltip associated with each chart section (section for a pie chart, bar for a column chart, ...). |
grType | Identifies or modifies the type of a chart. |
grWaterfallCategoryType | Indicates the category type of a Waterfall chart. |
grWaterfallColor | Indicates the color for a type of category in a Waterfall chart. |
grWndSize | Defines the size of the window containing the chart. |
grZoom | Defines the zoom of a chart. |
gToText | Deletes the graphic elements from a character string that uses gLink, gImage |
HAccelerateSpeed | Reorganizes the internal structure of the indexes to optimize the speed for accessing the data. |
HActivateAutoFilter | Enables an automatic filter on the linked files when browsing an XML file. |
HActivateFilter | Enables the filter that was previously created for the specified data file (view or query). |
HActivateServerTrigger | Re-enables a server trigger that was disabled by HDeactivateServerTrigger. |
HActivateTrigger | Re-enables a trigger that was disabled by HDeactivateTrigger. |
HAdd |
HAddGroup | Adds a group of users. |
HAddLink | Adds an integrity rule between two files on the server. |
HAddScheduledBackup | Adds a scheduling for full backup (with or without differential backup) on the server defined by the connection. |
HAddScheduledOptimization | Adds an optimization task of HFSQL Client/Server data files. |
HAddScheduling |
Creates a scheduled task on a HFSQL server
HAddTask | Adds a scheduled task on the server defined by the connection. |
HAddUser | Adds a user to a database. |
HAlias | Creates a logical alias of a data file (or query) or cancels all the existing aliases. |
HAlias_55 | HAlias_55 is equivalent to HAlias available in WINDEV 5.5. |
HAliasExternal | HAliasExternal is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
Handle | Returns the system "Handle" (HWND) of a WINDEV control or window. |
HandleParentNext | Forces the parent of the next window to open. |
HashCheckFile | Checks the Hash of a file for a specific type of algorithm. |
HashCheckString | Checks the Hash of a character string for a specific type of algorithm. |
HashFile | Calculates the Hash of a file according to a specific algorithm. |
HashString | Calculates the Hash of a character string according to a specific algorithm. |
Hasp | Interrogates an electronic HASP key (HASP-3, HASP-4, MemoHasp or NetHasp). |
HaspHLCrypt | Encrypts a character string by using the algorithms of the specified Hasp key. |
HaspHLInfo | Returns information about the electronic Hasp key. |
HaspHLLogin | Connects the application with a Hasp key. |
HaspHLLogout | Closes the connection of the application to a Hasp key. |
HaspHLRead | Reads data (character string or buffer) in the internal memory of the Hasp key. |
HaspHLUncrypt | Decrypts a character string by using the algorithms of the Hasp key. |
HaspHLWrite | Writes data (character string or buffer) into the internal memory of the Hasp key. |
HAssign | HAssign is kept for backward compatibility (it will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HBackup | Saves the content of a HFSQL server: all the databases found on the server, one or more databases, one or more data files. |
HBackward | Moves backward several records from the current position in the data file, according to a specified item. |
hbCreateTable | Creates a HBase table or modifies the description of a HBase table. |
hbDelete |
hbDeleteTable | Deletes a HBase table. |
hbGetTableDescription | Retrieves the description of a HBase table. |
hbListTable | Retrieves the list of tables found on a HBase server. |
hbRead | Reads the cells (values of items) of a row (record) in a HBase table. |
HBuildKeyValue | Builds the value of a composite key to implement a filter (HFilter) or to perform a search (HReadSeekFirst, HReadSeekLast, ...). |
HBuildKeyValueANSI | Regardless of the platform used, the data saved in the HFSQL files is in ANSI format. |
hbWrite | Writes the cells (values of items) in one or more rows (records) of a HBase table. |
HCancelAlias | Cancels an alias that was declared beforehand by HAlias. |
HCancelBackup | Cancels a current backup. |
HCancelDeclaration |
Allows you to
HCancelSeek | Cancels the current search criterion. |
HChangeConnection | Dynamically changes the connection associated with a data file. |
HChangeDir | Modifies the access path to a data file (which means the directory where the file will be used). |
HChangeKey | Changes the search key. |
HChangeLocation | Modifies the search mode of physical data files (.FIC, .NDX, ...). |
HChangeLogDir | Modifies the location of the log files corresponding to a HFSQL data file. |
HChangeName | Modifies the physical name of a data file. |
HChangePassword | Changes the password of a HFSQL Classic or HFSQL Client/Server data file. |
HChangeRplDir | Modifies the location of the description of the subscriber replica (RPL file). |
HCheckIndex | Checks whether the data found in the index file (.NDX file) properly refers the data found in the data file (.FIC file). |
HCheckServerUpdate | Checks where there is a more recent version of the HFSQL server that can be automatically updated. |
HCheckStructure | Defines the mode for comparing the data files. |
HClearWorkingDir | Clears and destroys the temporary directory that was created during the execution of HServerWorkingDir. |
HClose | Closes a data file or all the data files opened by the current user: all the corresponding physical data files are closed for the current user. |
HCloseAnalysis | Closes the current analysis. |
HCloseConnection | Closes a connection to a database. |
HClusterAddNode | Enables a node in a HFSQL cluster. |
HClusterDeleteNode | Disables a node in a HFSQL cluster. |
HClusterIgnoreSynchro | Defines a node of the HFSQL cluster as data source to perform the cluster synchronization |
HClusterNodeInfo | Returns the status of each cluster node by interrogating the coordinator |
HClusterParameter | Reads and modifies the parameters of a HFSQL cluster. |
HClusterStart | Starts a HFSQL cluster. This cluster was stopped beforehand (by HClusterStop for example) |
HClusterState | Returns the status of a HFSQL cluster by interrogating its coordinator |
HClusterStop | Suspends the execution of a HFSQL cluster. The nodes of the cluster will no longer accept any connection from the client applications |
HClusterSynchronizationErrorInfo | Returns the error that occurred during the previous synchronization step of HFSQL cluster. |
HClusterSynchronizationInfo | Returns the progress of synchronization for a node of a HFSQL cluster. |
HCompareItem | Compares two values by sorting them according to the specified HFSQL index item: all the sort options specified for the item are taken into account (sensitivity to the case, to the punctuation, sort direction, Unicode language, ...). |
HConnect | Redefines one or more parameters of a connection via a Native Access (Access, SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle) or via an OLEDB access on a specific table or a set of tables. |
HConnectionQuality | Returns the quality level of the connection: the higher the level is, the faster the connection will be. |
HConnectRemoteAccess | Opens an analysis in HFSQL Classic format via a remote access (this function is equivalent to the second syntax of HOpenAnalysis). |
HConvertX | Converts a numeric value into a binary string in order to perform a search on a numeric key. |
HCopyFile |
Copies a HFSQL file (.fic, .ndx and .mmo files if they exist)
HCopyRecord |
HCopyRecord_55 | Copy the current file record into the current record of a file with the same structure |
HCreateMasterReplica | Creates the description file of a Master Replica (logged replication or universal replication). |
HCreateMoveableReplica | Creates a movable replication. |
HCreateServerTrigger | Adds or modifies a server trigger on the HFSQL server. |
HCreateSubscriberReplica | Creates the description file of a subscriber replica. |
HCreateView |
Creates a HFSQL view This function is using the former mechanism of views |
HCreateView_55 | Create a view on a Hyper File file (WINDEV 5.5 format, function kept for backward compatibility). |
HCreation | Creates an empty data file (".FIC" extension) with the index file and the memo file if necessary. |
HCreationIfNotFound |
Performs the following operations
HCross | Crosses a record in a data file. |
HCS.FrameSize | The HCS.FrameSize variable is used to resize the outgoing data frame. |
HCS.Timeout |
The HCS.Timeout variable is used to modify the connection time-out
HDBCreation | Ends the description of the structure of an xBase data file by programming. |
HDBDescribeField | Describes by programming each item of the structure of an xBase file described by HDBDescribeFile. |
HDBDescribeFile | Describes by programming a file in dBase3 format (most common format). |
HDBDescribeIndex | Describes by programming the different index files that will be created. |
HDBIndex | Opens an xBase index file. |
HDBOpen | Opens the xBase data file and the "memo" file if it exists. |
HDBOpenNoLock | In single-user mode, opens an xBase data file without locking it. |
HDBSortType | Returns or modifies the sequence of text items in the xBase files. |
HDeactivateAutoFilter | Disables an automatic filter on the linked files when browsing an XML file. |
HDeactivateFilter | Temporarily disables the filter on a data file (view or query). |
HDeactivateServerTrigger | Disables a HFSQL Client/Server server trigger on a server. |
HDeactivateTrigger | Disables a trigger. |
HDeclare | Declares a description of data file (found in an analysis) in the current project. |
HDeclareExternal | Temporarily imports into the current analysis the description of a file from an existing HFSQL data file. |
HDelete | Deletes a record from a data file (a query or a view). |
HDeleteAll | Deletes all the records from a data file, from a HFSQL view or from a query. |
HDeleteBackup | Deletes a backup that was performed by HBackup. |
HDeleteDatabase | Deletes a database found on a HFSQL server. |
HDeleteDirectory | Deletes a directory found in a HFSQL Client/Server database. |
HDeleteFile | Deletes the HFSQL data files (.fic, .ndx, .ftx and .mmo files if they exist) from the server. |
HDeleteGroup | Deletes (from the server) a group of users associated with a connection. |
HDeleteLink | Deletes an integrity rule between two data files on the server. |
HDeleteParameter | Deletes a parameter that was saved beforehand by HSaveParameter. |
HDeleteQuery | Deletes a query (used by stored procedures) from a HFSQL server. |
HDeleteScheduledBackup | Deletes a scheduling for backup from a HFSQL Client/Server server. |
HDeleteScheduledOptimization | Deletes a scheduled optimization task of HFSQL Client/Server data files. |
HDeleteScheduling |
Deletes a scheduled task found on a HFSQL server
HDeleteServerTrigger | Destroys a server trigger. |
HDeleteSet | Deletes a set of stored procedures from a HFSQL server. |
HDeleteTask | Deletes a scheduled task from a HFSQL Client/Server server. |
HDeleteTrigger | Destroys a trigger. |
HDeleteUser | Deletes a user associated with a connection from the sever. |
HDeleteView | Destroys a view that was created beforehand. This function is using the former mechanism of views |
HDescribeConnection | Describes a new connection to an external database. |
HDescribeFile | Describes a data file by programming. |
HDescribeFullTextIndex | Describes a full-text index of a data file created by programming. |
HDescribeItem | Describes by programming an item found in a data file. |
HDescribeKey | HDescribeKey is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HDescribeLink | Describes a link between two data files by programming. |
HDescribeServerTrigger | Adds or modifies a server trigger. |
HDescribeTrigger | Adds or modifies a trigger on a HFSQL data file. |
HDescribeTrigger_55 | HDescribeTrigger_55 is equivalent to HDescribeTrigger available in the earlier versions. |
hdfsCloseConnection | Closes a connection to a Hadoop server. |
hdfsCopyFrom | Copies a file found on a Hadoop server to the local computer. |
hdfsCopyTo | Copies a file found on the local computer to a Hadoop server. |
hdfsCreateDirectory | Creates a directory on a Hadoop server. |
hdfsDelete | Deletes a file or directory from a Hadoop server. |
hdfsList | Lists the content of a directory found on a Hadoop server. |
hdfsOpenConnection | Opens a connection to a Hadoop server. |
hdfsRename | Renames a file or a directory found on a Hadoop server. |
HDisconnectClient | Displays a message on the client computers and disconnects the application. |
HDuplicateDatabase | Duplicates the database associated with a connection on a HFSQL server. |
HDuplicateRecord | Duplicates the record read in a data file: the record found in memory is added into the data file (the query or the view). |
HDuplicates | HDuplicates is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HelpFile | Returns or modifies the name of the help file used by the context-sensitive help of a window. |
HEndLock | This function is kept for backward compatibility. |
HEndNoDatabaseAccess | Re-authorizes the access to one or more databases accessible by a connection. |
HEndNoModif | Unlocks a file that was locked by the same program with HNoModif. |
HError | Returns the number of the last error triggered by the HFSQL engine. |
HErrorDuplicates | Used to find out whether a duplicate error occurred. |
HErrorInfo | Returns a detailed information about the last error triggered by the HFSQL engine. |
HErrorIntegrity | Used to find out whether an integrity error occurred. |
HErrorLock | Used to find out whether a lock error occurred. |
HErrorModification | During a modification conflict, returns the value of a record item. |
HErrorPassword | After the execution of a read or write function in a data file, used to find out whether an error caused by a wrong password occurred on this data file |
HErrorStatusModification | Returns the status of a record during a modification conflict. |
HexaToBuffer | Converts a string representing bytes in hexadecimal into a binary buffer. |
HexaToInt | Returns the numeric value of an hexadecimal string. |
HExecuteProcedure | Runs a stored procedure. |
HExecuteQuery | Declares a query created in the query editor to the HFSQL engine and runs this query. |
HExecuteScheduledBackup | Forces the execution of a scheduled backup. |
HExecuteScheduling |
Immediately runs a scheduled task regardless of its schedule
HExecuteSQLQuery | Initializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the HFSQL engine. |
HExecuteView | Runs a view that was created beforehand (can be used to refresh the data of the view for example). This function is using the former mechanism of views |
HExportJSON | Exports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLEDB), a view or a query into a JSON file. |
HExportXML | Exports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLEDB), a view or a query into an XML file. |
HExtractMemo | Extracts the content of a binary memo item from a HFSQL file, from a query or from a HFSQL view into a physical file (on disk). |
HFileExist |
Used to find out:
HFilter | Defines and enables a filter on a data file, a view or a query. |
HFilterContains | Defines and enables a "Contains" filter on a data file, a view or a query |
HFilterIdentical | Defines and enables a filter used to find the exact value of a string item. |
HFilterIncludedBetween | Defines and enables an "Included between" filter on a file, view or query. |
HFilterStartsWith | Defines and enables a "Start with" filter on a file, view or query. |
HFirst | Positions on the first record of a data file according to the specified search item. |
HFlush | Forces the operating system of the computer where the data files are found to write the data onto the disk. |
HForward | Moves several records forward from the current position in the data file, according to a specified item. |
HFound | Checks whether the current record corresponds to the current filter or to the current search. |
HFree | Transforms the crossed records (HCross) into deleted records. |
HFreePosition | Deletes a position saved by HSavePosition. |
HFreeQuery | Free the resources of a query (after the call to HExecuteQuery or HExecuteSQLQuery) |
HFTListWord | Lists the words of the current record that will be taken into account by the full-text indexing. |
HGetCurrentPosition | Returns the approximate position of the current record in the data file |
HHistoryModification | Returns the modifications performed on one or more items of a given record. The result can be displayed in a list box or in a table to allow the user to view the modifications made to the specified file. |
HImportHF55 | Imports a Hyper File 5.5 file into a file in HFSQL Classic format. |
HImportJSON | Imports a JSON file into a data file in HFSQL Classic format (data file described in the data model editor or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
HImportText | Imports a Text file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the data model editor, or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
HImportText_55 | HImportText_55 is equivalent to HImportText available with WINDEV 5.5 |
HImportXLS | Imports an XLS file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the data model editor, or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
HImportXML | Imports an XML file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the data model editor or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
HIndex | Rebuilds the index of a data file (".NDX" file). |
HIndex_55 | HIndex_55 is equivalent to HIndex available in WINDEV 5.5 |
HIndexingInProgress | Indicates that a reindex operation is currently performed on a HFSQL data file and returns the percentage of reindexing already performed. |
HInfoAnalysis | Returns information about an analysis (WDD file). |
HInfoBackup | Returns information about one or more backups performed on a HFSQL Client/Server server. |
HInfoDatabaseProperty | Used to find out the properties of a database found on a HFSQL server. |
HInfoDatabaseRights | Allows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a database. |
HInfoFile | Returns the characteristics of a HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. |
HInfoFileProperty | Used to find out the properties of a data file found on a HFSQL server. |
HInfoFileRights | Allows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a HFSQL Client/Server data file. |
HInfoGene | HInfoGene is available for backward compatibility only (this function will still be supported in the next version). |
HInfoGroup | Returns information about the specified group of users. |
HInfoItem | This function is kept for backward compatibility. |
HInfoLock | Returns information about the lock performed on a data file, on a record or on all the records found in a data file. |
HInfoLog | Returns information about the server logs. |
HInfoMemo | Returns the characteristics of binary and text memos. |
HInfoReplica | Returns information about the specified replica. |
HInfoServer | Returns the specified information about the server. |
HInfoServerProperty | Used to find out the properties of a HFSQL server. |
HInfoServerRights | Allows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a server. |
HInfoTask | Returns the characteristics of a scheduled task in a hScheduledTask variable]. |
HInfoUser | Updates the variables for user management with the information regarding the specified user. |
HInfoView | Returns information about a materialized view. |
HInfoViewRights | Allows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a SQL view or on a materialized view. |
HInitHF55 | Used to access the functions for managing the xBase (or dBase) data if the Native xBase Access supplied with WINDEV or WEBDEV 14 is not available. |
HInitSubscriber | Initializes the range of automatic identifiers for the description file of a subscriber replica (".RPL" extension). |
HIsLocked | HIsLocked is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HiWord | Returns the two high bytes of an integer. |
HLast | Positions on the last record of a data file according to a search item. |
HLinkMemo | Used to associate a file with a binary memo item or to cancel the existing link between a file and a binary item. |
HListAnalysis | Returns the list of WINDEV or WEBDEV analyses (in HFSQL Classic format) available in a given directory |
HListConnectedUser | Lists the users currently connected to one or more files handled by a Client/Server connection. |
HListConnection | Returns the list of connections currently described in the application. |
HListCustomFolder | Returns the list of custom-folders (also called groups) defined in the analysis |
HListDatabase | Lists the Client/Server databases associated with a connection. |
HListFile |
Returns the list of files:
HListFullTextIndex | Returns the list of full-text indexes for a file (query or view) recognized by the HFSQL engine. |
HListGroup | Returns the list of groups of users defined for a connection. |
HListItem |
Returns the list of items:
HListKey | Returns the list of keys found in a file (query or view) recognized by the HFSQL engine. |
HListLink | Returns the list of links (Merise type) found in the current analysis or in a specific analysis. |
HListParameter | Returns the list of parameters saved from the stored procedures on the server |
HListProvider | Returns the list of OLEDB providers and/or the list of Native Accesses installed on the current computer. |
HListQueryParameter | Returns the list of parameters for a query created in the query editor. |
HListREP | Returns the list of assignments for the data files handled by the current application, which means the list of physical files corresponding to the files described in the analysis. |
HListScheduledBackup | Lists the full and differential backups that have been scheduled on a HFSQL Client/Server server. |
HListScheduledOptimization | Lists the scheduled optimization tasks of the HFSQL Client/Server data files for a connection. |
HListScheduling |
Lists the scheduled tasks defined on a HFSQL server
HListServer | Lists the HFSQL servers installed on a computer. |
HListServerTrigger | Lists the different triggers available on a connection or on one of the connection files. |
HListStopWord | Returns the list of stop words used by a full-text index. |
HListStoredElement | Returns the list of elements stored on a HFSQL server (sets of procedures, stored procedures or queries). |
HListSynonym | Returns the list of synonyms used by a full-text index. |
HListTask | Returns the list of scheduled tasks found on a HFSQL Client/Server server for a given connection. |
HListTrigger | Returns the list of triggers applied to one or more HFSQL data files. |
HListUser | Returns the list of users defined for a connection. |
HLoadParameter | Reads a parameter that was saved from a stored procedure by HSaveParameter. |
HLockFile | Locks a data file and restricts the access to this data file for all the other sites or applications. |
HLockRecNum | Locks a record and restricts the access to this record for all the other applications. |
HLogInfo | Adds comments into the log when saving the logged operation. |
HLogRecreate | Used to re-create an empty log. |
HLogRestart | Restarts the log process on a file. |
HLogStop | Stops the log process of a file. |
HManageServerUpdate | Used to manage the automatic update of HFSQL Client/Server servers by specifying the check frequency regarding the availability of updates. |
HManageTask | Enables or disables a scheduled task on a HFSQL Client/Server server. |
HMergeView | Creates a HFSQL from two views created beforehand (HCreateView). This function is using the former mechanism of views |
HMigrateLinkedCompositeKey | Migrates the values of the linked composite keys coming from a file in Hyper File 5.5 format to the HFSQL Classic format. |
HMode | Changes the mode and the method for locking data files. |
HModify | Modifies the specified record or the record found in memory in the data file (query or view). |
HModifyDatabaseProperty | Modifies the properties of a database found on a HFSQL server. |
HModifyDatabaseRights | Modifies the rights granted to a user or to a group for a HFSQL Client/Server database. |
HModifyFileProperty | Modifies the properties of a HFSQL file found on a server. |
HModifyFileRights | Modifies the rights granted to a user or to a group on a HFSQL Client/Server data file. |
HModifyGroup | Modifies the group information according to the elements found in the corresponding variables for group management. |
HModifyScheduledBackup | Modifies a backup scheduling. |
HModifyScheduledOptimization | Modifies a scheduled optimization task on the HFSQL server defined by the connection. |
HModifyScheduling |
Modifies a scheduled task on a HFSQL server
HModifyServerProperty | Modifies the properties of a HFSQL server. |
HModifyServerRights | Modifies the rights granted to a user or to a group on a HFSQL server. |
HModifyStructure | Used to update the structure of a HFSQL data file by performing an automatic data modification (also called data synchronization). |
HModifyTask | Modifies a scheduled task on the HFSQL server defined by the connection. |
HModifyUser | Modifies the information about a user according to the elements found in the corresponding variables for user management. |
HModifyViewRights | Modifies the rights granted to a user or to a group on a SQL view or on a materialized view. |
HNbRec | Returns the number of records in a file, a query or a HFSQL view: active records, crossed records, deleted records, etc. |
HNext | Positions on the next record of a data file according to a search item. |
HNoDatabaseAccess | Forbids all the accesses to a database or to all the databases. |
HNoModif | Forbids all the modifications on a data file (for all the programs, including the one that requested the no-modification policy). |
HNotifAddCCRecipient | Adds recipients for the notifications sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool). |
HNotifAddEmailRecipient | Adds recipients for the notifications sent by email. |
HNotifConfigure | Specifies and configures the server used to send notifications by the HFSQL server. |
HNotifDeleteCCRecipient | Deletes the recipients of a notification sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool). |
HNotifDeleteEmailRecipient | Deletes the recipients of a notification by email. |
HNotifListCCRecipient | Returns the list of recipients for a notification sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool). |
HNotifListEmailRecipient | Returns the list of recipients for a notification by email. |
HOnError | Customizes the management of HFSQL errors. |
HOnServerCall | Customizes the management of message display on the client computer and the management of disconnection from a client computer. |
HOpen | Opens a data file. |
HOpenAnalysis | Opens an analysis in HFSQL Classic format. |
HOpenConnection | Opens a connection to a specific database. |
HOperationInProgress | Returns the list of automatic operations in progress on a HFSQL server. |
HOptimize | Used to handle the idle periods of a software (period without processes) to optimize the queries and the browses that will be run thereafter. |
HOptimizeQuery | Optimizes the Select queries by using idle times when handling an application (period without processes). |
HourGlass | Transforms the mouse cursor into an hourglass (and conversely) In Android and iOS, displays an endless progress bar in a window |
HourglassNetwork |
Displays or hides an endless progress bar
HOut | Used to find out whether the record on which you want to be positioned is located outside the data file, filter, view or query. |
HPass | Defines the password used to create or open a data file. |
HPost | Stores a unique computer number or identifier in order to use the logs and the transactions. |
HPrepareQuery | Initializes a query and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of this query. |
HPrepareSQLQuery | Initializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of this query. |
HPrevious | Positions on the previous record found in a file according to a search item. |
HPriority | Used to find out and modify the priority of the calling application. |
HPriorityClient | Modifies the priority of a client application. |
HRead | Reads a record in a file according to a given record number. |
HReadFirst | Positions on the first record of a file according to a search item. |
HReadFirstLock | HReadFirstLock is kept for backward compatibility only (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadFirstNoLock | HReadFirstNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadLast | Positions on the last file record according to a search item. |
HReadLastLock | HReadLastLock is kept for backward compatibility only (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadLastNoLock | HReadLastNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be available in the forthcoming version). |
HReadLock | HReadLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadNext | Positions on the next record of a data file according to a search item. |
HReadNextLock | HReadNextLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadNextNoLock | HReadNextNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadNoLock | HReadNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadPrevious | Positions on the previous file record according to a search item. |
HReadPreviousLock | HReadPreviousLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadPreviousNoLock | HReadPreviousNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadSeek | Positions on the first file record whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value (generic search). |
HReadSeekFirst | Positions on the first file record whose value for a specific item is strictly equal to a sought value (exact-match search). |
HReadSeekLast | Positions on the last file record whose value for a specific item is less than or equal to a sought value (exact-match search). |
HReadSeekLock | HReadSeekLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HReadSeekNoLock | HReadSeekNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HRecNum |
HReconnect | Performs a reconnection to the server for all the interrupted connections. The uninterrupted connections are not modified. |
HRecordDate | Returns the date and time of the last write operation performed on a record found in a HFSQL file (Classic or Client/Server). |
HRecordToJSON | Retrieves the structure and value of the current record and exports them into a string in JASON format. |
HRecordToXML | Retrieves the structure and the value of the current record and exports them into a character string in XML format. |
HRecreateSubscriberReplica | Re-creates the description file of a subscriber replica (universal replication only) according to the information of the master replica (.RPM and.SYN files). |
HRefreshQuery | Creates or refreshes a query on a HFSQL server. |
HRefreshSet | Creates or updates a set of procedures on a HFSQL server. |
HRefreshView | Asks to recalculate the content of a materialized view. |
HRegenerateFile | Regenerates a data file from its log |
HReset |
HResetClient | Initializes the structure for managing the Client computers (HClient structure]). |
HResetGroup | Initializes the structure for group management (HGroup) with the default values. |
HResetUser | Initializes the structure for user management (HUser) with the default values. |
HRestoreBackup |
Used to restore
HRestorePosition | Restores the context of a file that was saved beforehand (HSavePosition): current record, filter, pointers. |
HRetrieveBackup | Retrieves locally the content of a compressed backup (in ZIP format) performed on a HFSQL server. |
HRetrieveItem | Returns the content of an item found in the current record (in the data file, view, query, ...). |
HRetrieveLog | Creates a text file containing the server logs between two given dates. |
HRetrieveRecord | Returns the content of the current record (in a file, a view or a query, ...). |
HRplDeclareLink | Declares a (1, 1) (0, n) link between two tables. |
HRplFilterProcedure | Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called whenever a replication operation is performed on a specific file. |
HRplManageFile |
Defines the options used for the universal replication of a file
HRplManageItem | Specifies the replication options for an item: the item can be replicated or not. |
HRplPass | Defines the passwords used to protect the movable replicas for the universal replication. |
HRSAddConfig | Adds a replication between two HFSQL server onto the master server. |
HRSDeleteConfig | Deletes a replication between two HFSQL servers. |
HRSExecute | Immediately runs a recurring replication between HFSQL servers: the replication is triggered before the scheduling. |
HRSInfo | Allows you to read the configuration of the replication for a HFSQL server taking part in one or more replications. |
HRSInit | Configures a HFSQL server in order for this server to be a master server or a subscriber server for a replication between HFSQL servers. |
HRSListConfig | Lists the replications available on a master HFSQL server. |
HRSModifyConfig | Modifies some parameters of an existing replication between two HFSQL servers. |
HSave | Modifies the current record if it exists, otherwise adds a new record. |
HSaveParameter | Saves a persistent value from a stored procedure. |
HSavePosition | Stores the current file context: current record, filter, pointers. |
HSecurity | Enables or disables the automatic security mechanism on one or more data files. |
HSeek | Positions on the first record of the data file whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value (generic search by default). |
HSeekFirst | Positions on the first file record whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value. |
HSeekLast | Positions on the last file record whose value for a specific item is less than or equal to a sought value. |
HSendMessageToClient | Displays a message on the client computers. |
HServerMaintenance | Checks and optimizes the system tables of a HFSQL server. |
HServerStatus | Allows you to find out the status of a HFSQL server (this function uses the MantaManager service). |
HServerWorkingDir | Returns the path of a temporary directory on the HFSQL server. |
HSetCache | Used to configure the management of caches in the HFSQL Client/Server engine. |
HSetDuplicates | Enables or disables the management of duplicates on a unique key. |
HSetIntegrity | Enables or disables the management of an integrity constraint on a file link. |
HSetLog | Enables or disables the management of log for a logged file. |
HSetMemo | Used to modify the management mode of memo items. |
HSetPosition | Positions on a record from the approximate position of one of its items. |
HSetRemoteAccess | Temporarily disables the remote access in order to access HFSQL Classic data files found locally. |
HSetREP | Enables or disables the management of .REP file. |
HSetReplication | Temporarily disables (or re-enables) the replication. |
HSetServer | Used to find out and modify some settings of the HFSQL Client/Server server. |
HSetTransaction | Enables or disables the management of transactions for one or more files. |
HSetTrigger | Enables or disables the management of triggers. |
HSimulateNetwork | Simulates the operating mode of HFSQL Client/Server on an ADSL or 3G network. |
HSL | Creates a color from its hue, saturation and lightness. |
HSortView | Sorts a HFSQL view by creating an index on a view item. This function is using the former mechanism of views |
HStartLock | This function is available for backward compatibility (this function will still be available in the forthcoming version). |
HStartServer | Allows you to start a HFSQL server (this function is using the MantaManager service). |
HStartServerUpdate | Used to immediately start the automatic server update. |
HStatCalculate | Performs various statistical calculations on the keys of a data file. |
HStatDate | Returns the date of the last update for the index statistics. |
HState | Used to find out the status of a record. |
HStatNbDuplicates | Returns the number of duplicates for a given key item. |
HStatNbRec | Returns the number of entries for a given key item. |
HStatNbRecRange | Returns an estimate regarding the number of entries for a given key item in a given interval of values. |
HStatTime | Returns the time of the last update for the index statistics. |
HStopServer | Stops a HFSQL server. |
HSubstDir | Associates the data directory specified in the analysis with a directory found on disk. |
HSubstName | HSubstName is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version). |
HSynchronizeReplica | Synchronizes the master replica and the subscriber replica: the operations performed on one of the replicas are transferred into the other replica. |
HTMLClassAdd | Adds a class into the HTML classes of a control. |
HTMLClassDelete | Deletes a class from the HTML classes of a control. |
HTMLClassToggle | Toggles a class in the HTML classes of a control: if the class does not exist, it is added ; if the class already exists, it is deleted. |
HTMLNavigate | Starts a navigation operation in an HTML control. |
HTMLToRGB | Converts the HTML color into RGB color. |
HTMLToRTF | Converts an HTML string or an HTML buffer into a string in RTF format. |
HTMLToText | Converts an HTML string or an HTML buffer into text string. |
HToFile | Copies a data source (file, query, view, ...) to a physical HFSQL file with the same description. This file is neither encrypted nor password protected. |
HToItem | Assigns the specified value to an item of the current record. |
HTrack | Starts tracking the write actions (addition, modification or deletion) performed on a file found on a HFSQL server. |
HTrackStop | Stops tracking a data file on a HFSQL server. |
HTransactionCancel | If a transaction is in progress, cancels all the operations performed on the data files in transaction since the start of transaction. |
HTransactionEnd |
Validates the current transaction
HTransactionFree | Transforms all the records "in transaction" into "Normal" records if these records do not belong to a transaction currently in progress. |
HTransactionInterrupted | Used to find out whether a transaction was interrupted (the transaction was neither validated nor canceled). |
HTransactionIsolation | Configures the isolation mode of transactions for a connection to a HFSQL server. |
HTransactionList | Returns the list of current or interrupted transactions found on the server for the specified connection. |
HTransactionStart | Starts a transaction on the data files (HFSQL or accessed via Native Access) and creates the file of transactions. |
HTTPAddFile | Adds a file into the HTTP form. |
HTTPAddParameter | Adds a parameter into an HTTP form. |
HTTPCancelForm | Cancels the declaration of an HTTP form and frees all its resources. |
HTTPCertificate | Modifies the client certificate used by default to identify oneself on a server. |
HTTPCookieGet |
Retrieves the cookies read by a call
HTTPCookieManage |
Enables or disables the management of cookies in an HTTP request run
HTTPCookieRead | Returns the value of a cookie received further to an HTTP request. |
HTTPCookieReplace |
Replaces all the cookies stored for a domain
HTTPCookieReset |
Deletes all the cookies (globally or for a domain) stored
HTTPCookieWrite | Adds or modifies a cookie in an HTTP request. |
HTTPCreateForm | Creates an HTTP form. |
HTTPDestination | Indicates the backup file for the result of next HTTP request, run in the same thread. |
HTTPGetResult | Retrieves the result or the header of last HTTP request run. |
HTTPListCertificate | Lists the client certificates found on the computer to authenticate on a server. |
HTTPParameter | Allows you to configure the functions that use the HTTP protocol |
HTTPProgressBar |
Displays a progress bar when
HTTPRequest | Starts an HTTP request on a server. |
HTTPResetForm | Clears an HTTP form that is currently edited. |
HTTPSend | Sends an HTTP request and waits for the response from the HTTP server. |
HTTPSendForm | Sends an HTTP form. |
HTTPSimulateNetwork | Simulates a slow network by limiting the download and upload speed. |
HTTPTimeOut | Defines the time-out for the WLanguage functions that use the HTTP protocol (HTTPRequest, SOAPExecute, DotNetExecute, J2EEExecute, ...). |
HUnlockFile |
Unlocks the records of a data file:
HUnlockRecNum |
Unlocks a record that was locked by
HUpdateView | Creates or updates the description of a SQL view or materialized view from the analysis to a HFSQL server. |
HVersion |
Used to find out:
HViewToFile | Saves the modifications performed in a HFSQL view (by HModify, HDelete or HCross) in the corresponding data file. This function is using the former mechanism of views |
HViewToTable | HViewToTable is kept for backward compatibility. |
HWrite | Writes a record into a data file without updating the indexes corresponding to all the keys used in the file. |
iAddBookmark | Adds a bookmark into the print preview or during the export in PDF. |
iBorder | Prints a border at specified coordinates. |
iCalendarToAppointment | Lists the appointments described in a character string in iCalendar format. |
iCalendarToOrganizer | Imports data in iCalendar format into an Organizer control. |
iCalendarToScheduler | Imports data in iCalendar format into a Calendar control. |
iChangeSubReportSource | Modifies by programming the report associated with a sub-report in a composite report. |
iCloseReport | Stops printing the current report immediately. |
iColumnEnd | Forces a column break in a multi-column report. |
iColumnNum | Returns the number of the current column in a multi-column report. |
iConfigure |
Configures the printer for a print performed in WLanguage:
iConfigureReport | Configures the printer by opening the configuration window (WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile). |
IconInstall | Creates an icon (associated with a program) in a group of Windows programs, with the associated command line. |
Iconize | Minimizes a WINDEV window. |
iCreateFont | Creates a new print font. |
iCurrentFile | Returns the name of the file currently generated. |
IdentifierAWPContext | Returns the identifier of the AWP context. |
iDestination | Configures the destination of the print. |
iDidotFont | Selects the unit that will be used for the height of the fonts (created by iCreateFont): DIDOT point or PICA point. |
iDirImageHTML | Used to select the directory in which the images must be generated during a print in HTML format |
iDocumentCanceled | Used to find out whether the current print was canceled by the user. |
iDocumentPrinted | Allows you to find out whether the user has requested to print the document from the print preview. |
iEllipse | Prints an ellipse (in a rectangle). |
iEndPrinting | Signals the end of the document to print and actually starts printing the data stored in the printer spooler via the following functions: iPrint, iPrintImage, iNewLine, etc. |
iEndReport | Forces the report print to stop. |
iEscape | Sends an ESCAPE command or a data command to a printer. |
iFont | Selects the default font. |
iForceComplement | Forces the printing of a Body Complement block. |
iGroupAdd | Adds a report to a group of reports. |
iGroupConfigure | Modifies the parameters of a report found in a group of reports |
iGroupPrint | Starts printing a report found in a group of reports. |
iHLine | Prints an horizontal line at specified coordinates. |
iHPos | iHPos is kept for backward compatibility. |
iImageHeight | Calculates the height of the image to print (in millimeters). |
iImageWidth | Calculates the width of the image to print (in millimeters). |
iInfoPrinter | Retrieves the characteristics of the current or default printer. |
iInitReportQuery | Initializes the query linked to the report (for a query with parameters). |
iInitReportQueryConnection | Initializes the query linked to the report. |
iInitSubReport | Initializes the parameters of a sub-report of a composite report. |
iLastFile |
iLine | Prints a line at specified coordinates. |
iLink | Adds a link to a URL address into the HTML page currently printed. |
iListNestedReports |
iListPrinter | Returns the list of printers installed on the current computer. |
ImageArea | Returns the number of the image area clicked by the Web user. |
ImageFirst | Displays the first image for the scroll. |
ImageInfoClose | Closes the image file (in JPEG or TIFF format) used by ImageInfoValue and/or ImageInfoList and frees the image from memory. |
ImageInfoList | Returns the list of Exif tags available for the image used. |
ImageInfoModify | Modifies the value of an Exif tag for the image used. |
ImageInfoSave | Saves the modifications performed on the Exif tags of an image by ImageInfoModify. |
ImageInfoValue | Returns the value of an Exif tag for the image used. |
ImageLast | Displays the last image for the scroll. |
ImageNext | Displays the next image for the scroll |
ImageOccurrence | Returns the total number of images taken into account by the scroll. |
ImagePrevious | Displays the previous image of scrolling. |
ImageScrollingPosition | Returns the image displayed. |
ImageStartScrolling | Starts the automatic scroll of images. |
ImageStopScrolling | Stops the automatic scroll of images. |
ImageXPos | Returns the horizontal position (X) of the mouse cursor in relation to the specified Image control. |
ImageYPos | Returns the vertical position (Y) of the mouse cursor in relation to the specified Image control . |
iMargin | Defines the "logical" print margins. |
iMMToPica | Converts the coordinates of a point (expressed in millimeters) into system coordinates. |
In64bitMode | Indicates whether the code is run in 64-bit mode or not. |
InAJAXMode |
Specifies whether the code is run from:
InAndroidEmulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Android emulator |
InAndroidMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Android mode. |
InAndroidSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Android simulator. |
inAppConsumeProduct | Used to consume, in an application, a product that was previously purchased by the user. |
InAppleWatchEmulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Apple Watch emulator. |
InAppleWatchMode | Indicates whether the code currently run is in Apple Watch mode. |
InAppleWatchSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Apple Watch simulator. |
inAppListProductInfo | Retrieves, from the store, information about the "In-App" products associated with the application. |
inAppListPurchase | Returns the list of application products purchased by the user and not consumed. |
inAppPurchaseProduct | Sends a request for purchasing an "In-App" product associated with the application. |
inAppRestorePurchases | Restores the purchases previously performed by the user in an iOS application. |
InAutomaticTestMode | Used to find out whether an automatic test is currently run or not. |
InAWPMode | Used to find out whether the page currently run is an AWP page. |
InComponentMode |
Indicates whether the code is run:
InDelayedProcedureMode | Indicates whether the code is run from a delayed procedure or from a scheduled task on the WEBDEV application server. |
iNestedHeaderFooter | Prints (or not) the page headers and footers of the nested report. |
iNewLine | Prints a line (in Windows standard, with a rounded end) at specified coordinates. |
InFactoryMode | Indicates whether the code is run by an action plan of the software factory |
Info | Displays a custom message in a system information window. |
InfoBuild | Displays a custom message in a system information window. |
InfoWithTimeout | Displays an information message inside a system info box for a specified amount of time |
IniOSEmulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the iOS emulator (iPhone, iPad). |
IniOSMode | Indicates whether the code currently run is in iOS mode (iPhone, iPad). |
IniOSSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the iOS simulator (iPhone, iPad). |
INIRead | Reads the content of a INI file (or the content of a file structured like a.INI file). |
InitialValue | ..InitialValue is used to find out and/or modify an initial value. |
InitParameter | Initializes the management of persistent values. |
InitRandom | Initializes the generator of random numbers. |
InitWindow | Initializes (or not) the controls to zero and runs the initialization processes of controls and window. |
INIWrite | Writes a specific value into a INI file (or into a file structured like an .INI file). |
InJavaMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Java. |
InLinuxMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Linux mode or not |
InPHPMode | Indicates whether the code is run in PHP. |
InPHPSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in PHP simulator mode. |
InPocketMode |
Indicates whether the code is run:
InPocketSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Pocket simulator. |
InPrelaunchedSessionMode | Used to find out whether the site is started in "pre-launched session" mode of WEBDEV. |
Input | Displays a message allowing the user to type an information. |
InputCursor | Modifies the standard rollover cursor for all the edit controls of the application. |
InReportsAndQueriesMode | Indicates whether the code is run during the test of a report or query in Reports & Queries. |
Insert |
Inserts an element at a given position
InsertColumn | Inserts a column at a given position into an advanced two-dimensional array property (xlsDocument, …). |
InsertLine |
Inserts a row at a given position
InServiceMode | Indicates whether the code is run in a service. |
InSimulatorMode | Used to find out whether the application is started in "simulator test mode" from WINDEV Mobile. |
Instance | Returns the "system handle" (HINSTANCE) of the current program. |
InStoredProcedureMode | Indicates whether the code is run on a HFSQL server. |
IntegerPart | Returns the integer part of a number. |
IntegerToDate | Transforms an integer into a date in YYYYMMDD format. |
IntegerToDay | Returns the day of the week corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer). |
IntegerToDayInAlpha | Spells out the day of the week corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer). |
IntegerToMonthInAlpha | Returns and spells out the month corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer). |
IntegerToTime | Transforms an integer into a time in HHMMSSCC format. |
IntegerToWeekNumber | Returns the week number in the year corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer). |
InternetConnected | Defines whether an Internet connection is enabled on the current computer. In mobile, you can also be notified when the status of the Internet connection changes |
InTestMode |
Indicates whether the application or the site is started:
InTSEMode |
Indicates whether the code is run
IntToHexa | Returns the hexadecimal string of a numeric value. |
InUMCMode | Indicates whether the code is run from a code written in a user macro-code. |
InUniversalWindowsAppMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Universal Windows 10 App mode. |
InUniversalWindowsAppSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Universal Windows 10 App mode. |
InUniversalWindowsPlatformMode |
Indicates whether the code is run in Universal Windows Platform mode (Universal Windows 10 App). Function kept for backward compatibility.
InUniversalWindowsPlatformSimulatorMode |
Indicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Universal Windows Platform mode (Universal Windows 10 App). Function kept for backward compatibility.
InVGAMode | Indicates whether the application is run in VGA mode on a mobile device. |
InWebMode |
Indicates whether the current process is run:
InWebserviceMode | Used to find out whether the execution is in progress in the AWWS engine. |
InWidgetMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Android Widget mode. |
InWindowsMobileMode |
Indicates whether the code is run:
InWindowsMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Windows mode or not |
InWindowsPhoneEmulatorMode |
Indicates whether the test is run via the Windows Phone emulator. Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsPhoneMode |
Indicates whether the code is run in Windows Phone mode. Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsPhoneSimulatorMode |
Indicates whether the code is run in the Windows Phone simulator. Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsStoreAppMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Windows Store apps mode Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWindowsStoreAppSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Windows Store apps mode Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWinRTMode | Indicates whether the code is run in WinRT mode (Windows Store apps) Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWinRTSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the WinRT simulator (simulator for the applications in Windows Store apps mode) Function kept for backward compatibility. |
iOSExcludeFileFromiCloud | Excludes a file from the backup in the Apple cloud |
iPageEnd | Forces the move to the next page during the report print. |
iPageHeight | Calculates the height of the printable page (in millimeters) while taking the top or bottom margins into account. |
iPageHeightLeft | Calculates the available height (in millimeters) left on the current page while taking into account the defined margins (top or bottom). |
iPageNum | Returns or initializes the number of the page currently printed. |
iPageWidth | Calculates the width (in millimeters) of the printable page while taking the left or right margins into account. |
iParameter | Retrieves the configuration of the printer and configures the print. |
iParameterDuplicate | Configures the automatic creation of the duplicate copy generated during the next print. |
iParameterExport |
Used to configure the exports performed from the print preview
iParameterPDF | Defines the options for the generated PDF file. |
iParameterPreview |
Configures the print preview
iParameterReport | Configures the printer by opening the configuration window. |
iParameterWatermark | Adds a watermark into a report (report created in the report editor or printed report) |
iParameterXLS | Defines the options for the XLS file generated during the print. |
iPicaToMM | Converts the coordinates of a point (expressed in system coordinates) into millimeters. |
iPreview | Configures the print destination. |
iPrint | Sends the character string passed in parameter to the print buffer. |
iPrintBarCode | Prints a bar code (inside a rectangle). |
iPrintBlock | Forces a report block to print. |
iPrintBodyComplement | Forces a body complement block to print while specifying the height of the complement block. |
iPrintDoc | Prints a document in "docx" format. |
iPrintDuplicate | Prints a duplicate copy of a report. |
iPrintImage | Sends the image file to print to the print buffer. |
iPrintingNation | Modifies the current language for the next print (programmed print or report print). |
iPrintPDF | Prints the content of a PDF file from an iPhone/iPad or Android application. |
iPrintReport | Prints a report created with the report editor. |
iPrintSignature | Prints a signature in a rectangular area. This signature will be used to sign the generated PDF files or the duplicates |
iPrintWord | Sends the character string passed in parameter to the print "buffer". |
iPrintZone | Prints a text in a rectangular area. |
iPrintZoneHTML | Pritns a text in HTML format in a rectangular area |
iPrintZoneRTF | Prints a text in RTF format in a rectangular area. |
iReportPrintingStatus | Returns the status of the current print. |
iReset | Re-initializes the print settings (margins, font, paper format, orientation, ...) stored in the print library. |
iResetNbPages | Reinitializes the current number of pages, used in the preset controls such as "Number of pages" and "Page number and number of pages". |
iRoundBorder | Prints a border with rounded outlines at specified coordinates. |
iSelectFont | Creates a new print font from the standard window for font selection... |
iSequencingAdd | Adds a report into a sequence of report prints. |
iSequencingAddDoc | Adds a print of Word Processing document into a sequence of report prints. |
iSequencingPrint | Prints a sequence of reports |
IsEven | Identifies an even number. |
iSkipLine | Forces one or more line break. |
iSkipPage | Generates a page break: the corresponding code is sent to the printer queue. |
IsNumeric |
Enables you to find out whether a variable or a control is
IsOdd | Identifies an odd number. |
iSubstBlock | Substitutes a report block for another block while the report is printed. |
iTextHeight | Calculates the height of the font for the text to print (en millimeters). |
iTextWidth | Calculates the width (in millimeters) of the text to print, according to the specified font. |
iTransparentMagenta | Modifies the management mode of the Magenta color in order for this color to be considered as transparent (or not) in all the forthcoming printouts. |
iVLine | Prints a vertical line at specified coordinates. |
iVPos | iVPos is kept for backward compatibility. |
iWindowCancel | Configures the display of the window used to cancel the current print... |
IWListAdd | Adds a new internal window to the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control. |
IWListCount | Returns the number of internal windows currently found in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control. |
IWListDelete | Deletes an internal window found in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control. |
IWListDeleteAll | Deletes all the internal windows from the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control |
IWListDisplay | Refreshes the display of an "Internal window" control with automatic browse on a data file or query |
IWListInsert | Inserts a new internal window in the list of internal windows used by an Internal Window control. |
IWListNext | Displays the next internal window in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control. |
IWListPosition | Displays the internal window corresponding to the specified position (in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control) or returns the position of the internal window currently displayed (in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control). |
IWListPrevious | Displays the previous internal window in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control. |
iXPos | Used to manage the horizontal position (X coordinate) of print cursor in the page. |
iYPos | Used to manage the vertical position (Y coordinate) of print cursor in the page. |
iZoneHeight | Calculates the necessary height of a fixed-width area in order for the entire text using the current font to be printed in this area. |
J2EEAddHeader | Adds a header to the next procedure that will be run on the server. |
J2EEError | Returns the error for the last J2EE procedure that failed. |
J2EEGetResult | Returns the result of the last J2EE procedure that was successfully run. |
J2EERun | Runs a procedure on a server of J2EE XML Web services. |
J2EERunXML | Runs a procedure on a server of J2EE XML Web services. |
JavaExecute | Starts a Java application or a Java applet by invoking the "Main" method of a given Java class. |
JavaExecuteFunction | Starts a specific static function of a given Java class. |
JavaLoad | Specifies the location of the user classes required to run the Java application or the Java applet. |
jQuery | Runs a Javascript method (or several chained methods) of the jQuery library on a page element. |
jQueryExecute | Runs a Javascript method of the jQuery library on a page element. |
JSEndEvent | Deletes the association between a WLanguage browser function and an event (implemented by JSEvent). |
JSEvent | Associates a browser procedure with an event on an object in browser code. |
JSInfoEvent | Used to handle the JavaScript properties of the browser event that triggered the execution of the code. |
JSInterruptEvent | Interrupts the process of the current event |
JSMethod | Used to run a Javascript method on an element found in the current page. |
JSONExecute | Calls a server URL that returns data in JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation). |
JSONExecuteExternal | Calls an external server URL that returns data in JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation). |
JSONToVariant | Converts a string in JSON format into a Variant variable |
JSProperty | Used to handle specific features on the objects found in the current page. |
KeyCalcActivationKey | Calculates the activation key of the application from the initial key. |
KeyCompareKey | Compares an initial key with an activation key. |
KeyGenerateInitialKey | Generates the initial key (unique license number) for the activation system of the application. |
KeyGetIdentifier | Retrieves the identifier that was used to generate an initial key. |
KeyPressed | Checks which key is pressed. |
LanguageToCharset | Returns the character set corresponding to a language. |
LanguageToName | Returns the name of a language. |
LanguageToNation | Returns the nation corresponding to a language |
LargeFontFactor | Returns the current enlargement ratio of a WINDEV window (only if Windows is in "large fonts" mode). |
LastDayOfMonth | Returns the date of the last day for the specified month |
LastDayOfWeek | Returns the date of the last day of the week corresponding to a given date |
LDAPAddAttribute | Adds an attribute or adds a new value to an existing attribute. |
LDAPConnect | Used to connect to an LDAP server via the characteristics defined in the LDAPSession structure. |
LDAPDelete | Deletes an object from the LDAP server. |
LDAPDeleteAttribute | Deletes an attribute as well as its values. |
LDAPDeleteAttributeValue | Deletes a value of a specified attribute. |
LDAPDisconnect | Used to disconnect from a specific LDAP server. |
LDAPFind | Performs a search in an LDAP server. |
LDAPListAttribute | Lists the attributes of an object in an LDAP server. |
LDAPListChildren | Lists the children of an object in an LDAP server. |
LDAPMode | Modifies the operating mode of an LDAP session. |
LDAPNbValue | Returns the number of values for an attribute. |
LDAPRenameAttribute | Renames an attribute. |
LDAPReplaceAttribute | Replaces all the values of an attribute by a specific value. |
LDAPReplaceAttributeValue | Replaces a specific value of an attribute by a new value. |
LDAPReset | Re-initializes the LDAPSession structure with the default values. |
LDAPStartAdd | Initializes the addition of a new object into an LDAP server. |
LDAPStartModify | Initializes the modification of an existing object in an LDAP server. |
LDAPValidateAdd | Validates the addition of a new object into an LDAP server. |
LDAPValidateModify | Validates the modification of an existing object in an LDAP server. |
LDAPValue | Returns the value corresponding to the subscript passed in parameter for the specified attribute. |
LEDSwitchOff | Switches the LED (Light-Emitting Diode) of the device off. |
LEDSwitchOn | Switches the LED (Light-Emitting Diode) of the device on. |
Left | Extracts the left part (which means the first characters) from a character string or from a buffer. |
Length |
LengthToString | Converts a length expressed in bytes into a character string formatted in kilobytes, megabytes or terabytes. |
LineToPosition | Returns the position of the first character of a line in a block of text. |
LinkColor | Modifies the color of links in the edit controls and in the Static controls. |
ListAdd | Adds an element into a memory List Box control, a memory ListView control, a Carousel control or a memory Combo Box control |
ListCount | Returns the number of elements found in a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control. |
ListDelete | Deletes an element from a memory list box, a listview or a combo box. |
ListDeleteAll | Deletes all the elements from a memory list box, listview or combo box. |
ListDisplay | Refreshes the display of a browsing List Box, ListView or Combo Box control. |
ListDLL |
ListInfo | Retrieves the characteristics of a list: types of elements and number of elements |
ListInfoXY | Returns, for a given position in a list (standard list box or listview), the subscript of the row for the specified position. |
ListInsert | Inserts an element to a memory List box control, a memory Listview control or a memory Combo box control. |
ListModify | Modifies an element in a memory list box (standard list box or listview) or combo box. |
ListMoveLine | Moves a row or swaps two rows in a List Box or Combo Box control. |
ListPosition | Displays a List Box (or a ListView) control from a specified element or returns the subscript of the first element displayed in a List Box control (if the scrollbar was used). |
ListSeek | Seeks an element in a List Box control (standard list box or listview) or in a Combo Box control (including the values described by gLink). |
ListSelect | Returns the subscript of the element selected in a list box, listview or combo box. |
ListSelectCount | Returns the number of elements selected in a list box, listview or combo box. |
ListSelectMinus | Deselects an element from a list box, listview or combo box. |
ListSelectPlus | Selects one or more elements in a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control. |
ListSort | Sorts the elements found in a memory List Box, ListView or Combo Box control. |
Ln | Calculates the Napierian logarithm (reverse of exponential) of a numeric value. |
LoadDLL | Loads the specified library (DLL) in memory. |
LoadError | Loads in memory the file containing the error messages in the requested language. |
LoadImage | Loads an image in memory so that it can be used later by gImage. |
LoadImageSheet | Loads an image sheet in memory so that it can be used later by gImage. |
LoadParameter | Reads a persistent value. |
LoadProcedure | LoadProcedure is kept for backward compatibility. |
LoadWDL | Loads a library of WINDEV objects in memory (.WDL). |
LocalStorageAdd | Adds a value to the local storage. |
LocalStorageAvailable | Indicates whether the local storage is available or not for the current browser |
LocalStorageDelete | Deletes a value from the local storage. |
LocalStorageDeleteAll | Deletes all the values from the local storage. |
LocalStorageGet | Retrieves a value from the local storage. |
LocalStorageOccurrence | Returns the number of values for the local storage. |
LocalStorageValueName | Returns the name of a value for the local storage. |
LockAppOff | Unlocks an application that was locked automatically or by LockAppPassword. |
LockAppOn | Locks a WINDEV application. |
LockAppPassword | Specifies a specific password for unlocking the current application (application locked automatically or by LockAppOn). |
LockAppTimeout | Returns or modifies the idle time before a WINDEV application is locked. |
Log | Calculates the decimal logarithm of a numeric value. |
LooperAdd | Adds a row at the end of a Looper control. |
LooperAddInProgress | Modifies or returns the visibility status of the internal wait window when adding additional elements into an infinite Looper control. |
LooperAddLine | Adds a row at the end of a Looper control. |
LooperBreakSubscript | Returns the subscript of the break header and footer for a given break in a Looper control |
LooperCancelSwipe | Cancels the display of the internal window displayed in a Looper control further to the swipe of a row. |
LooperCollapse | Collapses a break that was expanded beforehand in a Looper control |
LooperCollapseAll | Collapses all the expanded breaks in a Looper control |
LooperCollapseExpand |
On a given row in a Looper control
LooperCount | Returns the number of rows found in a browsing or memory Looper control. |
LooperDelete | Deletes a row from a browsing or memory Looper control. |
LooperDeleteAll | Deletes all the rows from a memory Looper control. |
LooperDisplay | Refreshes the display of a browsing looper from a given position: the modifications performed in the linked file are applied to the looper. |
LooperEndFilling | Used to indicate that the filling of a memory looper is ended |
LooperExpand | Expands a break in the Looper control on a given row |
LooperExpandAll | Expands all the breaks in a Looper control with break |
LooperInfoXY | Used to find out the row or control located at a specific position in the Looper control (X, Y). |
LooperInsert | Inserts a row into a browsing or memory Looper control. |
LooperInsertLine | Inserts a row into a browsing or memory Looper control. |
LooperModify | Modifies the values of the attributes in a Looper control row (browsing or memory looper). |
LooperModifyLine | Modifies the values of the attributes in a Looper control row (browsing or memory looper). |
LooperMoveLine | Moves a row or swaps two rows in a Looper control. |
LooperPosition | Moves the scrollbar of a memory Looper control to display a specific row or returns the subscript of the first row displayed in a memory Looper control. |
LooperRecNum | Returns the number of the current record in a browsing Looper control. |
LooperRefreshVisible | Modifies or returns the visibility status of the refresh bar in a Looper control. |
LooperRestorePositionAndSelection | Restores the position of the scrollbar in a looper and/or the selected element(s). |
LooperSave | Validates the modification or the addition of the record associated with the current row in the browsing Looper control. |
LooperSavePositionAndSelection |
LooperSeek | Seeks a value in an attribute of a Looper control. |
LooperSeekAnywhere | Seeks a value in all the attributes of a Looper control. |
LooperSelect | Returns the subscript of the element selected in a Looper control. |
LooperSelectCount | Returns the number of selected rows in a Looper control. |
LooperSelectMinus | Deselects a row in a Looper control. |
LooperSelectPlus | Selects a row in a Looper control. |
LooperSort |
Allows you to:
LooperSort_55 | LooperSort_55 is kept for backward compatibility. |
LooperStartFilling | Indicates the start of fill for a memory Looper control. |
LooperToExcel | Creates an Excel file from the data found in a looper (browsing looper or memory looper). |
LooperToWord | Creates a Word file (.RTF) from the data found in a looper (browsing looper or memory looper). |
LooperToXML | Creates an XML file with the data found in a looper (browsing looper or memory looper). |
Lower | Converts a character string into lowercase characters according to the localization settings defined in Windows. |
LoWord | Returns the two low bytes of an integer. |
MakeInteger | Builds a 4-byte integer from two 2-byte integers. |
MapAddItinerary | Adds an itinerary onto a Map control. |
MapAddMarker | Adds a new marker onto a map displayed in a Map control. |
MapConfigureGglAPI | Declares additional parameters for the Map control that will be transmitted to the Google API. |
MapDeleteAll | Deletes all the markers from a Map control. |
MapDeleteItinerary | Deletes an itinerary from a Map control. |
MapDeleteMarker | Deletes a marker from a map displayed by a Map control |
MapDisplayPosition | Centers the map displayed in a Map control on a geographical position or on a specific location. |
MapEndOfMove | Stops following the move of the device in a Map control |
MapExecuteJS | Runs the native code of the Google Maps API in a Map control in Javascript. |
MapFollowMovement | Displays the current position of the device in a Map control and updates this position during its move. |
MapGetImage | Retrieves the image of a map displayed in a Map control. The markers and the itineraries displayed on this map will also be found in the image. |
MapGetJSObject | Returns the instance of the API of a Map control. |
MapGetPosition | Returns the geographical position of the point located in the center of the map currently displayed in a Map control. |
MapInfoPosition | Returns the coordinates (in pixels) of the point corresponding to a geographical position (latitude and longitude). |
MapInfoXY | Returns the geographical position (latitude and longitude) corresponding to a point of a Map control. |
MapItineraryDistance | Calculates the distance of an itinerary in a Map control. |
MapLicenseBing | Indicates the "Bing map" license key that will be used in the Map controls used in Universal Windows 10 App mode. |
MapLicenseGgl | Indicates the "Google Maps API" license key that will be used in the Map controls (of WINDEV or WEBDEV). |
MapModifyMarker | Modifies a marker displayed in a Map control. |
MatAdd | Adds two matrices of same dimensions (same number of rows and same number of columns). |
MatchRegularExpression | Checks whether a character string corresponds to a specific format and retrieves the different sub-strings that constitute the format. |
MatCopy | Creates the copy of a matrix. |
MatCreate | Creates a matrix containing 0 row and 0 column. |
MatDelete | Deletes an existing matrix. |
MatDeterminant | Calculates the determinant of a square matrix (the number of rows is equal to the number of columns). |
MatError | Identifies the type of the last error caused by a Matxxx function (functions for matrix management). |
MatExist | Checks the existence of a matrix in memory. |
MatFill | Initializes all the elements found in a matrix of a given size. |
MatFloatAdd | Adds a value to each matrix element. |
MatFloatMultiply | Multiplies each matrix element by a value. |
MatInvert | Reverses a square matrix. |
MatMultiply | Multiplies two matrices. |
MatNbColumn | Returns the number of columns found in a matrix. |
MatNbLine | Returns the number of rows found in a matrix. |
MatRead | Reads the value of a matrix element. |
MatReadColumn | Reads the value of all the elements found in a matrix column. |
MatReadLine | Reads the value of all elements found in a matrix row. |
MatStack | Compresses the memory footprint occupied by a matrix. |
MatTranspose | Calculates the transposed matrix. |
MatWrite | Writes an element into a matrix. |
Max | Returns the greatest of the values passed in parameter. |
Maximize | Displays a WINDEV window in its maximum size. |
MCIBeginning | Positions at the beginning of a multimedia file that was opened beforehand MCIOpen. |
MCIClose | Closes a multimedia file. |
MCIEnd | Positions at the end of a multimedia file that was opened beforehand MCIOpen. |
MCIErr | Returns the number of the last error caused by a MCI function (Media Control Interface). |
MCIExecute | Runs an MCI command (Media Control Interface). |
MCIHeight | Returns the height (in pixels) of a multimedia file used to display images. |
MCIMsgErr | Returns the caption of the last error that occurred on a MCI function (Media Control Interface). |
MCIOpen | Opens a multimedia file. |
MCIPause | Pauses while playing a multimedia file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen). |
MCIPlay | Plays a multimedia file. |
MCIPosition | Returns or modifies the current position in a multimedia file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen). |
MCIPositionFormat | Fixes the format used to define the position in a multimedia file (opened by MCIOpen). |
MCIRetrieve | Returns the last result of the MCI command run by MCIExecute. |
MCISize | Returns or modifies the size of a multimedia file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen). |
MCIStatus | Returns the status of a multimedia file that was opened beforehand MCIOpen. |
MCIStopPlaying | Stops the execution of a multimedia file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen). |
MCITrack | Returns the current track of a multimedia file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen). |
MCITrackCount | Returns the number of tracks found in a multimedia file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen). |
MCIVolume | Modifies or returns the sound volume. |
MCIWidth | Returns the width (in pixels) of a multimedia file used to display images. |
MCIWindowSize | Modifies the size and position of the display window of a multimedia file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen). |
MCUActive | Used to find out and modify the activation of UMC management (User Macro-Code). |
MCUOpen | Opens the edit window of User Macro-Code for the current window. |
MDIActive | Identifies or displays an MDI child window in the foreground. |
MDIEnumChild | Returns the alias of the specified MDI child window. |
MDIMother | Identifies the name of the MDI parent window. |
MDIOpen | Opens and enables an MDI child window. |
MDIWindowMenu | Modifies the layout of the MDI child windows. |
Mean |
Calculates the mean of several elements
MemAdd | Adds an element into a memory zone. |
MemCount | Returns the number of elements found in a memory zone. |
MemCreate | Creates a memory zone. |
MemCurrent | Returns the subscript of the current element. |
MemDelete | Deletes an element from a memory zone. |
MemDeleteAll | Clears and deletes a memory zone. |
MemExist | Checks the existence of a memory zone. |
MemFirst | Positions on the first element of a memory zone and returns the value of this first element. |
MemFound | Checks whether the sought element was found. |
MemKeyVal | Returns the value (added or modified by MemAdd or MemModify) of the current element in a memory zone. |
MemLast | Positions on the last element of a memory zone and returns the value of this element. |
MemModify | Modifies an element in a memory zone. |
MemNext | Positions on the next element of a memory zone and returns the value of this element. |
MemoryToFile | Automatically initializes the memory value of the items for the current file record with the values of the members of a class or structure. |
MemOut | Used to find out whether the browse performed on a memory zone is outside this memory zone. |
MemPrevious | Positions on the element found before the current element of a memory zone and returns the value of this element. |
MemRetrieve | Retrieves the return value of an element found in a memory zone. |
MemSeek | Seeks an element in a memory zone: |
MemSetPosition | Positions the memory zone on an element. |
MemSort | Sorts the elements found in a memory zone. |
MemSort_55 | MemSort_55 is kept for backward compatibility. |
MenuAdd | Adds an existing popup menu into the main menu of the current window. |
MenuAddMenu | Adds a new menu into a window or into a page. |
MenuAddOption | Adds a new menu option at the end of a menu. |
MenuAddPopup | Transforms a menu option of a page in order for this option to open a popup |
MenuAddSeparator | Adds a new separator into a menu. |
MenuAddURLOption | Adds a new menu option at the end of a page menu. This menu option is used to display the page corresponding to the specified URL. |
MenuClone | Clones a menu or a menu option as well as the associated code. |
MenuDelete | Deletes a menu or a menu option. |
MenuExist | Indicates whether a menu option exists in a menu |
MenuInsertMenu | Inserts a menu before another menu in a window. |
MenuInsertOption | Inserts a new option at a specific position. |
MenuInsertSeparator | Inserts a separator into a menu. |
MenuInvisible | Makes a menu option invisible (popup menu or drop-down menu). |
MenuIsMarked | Used to find out whether a checkmark is displayed in front of a menu option (popup menu or drop-down menu). |
MenuLabel | Identifies or modifies the caption of a menu option (popup menu or drop-down menu). |
MenuMark | Positions the checkmark in front of the menu option (popup menu or drop-down menu). |
MenuSelectMinus | Disables (grays) a menu option (popup menu or drop-down menu). |
MenuSelectPlus | Enables a menu option (popup menu or drop-down menu). |
MenuState | Identifies the status of a menu option (popup menu or drop-down menu): active, inactive or invisible. |
MenuUnMark | Removes the checkmark displayed in front of the menu option (popup menu or drop-down menu). |
Message | Displays (or erases) a message in the status bar of current window or browser. |
MessageAddCell | Adds a new cell into the status bar of the current window. |
MessageDeleteCell | Deletes a cell from the status bar of the current window. |
MessTranslate | Retrieves a message found in the code of a program in the current language. |
Middle |
Min | Returns the lowest of the values passed in parameter. |
mlDeleteVariable | Deletes a variable from the MATLAB session. |
mlEnd | Ends a MATLAB session. This session was initialized by mlInitialize. |
mlExecute | Evaluates and runs a command on a MATLAB session. |
mlGetVariable | Retrieves a value of a variable for the MATLAB session. |
mlInitialize | Initializes a new independent MATLAB session with an empty workspace in order to run functions. |
mlListVariable | Lists the variables found in the MATLAB session. |
mlLoadWorkspace | Loads all the variables of a MATLAB file in the session. |
mlResetWorkSpace | Deletes all the variables from the MATLAB session. |
mlSaveWorkspace | Saves the workspace of the session in a MATLAB file. |
mlSetVariable | Writes the value of a variable for the MATLAB session. |
mlzAddLine | Adds a new dynamic line into a multiline zone. |
mlzDelete | Deletes a dynamic line from a multiline zone. |
mlzDeleteAll | Deletes all the dynamic lines from a multiline zone. |
mlzInsertLine | Inserts a new dynamic line into a multiline zone. |
MobileNetworkConnectionInfo | Returns information regarding the current connection to data on the mobile network. |
MobileNetworkStatus | Returns the current status of the connection to data on the mobile network or asks to be notified when the status of the connection to data changes. |
Modulo | Returns the remainder of a division. |
MongoAdd | Adds one or more documents into a collection of a MongoDB database. |
MongoCreate | Creates a connection to a MongoDB server or cluster. |
MongoCreateCollection | Creates a collection in a MongoDB database while specifying the options of this collection. |
MongoDeleteAll | Deletes all the documents (corresponding to the specified filter) from a collection of a MongoDB database. |
MongoDeleteCollection | Deletes a collection from a MongoDB database. |
MongoDeleteOne | Deletes a document from a collection in a MongoDB database. |
MongoDeteleDatabase | Deletes a MongoDB database and all its collections. |
MongoExecuteCommand | Runs a generic command on a MongoDB database or on a MongoDB collection. |
MongoFind | Finds documents in a MongoDB collection. |
MongoGridFSDeleteFile | Deletes a file identified by its name from a MongoDB file system. |
MongoGridFSDeleteFileById | Deletes a file identified by its identifier from a MongoDB file system. |
MongoGridFSGetFile | Retrieves (on the local computer) a file identified by its name and found in a MongoDB file system. |
MongoGridFSGetFileById | Retrieves (on the local computer) a file identified by its identifier and found in a MongoDB file system. |
MongoGridFSListFile | Retrieves the list of MongoDB files found in the MongoDB file system (gridFS). |
MongoGridFSSendFile | Copies a file from the local computer to a MongoDB file system (gridFS). |
MongoInfo | Returns information about a MongoDB database. |
MongoModifyAll | Modifies documents in a collection of a MongoDB database. |
MongoModifyOne | Modifies a document in a collection of a MongoDB database. |
MonthNumberInAlpha | Returns the name of the month according to its number. |
MouseXPos | Used in a process linked to the mouse or stylus (click code, rollover code, code of left or right button down), returns the horizontal position (X) of the mouse cursor in relation to the specified window or control. |
MouseYPos | Used in a process linked to the mouse or stylus (click code, rollover code, code of left or right button down), returns the vertical position (Y) of the mouse cursor in relation to the specified window or control. |
Move |
Used to:
MoveColumn | Moves or swaps a column in a two-dimensional array property of advanced type (xlsDocument, …). |
MoveLine |
Used to:
MQTTConnect | Used to connect to a MQTT server (also called "Broker"). |
MQTTDisconnect | Used to disconnect from a MQTT server (also called "Broker"). |
MQTTPublish | Publishes a message on the MQTT broker. |
MQTTSubscribe | Used to subscribe to a MQTT notification. |
MQTTUnsubscribe | Unsed to unsubscribe from a MQTT notification. |
MQTTUnsubscribeAll | Unsed to unsubscribe from all the existing subscriptions. |
MultimediaBeginning | Positions at the beginning of the multimedia file played in the Multimedia control. |
MultimediaClose | Closes the multimedia file currently played in the Multimedia control. |
MultimediaControlVisible | Manages the visibility of control buttons (Play, Pause, Fast Forward, ...) found in the Multimedia control. |
MultimediaDuration | Returns the size of the multimedia file currently played (in milliseconds) in the Multimedia control. |
MultimediaEnd | Positions at the end of multimedia file played in the Multimedia control. |
MultimediaHeight | Returns the height (in pixels) of the source image of the multimedia file played in the Multimedia control. |
MultimediaOpen | Opens a multimedia file in a Multimedia control. |
MultimediaPause | Pauses a multimedia file played in a Multimedia control. |
MultimediaPlay | Plays a multimedia file in a Multimedia control. |
MultimediaPosition | Returns or modifies the current position of the multimedia file currently played in the Multimedia control. |
MultimediaStatus | Indicates the status of the multimedia file played in the Multimedia control. |
MultimediaStop | Stops playing a multimedia file found in a Multimedia control. |
MultimediaVolume | Returns or modifies the sound volume of the multimedia file played in a Multimedia control. |
MultimediaWidth | Returns the width (in pixels) of the source image of the multimedia file played in the Multimedia control. |
Multitask |
MultiTask is used to
MultitaskRedraw | Immediately redraws the window controls that must be graphically refreshed. |
MutexCreate | Explicitly creates a mutex |
MutexDestroy | Explicitly destroys a mutex. |
MutexEnd | Signals that the thread frees the mutex |
MutexStart | Locks the current thread while waiting for the mutex to be freed |
Nation | Defines or identifies the display language (captions, messages, ...) used for the windows, pages, reports and controls. |
NationRightToLeft | Allows you to find out whether the current language is written from right to left. |
NationToLanguage | Returns the language corresponding to a nation. |
NationToName | Returns the name of the language corresponding to a nation. |
NationToSubLanguage | Returns the default sub-language corresponding to a nation. |
NetClientMessageBox | Displays a dialog box on each client computer connected to the server. |
NetClientSendMessage | Sends a message from the server to all the connected client computers. |
NetCloseRemoteAccess | Closes the line that was opened by NetOpenRemoteAccess. |
NetConnect | Connects to an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or to a RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetDirList |
Lists the directories and the files found
NetDisconnect | Disconnects from an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or from a RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetDiskList |
Lists the available disks:
NetEndServer | Stops an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or a RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV and started by NetStartServer. |
NetEraseFile | Deletes a file from the FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or from the RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetExecute | Runs a specific program on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or on a RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetGetFile | Retrieves an existing file from an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) powered by WINDEV. |
NetInfoRemoteAccess | Returns information about the status of a connection as well as the statistics about this connection. |
NetIPAddress | Returns the IP (Internet Protocol) address of a computer. |
NetIPToMAC | Returns the MAC address corresponding to a given IP address. |
NetListIPAddress | Returns the list of IP addresses (Internet Protocol) for a computer |
NetListRemoteAccess | Returns the list of available remote accesses. |
NetMACAddress | Returns the MAC address (physical address) of one of the network cards found on the computer. |
NetMachineName | Returns the name of the local computer or the name of a computer whose IP address is known (reverse DNS resolution). |
NetMACToIP | Returns the IP address corresponding to a given MAC address. |
NetMsgError | Returns the error message corresponding to the error number returned by NetOpenRemoteAccess and NetCloseRemoteAccess. |
NetOpenRemoteAccess | Establishes a remote connection with a modem. |
NetRemoteMessageBox | Displays a dialog box on the screen of the FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetRenameFile | Renames (or moves) a file found on the FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or on the RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetSendBuffer | Transmits a character string to an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or to a RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetSendFile | Transmits a file to an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) powered by WINDEV. |
NetSendMessage | Triggers a Windows event on the system of an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetServerOption | Manages the rights of clients on the server (FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or on the RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV). |
NetStartServer | Starts an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or a RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV. |
NetworkConnect | Associates a drive with a shared network directory. |
NetworkDirName | Identifies the shared directory associated with a network drive. |
NetworkDisconnect | Disconnects a network drive. |
NetworkDomainName | Returns the name of the domain associated with the computer. |
NetworkUser | Identifies the name of the connected user. |
NextSubscript | Returns the number of the next row displayed in the current Table control |
NextTitle | Modifies the title of the next window to open. |
NFCReadTag | Starts reading a NFC tag or enables the detection of NFC tags for the current window. |
NFCSendTag | Sends a NFC tag to another device. |
NFCStatus | Returns the activation status of the NFC sensor found on the device. |
NFCWriteTag | Starts writing data onto a NFC tag. |
NoAccent | Transforms the accented characters found in a character string into non-accented characters. |
NoCharacter | Returns a character string without the specified characters found on the left and on the right |
NoLeftCharacter | Returns a character string without the specified characters found on the left of the initial string. |
NoRightCharacter | Returns a character string without the specified characters found on the right of the initial string. |
NoSpace |
Returns a character string without the space characters
NoteCreate | Creates a Repositionable Note control in the curernt window by programming. |
NoteDelete | Deletes a repositionable note found in the current window. |
NoteLoadAll | Imports and displays the repositionable notes of the current window saved beforehand by NoteSaveAll. |
NotesActivateView | Indicates the view that must be handled in Lotus Notes. |
NotesAddAttachment | Attaches a file to an item of the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NoteSaveAll | Saves the repositionable notes of the current window in a file. |
NotesCloseDatabase | Closes the local or remote database used (Lotus Notes or Domino). |
NotesDeactivateView | Disables the view currently handled in Lotus Notes. |
NotesDeleteAttachment | Deletes an attached file from an item of the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesDeleteItem | Deletes the specified item from the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesDocumentDelete | Deletes the current document from the Lotus Notes database browsed. |
NotesDocumentFirst | Positions on the first document found in Lotus Notes. |
NotesDocumentIdentifier | Returns the identifier of the current document in the Lotus Notes database browsed. |
NotesDocumentLast | Positions on the last document found in Lotus Notes. |
NotesDocumentNext | Positions on the document found after the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesDocumentPrevious | Positions on the document found before the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesDocumentSeek | Seeks a document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesExtractAttachment | Extracts a file attached to an item of the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesItem | Returns the value of items for the current Notes document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesItemDimension | Returns the dimension of an item for the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesListAttachment | Returns the list of files attached to an item of the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesListItem | Returns the list of items for the current Notes document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesListView | Returns the list of views found in the current Lotus Notes database. |
NotesModifyAttachment | Modifies a file attached to an item of the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesModifyItem | Modifies the specified item of the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesNbAttachment | Returns the number of files attached to an item of the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesOpenConnection | Establishes a connection to a Domino server. |
NotesOpenDatabase | Gives access to the documents managed by Lotus Notes. |
NotesOut | Used to find out whether there is a current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesReset | Creates an empty document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesSave | Saves the current document in Lotus Notes. |
NotesViewListColumn | Lists the columns found in the current view in Lotus Notes. |
NotesViewSeekFirst | Seeks the first document found in the current view in Lotus Notes. |
NotesViewSeekLast | Seeks the last document found in the current view in Lotus Notes. |
NotifAdd | Adds a notification into the system bar of device |
NotifDelete | Deletes a notification displayed in the system bar of the device. |
NotificationDisplay | Displays a message outside browser. |
NotifModify | Modifies a notification currently displayed in the system bar of the device. |
NotifPushDisable | Disables the management of push notifications for a WINDEV Mobile application (Android or IOS). |
NotifPushEnable | Enables the management of push notifications in a WINDEV Mobile application (Android or iOS). |
NotifPushListInvalidIdentifiers | Returns the list of invalid identifiers on the APN service of Apple |
NotifPushProcedure | Specifies the WLanguage procedure called when a push notification is received by a WINDEV Mobile application (Android or iOS) |
NotifPushSend | Sends a push notification to a mobile device (iOS or Android). |
Now | Returns or modifies the system time (current time defined for the current computer). |
NumberInWords | Transforms a number into a character string corresponding to the number "written in words". |
NumHelp | Returns the number of the help context associated with the specified control. |
NumToFinancialWritingChinese | Transforms a numeric value (integer, real or currency) into a string in Chinese financial writing format. |
NumToString | Transforms a numeric value (integer, real or currency) into a character string according to the specified format. |
OBEXConnect | Used to connect to a device that supports the OBEX protocol. Reminder: The OBEX protocol is a protocol for exchanging data via Infrared and Bluetooth. |
OBEXDisconnect | Used to disconnect from a device that supports the OBEX protocol. |
OBEXGetFile | Retrieves a file from a device that supports the OBEX protocol. |
OBEXGetVCard | Retrieves a VCard from a device that supports the OBEX protocol. |
OBEXListFile | Lists the files shared by a device that uses the OBEX protocol. |
OBEXSendFile | Sends a file to a device that supports the OBEX protocol. |
OBEXSendVCard | Sends a VCard file (virtual business card) to a device that supports the OBEX protocol. |
OemToAnsi | Converts a character string in OEM format (DOS) into a character string in ANSI format (Windows). |
OKCancel | Displays a message in a standard dialog box that proposes "OK" and "Cancel" and returns the user's choice. |
OLEActivate | Edits an OLE object contained in an OLE control. |
OLECopy | Copies the object found in an OLE control into the Windows clipboard. |
OLECreateCopy | Associates an OLE control with an OLE object while specifying a base file. |
OLECreateEmpty | Associates an OLE control with an OLE object by invoking a specific OLE server. |
OLELoad | Initializes an OLE control with an OLE object. |
OLEPaste | Pastes the content of Windows clipboard into an OLE control. |
OLEPlay |
Used to:
OLESave | Saves the object found in an OLE control in binary format. |
OLEServer | Lists the OLE servers registered toward the current system. |
Open | Opens a modal WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile window. |
OpenChild | Opens a non-modal child window. |
OpenMainMenu | Opens the main menu of the current window. |
OpenMobileWindow | Opens a window in a mobile application. |
OpenPopup | Opens a popup window and waits for this window to be closed. |
OpenPopupMenu | Automatically opens a popup menu for the current control or window. |
OpenPopupPosition | Opens a popup window by specifying its opening position and waits until it is closed. |
OpenSister | Opens a non-modal sibling window. |
OpenSSLCheck | Checks, via a public key, that the signature of data performed with the OpenSSL library is correct. |
OrgAdd | Adds a new root element into an Organization Chart control. |
OrgAddChild | Adds a child element into an Organization Chart control. |
OrganizerAddAppointment | Adds a new appointment into an Organizer control. |
OrganizerBackgroundColor | Defines a background color for a time slot in an Organizer control. |
OrganizerChangeMode | Modifies the time range displayed by an Organizer control (Day/Week/Month) |
OrganizerChangeZoom | Modifies the time range displayed by an Organizer control (Day/Week/Month). This function is kept for backward compatibility |
OrganizerDateVisible | Makes a day visible or invisible in an Organizer control. |
OrganizerDeleteAll | Deletes all the appointments from an Organizer control. |
OrganizerDeleteAppointment | Deletes an appointment from an Organizer control. |
OrganizerDisplay | Reinitializes the content of an Organizer control from its data source (HFSQL data file for example). |
OrganizerDisplayNextPeriod | Displays the next period (day, week or month) in an Organizer control. |
OrganizerDisplayPreviousPeriod | Displays the previous period (day, week or month) in an Organizer control. |
OrganizerInfoXY |
Returns for a given position in the Organizer control (coordinates of a point in the organizer):
OrganizerListAppointment |
OrganizerMode | Returns the display mode of an Organizer control: day, week, month |
OrganizerPosition | Displays an Organizer control from a specified date or returns the date of the first day (or the date of the last day) displayed in an Organizer control. |
OrganizerSelectedRange | Returns the start or end date and time of the time slot selected in an Organizer control. |
OrganizerSelectMinus | Deselects an appointment from an Organizer control. |
OrganizerSelectPlus | Selects an appointment in an Organizer control. |
OrganizerTimeDisplayed | Defines the time range displayed by the Organizer control in Day mode or in Week mode. |
OrganizerToiCalendar | Exports the appointments found in an Organizer control in iCalendar format. |
OrganizerWorkingHour | Used to indicate the specific working hours per day in an Organizer control. |
OrganizerZoom | Returns the time range displayed by an Organizer control. |
OrgDelete | Deletes an element and all its "children" from an Organization Chart control. |
OrgDeleteAll | Deletes all the elements from an Organization Chart control |
OrgDisplay | Reinitializes the content of an Organization Chart control from its data source (HFSQL data file for example). |
OrgInfoXY | Returns the subscript of the element found at a given position in an Organization Chart control. |
OrgModify | Modifies an element in an Organization Chart control. |
OrgOccurrence | Returns the number of elements found in an Organization Chart control. |
OrgSaveImage | Creates an image representing the entire Organization Chart control. |
OrgSelect | Returns the subscript of the element selected in an Organization Chart control. |
OrgSelectMinus | Deselects an element from an Organization Chart control. |
OrgSelectPlus | Selects an element in an Organization Chart control |
OutlookDefaultProfile | Retrieves the default profile defined in Outlook. |
OutlookListProfile | Lists the available Outlook profiles. |
OutlookStartSession | Used to access the data handled by the Outlook messaging software (emails, contacts, groups of contacts, tasks, appointments and folders). |
PageActivateDDW | Enables or disables the DDW (Dim Disabled Window) when displaying a modal page (the pages used to communicate with the user for example). |
PageAddress | Used to find out the Internet address of a page. |
PageCloseDialog | Closes the current page. This page was opened by PageDisplayDialog. A return value can be returned to the calling page. |
PageDisplay | Displays a page of the site in the browser of the Web user. |
PageDisplayDialog | Displays a page in modal mode. This function is used to establish a dialog with the user. The page is displayed in the foreground while the opening page is displayed in the background, grayed by the DDW mechanism. |
PageExist | Checks whether the specified page is currently displayed in the browser of the Web user. Used to find out whether a page is displayed in a frame other than the current one. |
PageInitialization | Resets to zero (or not) the controls found in the current page and starts the processes for initializing the controls and the page. |
PageParameter | Returns the value of a parameter passed to the current page. |
PagePosition | Scrolls a page up to position a control in the visible section of the page (top) in the browser. |
PageRateDDW | Allows you to find out and modify the rate of gray for the pages that use DDW (Dim disabled pages). |
PageReadHeaderHTTP | Reads and returns one or more HTTP headers received by the current page (these headers are sent by the client to the server in the current request). |
PageRefresh | Refreshes a page displayed in the browser of the Web user from the context found on the server. |
PageSubmit | Validates the specified page and starts the execution of a button. |
PageToASP | Sends the data found in a page currently displayed in the browser to an ASP server. |
PageToEmail | Emails the data found in a page currently displayed in the browser. |
PageToFile |
Automatically initializes:
PageToJSP | Sends the data found in a page currently displayed in the browser to a JSP server. |
PageToPHP | Sends the data found in a page currently displayed in the browser to a PHP server. |
PageToSource |
Automatically initializes:
PageUse | Displays a WEBDEV page in the browser of the Web user and closes all the current page contexts. |
PageVisible | Indicates whether the page is visible to the user. |
PageWriteHeaderHTTP |
Adds an additional HTTP header that will be returned to the browser
PalmAdd | Adds a record into one of the Palm Pilot databases (notepad, task list, address book or calendar). |
PalmClose | Closes an access to one of the Palm Pilot databases (notepad, task list, address book or calendar). |
PalmDelete | Deletes the current record from a view of records for a Palm database (created by PalmLoad). |
PalmFilter | Filters the records of an access to one of the Palm Pilot databases (notepad, task list, address book or calendar). |
PalmInstall | Automatically configures the Palm Pilot program (HotSync.EXE) to allow the communication with an application developed in WLanguage. |
PalmListCategory | Lists the different categories available for the current access. |
PalmListUsers | Lists the different users of the Palm Pilot defined by HOTSYNC.EXE. |
PalmLoad | Initializes an access to a PALM database. |
PalmModify | Modifies the current record. |
PalmNbRec | Returns the number of records found in a specific access to a PALM database. |
PalmOut | Enables you to find out whether the record of a PALM database onto which we want to be positioned is outside the PALM file or filter. |
PalmPosition | Positions on the record identified by its position in the specified access and reads it. |
PalmRAZ | Re-initializes the PALM structure. |
PalmRead | Reads the information regarding the current record during an access to a database of the Palm Pilot. |
PalmReadFirst | Positions on the first record of the specified access and reads it. |
PalmReadLast | Positions on the last record of the specified access and reads it. |
PalmReadNext | Positions on the next record of the specified access and reads it. |
PalmReadPrevious | Positions on the previous record of the specified access and reads it. |
PalmRefresh | Refreshes the current accesses to a PALM database according to the last modifications performed on this database (addition, deletion or modification of records). |
PalmReset | Re-initializes the configuration of the Palm Pilot program (HotSync.EXE) if a problem occurs. |
PalmToString | Reads a record (memo) found in the Notepad database of the Palm Pilot in character string format. |
PalmUninstall | Restores the initial configuration of the Palm Pilot (HotSync.EXE). |
ParallelTaskCancel | Immediately ends the execution of the current task: the task is flagged as ptsCanceled. |
ParallelTaskConfigure | Modifies the parameters of parallel tasks. |
ParallelTaskExecute | Triggers the execution of a parallel task. |
ParallelTaskExecuteAfter | Indicates a continuation parallel task that will be run when one of the specified parallel task is ended. |
ParallelTaskExecuteAfterAll | Indicates a continuation parallel task that will be run when all the tasks found in an array of parallel tasks are ended. |
ParallelTaskExecuteAfterOne | Indicates a continuation parallel task that will be run once the first task is ended in an array of parallel tasks. |
ParallelTaskRequestCancelation | Requests the cancelation of a parallel task. |
ParallelTaskWait | Waits for the execution of a parallel task. |
ParallelTaskWaitAll | Waits for the end of execution of all the parallel tasks found in an array. |
ParentObject | Identifies the "parent" of a graphic object: control, column, window, page, ... |
PDFExtractPage | Returns an Image type variable containing a page from a PDF file. |
PDFIsProtected | Checks whether the PDF file requires a password in order to be read. |
PDFMerge | Merges several existing PDF files into a single PDF file. The files are merged one after another. The paths of the PDF files can be found in an array |
PDFMergeWithPassword | Merges several existing and password-protected PDF files into a single PDF file. |
PDFNumberOfPages | Returns the total number of pages found in a PDF file. |
PDFSign | Applies a signature to an existing PDF. |
PDFToText | Extracts the text found in a PDF file. |
Phonetic | Returns the phonetic corresponding to the string passed in parameter. |
PhotoRunApp | Starts the native camera application of the device in order to take a photo. |
PHPDisplay | Calls an external PHP script and returns the result page in the current browser window. |
PHPExecute | Calls an external .php script and returns the result in a string. |
Ping | Checks whether a network address can be reached by using the ICMP protocol (similar to the PING network utility). |
Pop | Pops an element from a stack. |
PopupAnimate | Displays a popup in a cell of the page. |
PopupClose | Hides a popup displayed in the page via PopupDisplay. |
PopupDisplay | Displays a popup in a page with a DDW effect (Dim Disabled Windows). |
Position | Finds the position of a character string inside another character string. |
PositionOccurrence | Finds the Xth position of a character string in a character string. |
PositionToLine | Returns the number of the line to which belongs a character identified by its position in a block of text. |
PostMessage | Sends a Windows message to a control or to a window. |
Power | Raise a number to a power. |
PowerStatus | Used to get information about the main or secondary battery of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) on which the application is run. |
PreviousPage | Returns the name of the previous page. |
PreviousWin | Identifies the window that was in edit before the window that is currently in edit (for the same project). |
ProfilerEnd | Stops "collecting data" for the performance profiler. |
ProfilerStart | Starts "collecting information" for the performance profiler. |
ProjectInfo | Returns specific information about the project currently run. |
PropertyExist | Used to find out whether a property exists on a control or on a class instance. |
Proxy | Specifies whether the communication functions that use the HTTP protocol (HTTP, DotNet, J2EE, SOAP, GoogleXXX functions) must go via a proxy to run their requests. |
Push | Pushes an element into a stack. |
Used to
PVTCalculateAll | Entirely calculates or recalculates a pivot table. |
PVTCalculateUpdate | Updates some of the data found in a pivot table from a given date. |
PVTCollapse | Collapses the data found in a Pivot Table control according to a row header or to a column header |
PVTCollapseAll | Collapses all the row headers and/or column headers in a pivot table |
PVTExpand | Expands the data found in a Pivot Table control according to a row header or to a column header. |
PVTExpandAll | Expands all the row headers and/or column headers in a pivot table |
PVTFilter | Enables or disables a filter on a Pivot Table control. |
PVTHeaderValue | Returns the value displayed in a header of the Pivot Table control. |
PVTInfoXY | Returns the values of headers corresponding to a position in a Pivot Table control in pixels. |
PVTListPositionHeader | Returns all the values associated with a row or column header in a Pivot Table control. |
PVTLoad | Loads the result of the calculation performed in a Pivot Table control from a backup (file found on disk or backup in a buffer). |
PVTSave | Saves the result of the calculation performed in a Pivot Table control (in a file or in memory). |
PVTSelect | Allows you to find out the position of selected cells and to select cells in a Pivot Table control. |
PVTSelectOccurrence | Returns the number of selected cells in a Pivot Table control. |
PVTToExcel | Creates an Excel file from the data found in a pivot table. |
QueueInfo | Retrieves the characteristics of a queue: types of elements and number of elements. |
RadioButtonAdd | Adds a new option into a Radio Button control. |
RadioButtonCount | Returns the number of options found in a Radio Button control. |
RadioButtonDelete | Deletes an option from a Radio Button control. |
RadioButtonInsert | Inserts a new option into a Radio Button control. |
Random | Returns a random number. |
RealToDateTime | Coverts a 8-byte real into a date and time. |
RecorderAction | Runs an action on the recorder or dictaphone found on the current device. |
RecorderEndEvent |
Deletes the associations established by RecorderEvent
RecorderEvent | Used to define a key for starting the recorder on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) and to specify a procedure that will be called at the end of recording. |
RecycleBinClear | Clears the recycle bin of the system |
RecycleBinDelete | Displays a confirmation message for deleting a file from the recycle bin. |
RecycleBinListFile | Lists the files found in the recycle bin of the system. |
RecycleBinRestore | Restores a file found in the recycle bin of the system. |
RegistryCopyKey | Copies a registry key as well as all its sub-keys and values. |
RegistryCreateKey | Creates a key in the Windows registry. |
RegistryDeleteKey | Deletes a sub-key from the Windows registry. |
RegistryDeleteValue | Deletes a value from the Windows registry. |
RegistryExist | Checks the existence of a key in the Windows registry. |
RegistryFirstSubKey | Identifies the path of first sub-key of specified key in the Windows registry. |
RegistryListKey | Lists the sub-keys of a registry key. |
RegistryListValue | Returns the name (and possibly the type) of values for a key found in the registry. |
RegistryNextKey | Identifies the key found after the specified key in the Windows registry. |
RegistryQueryValue | Reads the value of a register in the Windows registry. |
RegistryRename | Renames a key in the registry. |
RegistrySeek | Seeks a character string in the registry. |
RegistrySetValue | Writes a value into a register of the Windows registry. |
RegistryValueType | Returns the type of value found in the registry. |
RepeatString | Concatenates N repetitions of the same character string or buffer. |
Replace | Replaces all the occurrences of a word found in a string by another word. |
Replication | ..Replication is used to find out and modify the replication mode. |
ReplicDeleteSubscription | Deletes a replication on the replication server. |
ReplicInfo | Returns information about a replication. |
ReplicInitialize | Initializes or reinitializes a replication defined by the replication editor (ReplicEdit). |
ReplicOpen | Opens a replication in direct mode or with a replication server. |
ReplicSynchronize | Synchronizes the data corresponding to a replication. |
RequestUpdateUI | Asks to run the "Request for refreshing the display" process of window (or internal window). |
RequestUpdateUIParent | Asks to run the "Request for refreshing the display" process of parent. |
Reset |
RestartProgram | Ends the application and restarts it. |
Restore | Displays a WINDEV window to its initial size. |
RESTSend | Sends a REST request and waits for the server response. |
ReturnedValue | ..ReturnedValue is used to manage the returned value. |
ReturnToCapture | Used to resume the input in the specified control, window or page. |
Reverse | Returns the complement to 255 for each character found in a character string. |
RGB | Describes a color from its Red, Green and Blue components. |
RGBBlue | Returns the blue component of an RGB color. |
RGBGreen | Returns the green component of an RGB color. |
RGBRed | Returns the red component of an RGB color. |
RGBToHTML | Returns the HTML color corresponding to the RGB color. |
RibbonAdaptSize | Adapts the size of the controls found in a Ribbon control according to the size of their caption. |
RibbonCloseGrouping | Closes the grouping that is currently opened in a Ribbon control. |
RibbonEndExpandedMode | Collpases a collapsed ribbon that is temporily expanded. |
RibbonHighlightPane | Highlights (or not) a ribbon pane. |
Right | Extracts the right part (which means the last characters) from a character string or from a buffer. |
Root | Returns the root of a number. |
Round | Returns the rounded value of a numeric value according to the specified number of decimal places. |
RoundDown | Returns the value of a numeric value rounded to the nearest lower integer. |
RoundUp | Returns the value of a numeric value rounded to the nearest greater integer. |
rssBuildString | Builds the RSS stream and returns the result (in XML format) in a character string. |
rssDisplay | Builds a RSS stream and returns the content of the RSS stream to the client. |
rssInitialize | Loads a RSS stream in memory. |
rssSave | Builds the RSS stream and saves the RSS stream in an XML file. |
RTFAdd | Adds a character string (in RTF format or not) at the end of RTF edit control, RTF control in a report or character string containing a text in RTF format. |
RTFAddLink | Adds a link onto a text section in an RTF edit control. |
RTFInsert | Inserts a character string in RTF format into the content of an RTF control (found in a window or in a report) or into the content of a character string in RTF format. |
RTFLoad | Loads a file in RTF format in an RTF control (found in a window or in a report). |
RTFReplace | Replaces or inserts a character string in an RTF control (found in a window or in a report) or in a string in RTF format (containing a text in RTF format). |
RTFSearch | Finds a character string in an RTF control (found in a window or in a report) or in a character string containing text in RTF format. |
RTFSelection | Changes or lists the attributes of the text currently selected in an RTF control (found in a window or in a report). |
RTFToHTML | Returns the HTML string corresponding to the specified RTF string. |
RTFToText | Returns the text without the formatting characteristics specific to the RTF format. |
RunReportsAndQueries | Starts Reports and Queries and opens the WINDEV project corresponding to the current application. |
SaaSAdminAddClient | Adds a SaaS client account. |
SaaSAdminAddPricing | Adds a SaaS pricing |
SaaSAdminAddService | Adds a SaaS service into the description of a site. |
SaaSAdminAddSite | Adds a SaaS site |
SaaSAdminAddSubscription | Adds a subscription to a pricing of a SaaS site for a client account |
SaaSAdminAddUser | Adds a SaaS user. |
SaaSAdminClientConnection | Returns the connection to the database of a client account for a SaaS site. |
SaaSAdminConfigureCurrency | Configures the currency used in the connection reports of the SaaS system. |
SaaSAdminConfigureSiteData | Configures the management of data for a SaaS site. |
SaaSAdminConfigureSMTP | Configures the SMTP session associated with the administrator account of a SaaS session. |
SaaSAdminConnect | Connects and authenticates the administrator of the SaaS Webservice. |
SaaSAdminCreateClientDatabase | Creates the database of a client account for a SaaS site |
SaaSAdminDeleteClient | Deletes a SaaS client account. |
SaaSAdminDeletePricing | Deletes a SaaS pricing |
SaaSAdminDeleteService | Deletes a SaaS service. |
SaaSAdminDeleteSite | Deletes a SaaS site. |
SaaSAdminDeleteSubscription | Deletes a SaaS subscription. |
SaaSAdminDeleteUser | Deletes a SaaS user |
SaaSAdminDisconnect | Ends the management session of a SaaS database. |
SaaSAdminFindClient | Finds a SaaS client account. |
SaaSAdminFindPricing | Finds a SaaS pricing |
SaaSAdminFindService | Finds the description of a SaaS service. |
SaaSAdminFindSite | Find a site in the database of the SaaS Webservice. |
SaaSAdminFindSubscription | Finds a SaaS subscription |
SaaSAdminFindUser | Finds a user of a SaaS client account |
SaaSAdminIsConnected | Indicates whether a SaaS management session was opened |
SaaSAdminListClient | Lists the client accounts of the database of a SaaS Webservice. |
SaaSAdminListClientSubscription | Lists the SaaS subscriptions of a client account. |
SaaSAdminListPricing | Lists the pricing of a SaaS site. |
SaaSAdminListService | Lists the SaaS services associated with a SaaS site, with a pricing or with a user. |
SaaSAdminListSite | Lists the SaaS sites declared in the database of a WEBDEV SaaS Webservice. |
SaaSAdminListSubscription | Lists the SaaS subscriptions associated with a site or with a pricing. |
SaaSAdminListUser | Lists the users of the database of a SaaS Webservice. |
SaaSAdminModifyClient | Modifies a SaaS client account. |
SaaSAdminModifyClientConnection | Modifies the connection to the client database for a SaaS site. |
SaaSAdminModifyPricing | Modifies a SaaS pricing |
SaaSAdminModifyService | Modifies a SaaS service. |
SaaSAdminModifySite | Modifies a SaaS site. |
SaaSAdminModifySubscription | Modifies a SaaS subscription. |
SaaSAdminModifyUser | Modifies a SaaS user |
SaaSAdminPricingDisableService | Disables a service in a SaaS pricing |
SaaSAdminPricingEnableService | Enables a service in a SaaS pricing |
SaaSAdminReadSiteParameter | Reads a site parameter that was saved by SaaSAdminWriteSiteParameter |
SaaSAdminSiteConnection | Returns the connection to the common database or to the reference database of a SaaS site |
SaaSAdminSubscriptionAllocateLicense | Assigns a subscriber license to a SaaS user |
SaaSAdminSubscriptionDeallocateLicense | Cancels a subscription license for a SaaS user. |
SaaSAdminWriteSiteParameter | Saves an information specific to the client. |
SaaSChangePassword | Changes the password of the connected user |
SaaSCheckService | Checks the access rights of the user to a service of the SaaS site. |
SaaSClientConnexion | Returns the characteristics of the connection to the database of the client. |
SaaSConnect | Authenticates a user of a SaaS site beside the SaaS webservice that manages the site. |
SaaSConnectedUser | Returns the currently connected user via SaaSConnect |
SaaSDisconnect | Disconnect the user of a SaaS site toward the SaaS webservice that manages the site. |
SaaSIsConnected | Defines whether the connection to the SaaS webservice is still established. |
SaaSReadSiteParameter | Reads an information specific to the client for the current SaaS site |
SaaSSendSecurityCode | Sends the security code to the user so that he can change his password. |
SaaSWriteSiteParameter | Saves a specific information for a SaaS site in the configuration of a client account. |
SAPConnect | Connects a SAP R/3 system from the information given in the SAP structure. |
SAPDisconnect | Disconnects a SAP R/3 system. |
SAPExecute | Calls a synchronous function or BAPI on a SAP system. |
SaveParameter | Saves a persistent value in the registry or in another file specified by InitParameter. |
SchedulerAddAppointment | Adds a new appointment into a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerAddResource | Adds a new resource into a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerAddTask | Creates a task in the Windows scheduler (if this task does not already exist). |
SchedulerAddTrigger | Creates a schedule for a scheduled task. |
SchedulerBackgroundColor | Defines a background color for a time period in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerChangeMode | Modifies the period (which means the number of days) displayed by a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerDateVisible | Makes a day visible or invisible in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerDeleteAll | Deletes all the appointments and all the resources from a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerDeleteAppointment | Deletes an appointment from a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerDeleteResource | Deletes a resource from a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerDeleteTask | Deletes a scheduled task. |
SchedulerDeleteTrigger | Deletes a schedule from a scheduled task. |
SchedulerDisplay | Reinitializes the content of a Scheduler control from its data source (HFSQL file for example). |
SchedulerDisplayNextPeriod | Moves the time area displayed on the next area (next weeks for example) in a Scheduler control |
SchedulerDisplayPreviousPeriod | Moves the time area displayed on the previous area (previous weeks for example) in a Scheduler control |
SchedulerInfoXY | Returns the appointment, the resource or the date found at a given position in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerListAppointment |
SchedulerMode | Returns the display mode of a Scheduler control: day, week, month, ... |
SchedulerModifyTask | Modifies the parameters of a scheduled task. |
SchedulerModifyTrigger | Modifies the parameters for the schedule of a scheduled task, which means the parameters that will define the execution of a task. |
SchedulerOpenTaskProperties | Opens the property page of a scheduled task. |
SchedulerPosition | Displays a Scheduler control from a specified date or returns the date of the first day (or last day) displayed in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerPositionDateTime | Displays a Scheduler control from a specified date or returns the date of the first day (or last day) displayed in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerPositionResource | Displays a given resource in a Scheduler control or returns the position of the first resource visible in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerReset | Fills the ScheculedTask and/or TriggerScheduledTask structures with the default values. |
SchedulerSelectedRange | Returns the start or end date and time of the time slot selected in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerSelectMinus | Deselects an appointment from a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerSelectPlus | Selects an appointment in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerTaskList | Retrieves the list of scheduled tasks. |
SchedulerTaskProperties | Reads the properties of a scheduled task and updates the ScheduledTask structure. |
SchedulerTaskStatus | Retrieves or modifies the status of a task created in the Windows scheduler. |
SchedulerTimeDisplayed | Defines the time range displayed by the Scheduler control in Day mode or in Week mode |
SchedulerToiCalendar | Exports the appointments from a Scheduler control in iCalendar format. |
SchedulerTriggerProperties | Reads the properties for a schedule of a scheduled task and updates the TriggerScheduledTask structure. |
SchedulerWorkingHour | Used to indicate the specific working hours per day in a Scheduler control. |
SchedulerWorkingHourResource | Used to indicate the specific working hours per day and per resource in a Scheduler control. |
sClose | Closes the specified serial port, parallel port or infrared port. |
sComputeCrc16 | Checks a character string before and after transmission between WINDEV applications and WEBDEVsites. |
sComputeCrc32 | Calculates the Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) of buffer. |
ScreenFirst | Defines the next control that will be in edit in the current window. |
ScreenSize | Returns the size (in inches) of the diagonal of the screen on the device where the application is run. |
ScreenToFile |
Automatically initializes:
ScreenToSource |
Automatically initializes
ScreenType | Returns the type of screen on which the application is run: phone, tablet, computer or watch. |
ScriptDisplay | Calls an external script or page (.php, .asp, .mhtml or.mht) and returns the result page in the current browser window. |
ScriptExecute | Calls an external script (.asp or .php) and returns the result in a string. |
ScrollbarIsVisible | Used to find out whether the scrollbar of a control found in a WINDEV application is visible. |
ScrollbarMaxPosition | Retrieves the maximum position of one of the horizontal or vertical scrollbars found in a control of a WINDEV application. |
ScrollbarPosition | Modifies or retrieves the position of one of the horizontal or vertical scrollbars found in a control of a WINDEV application. |
ScrollBarShow | Displays (or not) a scrollbar in a WINDEV control (edit control or list box) even if no scrollbar was specified during the control description. |
Seek | Seeks the subscript of an element in a WLanguage array. |
SeekByProcedure | Seeks an element in a one-dimensional array by using a comparison procedure. |
SeekProcedure | Seeks a procedure identified by its name. The procedure found can be run directly |
SelectColor | Opens the standard window for color selection and selects the specified color. |
SelectionColor | Changes the characteristics of the selection bar in a Table control, Combo Box control or List Box control. |
SemaphoreCreate | Creates a semaphore. |
SemaphoreDestroy | Explicitly destroys a semaphore. |
SemaphoreEnd | Allows one or more threads to exit from the area protected by the semaphore. |
SemaphoreStart | Locks the current thread until the semaphore is opened (which means until a "free" spot becomes available in the protected section). |
SemiDynamicPageDisplay | Displays a semi-dynamic page in the browser of the Web user from a dynamic or static WEBDEV page. |
sEndEvent | Disables the detection of an event on a serial port. |
SendKey | Simulates the keystrokes and the mouse actions. |
SendMessage | Sends a Windows message to a control or to a window. |
SensorDetectBeginningBumps | Used to be notified when bumps occur on the device on any one of its 3 axes. |
SensorDetectChangeAcceleration | Allows you to be notified when accelerations occur on the device on any one of its 3 axes. |
SensorDetectChangeOrientation | Allows you to be notified when the orientation of the device changes on any one of its 3 axes. |
SensorDetectEndBumps | Used to be notified when bumps occur on the device on any one of its 3 axes. |
SensorEnd | Indicates the end of the use of the sensor functions. |
SensorGetOrientation | Retrieves the current orientation of the device on one of its 3 axes. |
Serialize |
Transforms the following elements into a specific format:
ServiceContinue | Restarts a paused service. |
ServiceControl | Sends a control message to a service. |
ServiceExist | Checks whether a service is installed. |
ServiceInfo | Returns information regarding the configuration of a service. |
ServiceInstall | Installs a Windows service or a Linux daemon according to the information given in the members of the Service variable. |
ServiceList | Returns the list of services found on the current computer or on the specified remote computer. |
ServiceModify | Modifies the configuration of a service according to the information given in the members of the Service variable. |
ServicePause | Pauses a service. |
ServiceRefresh | Asks a service to re-read its configuration information. |
ServiceRestart | Restarts a service that was stopped beforehand. |
ServiceStart | Starts a service. |
ServiceStatus | Returns the current status of a service. |
ServiceStop | Stops a service. |
ServiceUninstall | Uninstalls a service. |
ServiceWait | Pauses the current service during the specified duration. |
ServiceWaitStatus | Waits for a service to be in a specific status. |
ServiceWriteEventLog | Writes an event into the log of Windows events. |
sEscape | Runs different functions that directly affect the bits of the serial port, parallel port or infrared port, independently of the communication protocol. |
SetFocus |
Gives focus:
sEvent | Branches an event on a serial port. |
SexagesimalToDecimal | Returns the decimal angle corresponding to a sexagesimal angle. |
SFAdd | Creates a record in a file of a Salesforce database. |
SFConnect | Allows you to authenticate yourself beside a Salesforce platform. |
SFConvertLead | Converts the leads. |
SFDelete | Deletes records from a Salesforce database. |
SFDisconnect |
SFEmptyRecycleBin | Clears the specified records from the Salesforce recycle bin. |
SFExecuteProcess | Requests the execution of a specific process. |
SFExecuteQuery | Runs an SOQL query (Salesforce Object Query Language) on a Salesforce database. |
SFForwardQuery | Continues to run a SOQL query (Salesforce Object Query Language) on the records of a Salesforce database. |
SFMerge | Merges the Salesforce records (also called Salesforce objects). |
SFModify | Modifies the records of a file defined in Salesforce. |
SFRead | Retrieves the Salesforce records from their identifiers. |
SFSearch | Performs a search among the records found in a Salesforce database. |
SFSeekDeleted | Seeks and retrieves the records (Salesforce objects) deleted during the specified period. |
SFSeekModified | Seeks and retrieves the records (Salesforce objects) modified during the specified period. |
SFUndelete | Restores the Salesforce records that were previously erased. |
ShapePolygon | Transforms a Shape control into a free shape (by specifying its points). |
ShellExecute | Opens a document in its associated application. |
ShowToolTip | Enables or disables the mechanism for displaying the control tooltips. |
SIMDelete | Deletes an entry from the directory of SIM card. |
SIMNbContact | Returns the number of entries found in the directory of SIM card. |
SIMRead | Reads an entry in the directory of SIM card. |
SIMWrite | Writes or modifies an entry in the directory of SIM card. |
Sin | Returns the sine of an angle. |
sInEntryQueue | Retrieves the number of pending bytes in the input buffer of a specified serial port or infrared port. |
sInExitQueue | Retrieves the number of bytes waiting to be transferred in the output buffer of the specified serial port or parallel port. |
SIPList | Returns the list of keyboard types available on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
SIPMode |
Allows you to:
SIPVisible |
Used to:
SiteAddress | Returns the Internet address for connecting to a dynamic WEBDEV site found on the same server. |
SiteMapPathAddLink | Adds a link into a site map path. |
SiteMapPathDeleteAll | Deletes all the links from a site map path. |
SiteMapPathDeleteLink | Deletes a link from a site map path. |
SiteMapPathInsertLink | Inserts a link into a site map path. |
SiteMapPathModifyLink | Modifies a link in a site map path. |
SMSDelete |
Deletes an SMS stored:
SMSFirst |
Reads the first SMS stored:
SMSNbMessage | Returns the number of SMSs stored or the maximum number of SMSs that can be stored: |
SMSNext |
Reads the next SMS:
SMSReset | Re-initializes all the variables of the SMS structure. |
SMSRunApp | Starts the native application for sending SMSs found on the device (Android or iPhone/iPad). |
SMSSend | Sends an SMS. |
SNMPCloseSession | Closes an SNMP session |
SNMPGet | Reads one or more values of an agent with which an SNMP session was started. |
SNMPGetNext | Reads the value found after the last value retrieved for an SNMP agent. |
SNMPGetTable | Reads a table of SNMP values. |
SNMPLoadMIB | Loads a MIB file in memory and analyzes it. |
SNMPOIDAccess | Returns the authorized access modes of a specific OID. |
SNMPOIDDescription | Returns the description of an OID. |
SNMPOIDStatus | Returns the status of an OID. |
SNMPOIDToString | Converts an OID from its numeric representation to its text representation. |
SNMPOIDType | Returns the type of data found in an OID. |
SNMPSet | Writes one or more values onto an SNMP agent for which an SNMP session was started. |
SNMPStartSession | Starts an SNMP session. |
SNMPStringToOID | Converts an OID from its text representation to its numeric representation. |
SNMPTrapDisable | Disables the interception of an SNMP trap. |
SNMPTrapEnable | Enables the interception of an SNMP "trap" sent by an agent. |
SOAPAddAttribute | Adds an attribute to an automatic variable generated by the import of a Webservice |
SOAPAddHeader | Adds a header to the next SOAP function of a Webservice to run. |
SOAPAddSAMLAssertion | Adds a SAML assertion to a Webservice request. |
SOAPAddXMLSignature | Adds an XML signature to a Webservice request. |
SOAPEncodeResult | Used to configure the format of the value returned by the WINDEV SOAP server to the SOAP client program. |
SOAPError | Returns the error of the last SOAP procedure that failed. |
SOAPGetHeader | Retrieves a header in the SOAP message received further to a call to a Webservice. |
SOAPGetResult | Returns the result of the last SOAP procedure that was successfully run. |
SOAPPrepare | Builds the SOAP request for calling a function of a Webservice. |
SOAPRun | Runs a procedure on a SOAP server. |
SOAPRunXML | Runs a procedure on a SOAP server. |
SocketAccept | Run on the server, this function accepts a request for connecting to an existing socket found on the server. |
SocketChangeTransmissionMode | Changes the transmission mode used on a socket. |
SocketClientInfo | Allows the server to get information about the current client socket. |
SocketClose | Closes a socket or a connection to a server socket. |
SocketConnect | Connects a client computer to a given socket. |
SocketConnectBluetooth | Connects a client computer to a specific Bluetooth socket. |
SocketConnectInfrared | Connects a client computer to a given socket via the infrared port. |
SocketConnectSSL | Used to establish a secure connection to an SSL server. |
SocketCreate | Creates a socket. |
SocketCreateBluetooth | Creates a socket using a Bluetooth device. |
SocketCreateInfrared | Creates a socket that is using the infrared port. |
SocketCreateSSL | Creates a secure socket according to the SSL protocol. |
SocketCreateUDP | Creates a socket that is using the UDP protocol. |
SocketDeny | Run on the server, this function refuses a request for connection to an existing socket found on the server. |
SocketExist | Checks the existence of a socket. |
SocketRead | Retrieves a message sent by another socket. |
SocketWaitForConnection | Run on the server, this function is used to wait for a connection request coming from the client sockets. |
SocketWrite | Writes a message intended for another socket. |
sOpen |
Opens and initializes:
Sort | Sorts a WLanguage array. |
Sound | Plays a sound in WAV format. |
SourceToPage |
Automatically initializes the controls of a page with
SourceToScreen |
Automatically initializes the controls found in a window or in a page with
sParameter | Defines or modifies the parameters for configuring the specified serial port, parallel port or infrared port. |
SpeechRecognitionAddCommand | Adds a voice command into the current window |
SpeechRecognitionDeleteCommand | Deletes a voice command that was added by AddVoiceCommand |
SpeechRecognitionTrigger | Triggers the service for speech recognition on the device. |
SpeechSynthesisInitialize | Initializes the parameters of speech synthesis for the current application. |
SpeechSynthesisInProgress | Used to find out whether a read operation is in progress on the engine for speech synthesis. |
SpeechSynthesisReadFile | Reads the content of the specified file by using the engine for speech synthesis found on the device. |
SpeechSynthesisReadText | Reads the specified text by using the engine for speech synthesis found on the device. |
SpeechSynthesisStop | Stops all the current read operations on the engine for speech synthesis. |
SpellAddDictionary |
Adds a word to the dictionary of OpenOffice
SpellAvailable | Indicates whether an OpenOffice dictionary is available for the spelling checker (check performed in the control that use the included correction or check performed by the WLanguage functions). |
SpellCheck | Indicates whether the spelling of a word is correct (which means whether it is found in the OpenOffice dictionary installed on the computer). |
SpellSuggest | Returns the list of possible words found in the dictionary of OpenOffice that can correct a word that is misspelled. |
SpreadsheetAddData | Adds a data into a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetAddFormula | Adds a calculation formula into a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetAddName | Specifies a name to identify a cell found in a Spreadsheet control. |
SpreadsheetAddWorksheet | Adds a worksheet into a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetAllowProcedure | Allows the use of a WLanguage function/procedure in a formula of a Spreadsheet control. |
SpreadsheetBorderSelection | Modifies the border of the selected cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetClose | Closes the XLXS document that was opened by SpreadsheetLoad. |
SpreadsheetControlFormula | Allows you to use a control in order to create a custom formula bar for the Spreadsheet control. |
SpreadsheetDeleteAll | Deletes the entire data from a Spreadsheet control found in a window (cells, formulas, size and header layouts) |
SpreadsheetDeleteColumn | Deletes a column from a Spreadsheet control |
SpreadsheetDeleteLine | Deletes a row from a Spreadsheet control. |
SpreadsheetDeleteWorksheet | Deletes a worksheet from a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetFreeze | Used to freeze the display of a row or column in a Spreadsheet control. |
SpreadsheetGetFormula | Retrieves the calculation formula of a cell found in a Spreadsheet control of a window. |
SpreadsheetGetMerge | Used to find out whether a cell is merged with other cells and to get the name of merged cells. |
SpreadsheetGetSelection | Retrieves the list of cells selected in a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetInsertColumn | Inserts an empty column into a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetInsertRow | Inserts an empty row into a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetInsertWorksheet | Inserts a worksheet into a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetLoad | Loads a file in XLSX format in a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetPosition |
Displays the specified cell in a Spreadsheet control found in a window:
SpreadsheetRecalculateAll | Recalculates all the formulas of a Spreadsheet control found in a window (including the formulas that use WLanguage functions/procedures). |
SpreadsheetSave | Saves the content of a Spreadsheet control in a file in XLSX format. |
SpreadsheetSeek | Seeks a value in the cells of a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetSelectMinus | Deselects one or more cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetSelectPlus | Selects one or more cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetSelectWorksheet | Selects a worksheet (identified by its name) in a Spreadsheet control. |
SpreadsheetStyleSelection | Returns or modifies the style of selected cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window. |
SpreadsheetTypeAndMaskSelection | Returns or modifies the type and mask of the cells selected in a Spreadsheet control. |
SQLAssociate | Automatically associates each column of the query result with a control or with a variable of the application. |
SQLChangeConnection | Modifies the current connection. |
SQLClose | Declares the end of the query execution and frees the memory resources allocated during the execution of the query. |
SQLCol | Retrieves the content of the specified column from the query result, for the current line. |
SQLColumn |
Returns the characteristics of all the columns (or items):
SQLColumnFormat |
Returns the different types of columns supported
SQLConnect | Connects the current application to a database that will be interrogated by SQL. |
SQLConnectWS | Connects the current application to a database that will be interrogated by SQL by using a Webservice proxy (SOAP) |
SQLDisconnect | Closes the current connection and frees the memory used by the connection. |
SQLExec | Names and runs an SQL query. |
SQLExecWDR | Runs the SQL code of a query created in the query editor. |
SQLFetch | Goes to the next line (which means to the next record) of the query result. |
SQLFirst | Positions on the first line of query result. |
SQLGetCol | Retrieves the content of the specified column from the query result, for the current line. |
SQLGetMemo | Retrieves the content of a Memo column from the query result, for the current line. |
SQLGetTextMemo | Retrieves the content of a Text Memo column found in the query result, for the current line. |
SQLInfo | Initializes the different SQL variables with the information relative to the last query run. |
SQLLast | Positions on the last line of the query result. |
SQLListSource | Lists the data sources declared on a local site. |
SQLListTable | List all the tables that can be accessed by the connected database system. |
SQLLock |
Allows you to lock:
SQLModify | Modifies the content of a line in the query result. |
SQLNext | Positions on the next line of query result. |
SQLPrevious | Positions on the previous line of query result. |
SQLReqExists | Checks the existence of a query. |
SQLSeek | Positions on the specified result line of query. |
SQLTable | Transfers the result of a query to a memory table (list box or combo box), with possibility of Partial Fetch (the result is retrieved by blocks of lines). |
SQLTransaction |
Used to start, validate or cancel a transaction
sRead | Reads a character string in the entry buffer of the specified serial port. |
SSHCommand | Sends a command to an SSH server. The session is automatically started and closed as soon as the command is sent. |
SSHConnectShell | Starts a new SSH session of "Shell" type. |
SSHDisconnectShell | Closes an SSH session that was opened by SSHConnectShell. |
SSHRead | Reads the data found on the output buffer of the SSH session. |
SSHWrite | Writes data into the specified SSH session. |
SSLActive | Used to enable or disable the secure SSL mode. |
StackInfo | Retrieves the characteristics of a stack: types of elements and number of elements. |
StartShare | Opens a popup allowing you to select the application that will be used to share a resource (text or document). |
StatAverage | Calculates the arithmetic, geometric or harmonic mean for a series of values. |
StatAverageDeviation | Calculates the average deviation of values in relation to their arithmetic mean. |
StatCorrelation | Calculates the coefficient of correlation between two series of values. |
StatCovariance | Calculates the covariance between two series of values. |
StatError | Returns the error number for the last error caused by a Statxxx function (statistical functions). |
StatMax | Calculates the maximum value for a series of values. |
StatMin | Calculates the minimum value for a series of values. |
StatStandardDeviation | Calculates the standard deviation for a series of values. |
StatStandardDeviationP | Calculates the standard deviation for a full series of values. |
StatSum | Calculates the sum for a series of values. |
StatVariance | Calculates the variance for a series of values. |
StatVarianceP | Calculates the variance for a full series of values. |
StreamAccept | Associates a request for stream connection with a conference control. |
StreamChangeDriver | Specifies the camera that will be used as source for a stream and/or a Conference control. |
StreamConfigure | Specifies the network parameters required to use the Conference controls on Internet. |
StreamConnect | Connects a stream (and the associated control) to a specific address. |
StreamDisconnect | Stops receiving or broadcasting a stream. |
StreamInfo | Returns the name and/or number of the stream issuer. |
StreamPlay | Resumes the reception or the emission of a data type in a stream. |
StreamReject | Refuses a request for stream connection. |
StreamStop | Stops receiving or broadcasting a type of data in a stream. |
StringBuild | Builds a character string according to an initial string and to parameters. |
StringCompare |
Compares two strings character by character:
StringCount |
StringDelete |
StringDisplay | Returns a specific string (or a buffer) to the client browser in response to a request. |
StringEndsWith |
Checks whether a character string ends
StringFormat | Formats a character string according to the selected options. |
StringIncrement | Increments a number found at the beginning or at the end of a character string. |
StringInsert | Inserts a string into another character string at a given position. |
StringRetrieve | Retrieves a character string in a format external to PC Soft (character string that is the result of a Windows API for example). |
StringReverse | Reverses the characters of a string. |
StringSplit | Extracts all the sub-strings from a character string according to a one or more string separators. |
StringStartsWith |
Checks whether a character string starts
StringToArray | Fills a one- or two-dimensional array of the specified type with the character string passed in parameter. |
StringToDate | Transforms a date in character string format into a date in YYYYMMDD format. |
StringToDuration | Transforms a duration in character string format into a duration that can be used by a Duration variable. |
StringToPalm | Sends a character string to the "Notepad" database of the PALM. |
StringToTime | Transforms a time in character string format into a time in HHMMSSCC format, that can be used by a Time variable]. |
StringToUTF8 | Converts a string in ANSI or UNICODE format into a string in UTF8 format. |
Sum | Calculates the sum of the array elements |
SwapLine | Used to swap two rows in a two-dimensional array or in an advanced array property |
sWrite | Writes a character string into the output buffer of the specified serial port, parallel port or infrared port. |
SysAndroidVersion | Returns information about the Android version used by the application. |
SysCacheExternalStorage | Returns the path of the directory that will be used to store the data in cache on the external storage space of the application. |
SysChangeEnvironment | Modifies the environment variables of the operating system found on the current computer. |
SysChangeScreenResolution | Modifies the resolution of a screen. |
SysColor | Identifies or modifies the color of a Windows element. |
SysColorRes | Returns the resolution of the screen in number of colors. |
SysDateTime | Returns or modifies the system date (date and time of the day defined for the current computer). |
SysDetectLockedSession | Detects the change of lock for the Windows session. |
SysDir | Returns the path of a system directory. |
SysDirExternalStorage | Returns the path of the directory that will be used to store files in the external storage space of an Android device. |
SysDirStorageCard |
SysEnvironment | Returns the environment variables of the operating system for the current computer. |
SysErrorMode | Modifies the display mode of errors. |
SysGetDC | Retrieves the DC (Device Context) of a window, control or screen. |
SysGetExtLink | Returns the command linked to an extension. |
SysIconAdd | Adds an icon into the taskbar (bottom right corner of screen). |
SysIconAddImage | Adds an icon that is superimposed over the icon of the application in the taskbar. |
SysIconBadge | Returns or modifies the value displayed in the badge associated with the icon of an iOS or Universal Windows 10 App application. |
SysIconDelete | Deletes an icon from the taskbar (next to the clock). |
SysIconDeleteImage | Deletes the icon that is superimposed over the icon of the application in the taskbar. |
SysIconDisplayTooltip | Displays a tooltip for an icon found in the taskbar. |
SysIconize | Used to find out whether a window is minimized. |
SysIconModify | Modifies the icon file and/or the rollover message of an icon in the taskbar (bottom right corner of the screen). |
SysIdentifier | Returns the unique identifier of the current mobile device |
SysIMEI | Returns the IMEI number of a Smartphone. |
SysInstance | Returns the instance of a module. |
SysIOSVersion | Returns information about the iOS version used by the application. |
SysLinkExtension | Associates an extension (.txt, .avi, etc.) with a default runtime program. |
SysListScreen | Returns the list of screens connected to one or more video cards. |
SysListScreenOrientation | Used to find out the possible orientations of a screen on a Mobile Device (Pocket PC) |
SysListScreenResolution | Returns the possible resolutions for a screen. |
SysListVideoCard | Returns the name of the video cards connected to the current computer. |
SysMemoryExternalStorage | Returns the amount of available memory on the external storage area of the device. |
SysMetric | Returns the resolution of a specific element. |
SysNameExe | Returns the name and full path of an application. |
SysNameMainScreen | Returns the name of the main screen for the computer. |
SysNation | Returns the nation currently used by the system. |
SysNbExternalStorage | Returns the number of external storage spaces found on an Android device. |
SysNumberScreen | Returns the number of screens currently connected to the current computer. |
SysRecentDocAdd | Adds a file into the list of recently opened documents. |
SysRecentDocList | Returns the list of recently opened documents. |
SysReleaseDC | Frees the current DC (Device Context) retrieved by SysGetDC. |
SysRemovableExternalStorage | Used to find out whether the external storage space corresponds to the moveable memory (SD Card). |
SysScreenOrientation |
Used to
SysScreenRectangle | Returns the coordinates of the display rectangle corresponding to all the screens. |
SysScreenResolution | Returns the resolution of a screen. |
SysSerialNum | Returns the serial number of the current Mobile Device (Pocket PC). |
SysSetFocus | Gives focus to a window or to a control. |
SysShutdown | Stops the system or closes the current Windows session. |
SysSpace | Returns the physical memory space for the current computer. |
SysStandby |
Used to
SysStatusExternalStorage | Returns the availability status of the external storage space of the device. |
SysStatusStorageCard | Returns the availability status of the storage card on the device. |
SystemIntegerToInteger | Converts a system integer into a 4-byte integer |
SysTheme | Returns the visual theme currently displayed on the device running Universal Windows 10 App. |
SysThumbnailAddButton | Adds a button into the thumbnail of the application in the taskbar. |
SysThumbnailDeleteAll | Deletes all the buttons associated with the thumbnail of the application from the taskbar. |
SysThumbnailDeleteButton | Deletes one of the buttons found in the thumbnail of the application from the taskbar. |
SysThumbnailModifyButton | Modifies one of the buttons found on the application thumbnail in the taskbar. |
SysUnlinkExtension | Deletes the association between an extension and a command that was created by SysLinkExtension. |
SysValidHandle | Checks the validity of a window handle. |
SysVersion | Returns information about the PHP version used on the current server. |
SysWinActive | Returns the handle of the active window or activates a window. |
SysWindowsVersion | Returns information about the Windows version used on the current computer. |
SysWinHandle | Returns the handle of a window identified by its title. |
SysWinShow | Modifies the display status of a window. |
SysWinTitle | Returns the title of a window. |
SysXRes | Returns the horizontal resolution of the screen. |
SysYRes | Returns the vertical screen resolution. |
TabClose | Closes a dynamic pane in a Tab control. |
TabCloseAll | Closes all the dynamic panes of a Tab control. |
TableAdd |
Adds a row into
TableAddChild | Adds a row into a TreeView Table control, at the end of a given hierarchy level. |
TableAddColumn | Adds elements on the right of an Horizontal Table control. |
TableAddInProgress | Modifies or returns the visibility status of the internal wait window when adding additional elements into an infinite Table control. |
TableAddLine |
Adds a row into
TableAddLineWithAnimation | Adds a row into a Table control or into a TreeView Table control with an animation. |
TableAddTitleHeader | Adds a title-header of columns into a Table control or into a TreeView Table control found in a window. |
TableAdjust | Adjusts the title and size of the columns found in a Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableBreakSubscript | Returns the subscript of the break header and footer for a given break in a Table control. |
TableCellSelect | Returns the coordinates (row number and column number) of a selected cell. This function is kept for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use TableSelect |
TableCellSelectOccurrence | Returns the number of selected cells found in a Table control. This function is kept for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use TableSelectCount |
TableChildCount | Returns the number of direct children for an element in a TreeView Table control |
TableCollapse |
TableCollapseAll |
TableColumnSelect | Returns the column number corresponding to one of the columns selected in the Table control. This function is kept for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use TableSelect. |
TableColumnSelectOccurrence | Returns the number of selected columns found in a table. This function is kept for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use TableSelectCount. |
TableColumnSubscript | Returns the subscript of a column found in a Table or Treeview Table control. |
TableCount |
TableDelete |
Deletes a row from
TableDeleteAll |
Deletes all the rows from
TableDeleteChild | Deletes all the child rows from a branch of the hierarchy |
TableDeleteSelect | Deletes the selected rows from a Table or Treeview Table control. |
TableDeleteWithAnimation | Deletes a row from a Table control, from a TreeView Table control (or from a table displayed in a Combo Box control) with an animation. |
TableDisableFilter | Disables a user filter on a column or on all the columns found in a Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableDisplay |
Refreshes the display of a Table or TeeeView Table control from a given position:
TableEnableFilter | Implements a user filter on a column found in a Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableEnd | Stops the manual browsing of the data file linked to a browsing Table control. |
TableEndFilling | Indicates the end of fill for a memory Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableEnumBreak | Enumerates the breaks found in a Table control. |
TableEnumColumn | Returns the name of a column found in a Table or Treeview Table control. |
TableExpand |
TableExpandAll |
TableFilteredColumn | Returns the list of columns filtered by the user in a Table or TreeView Table control |
TableFixColumn | Fixes a column to the left or frees a column fixed to the left. |
TableFormulaAdd | Adds a calculated row into a Table control by providing the procedures for custom calculations. |
TableFormulaDeleteAll | Deletes all the rows added by TableFormulaAdd. |
TableGiveChild | Returns the "children" of an element (lower level) in a TreeView Table control. |
TableGiveParent | Returns the "parent" of an element in a TreeView Table control. |
TableInfoXY |
Returns for a given position in a Table or TreeView Table control (coordinates of a control point):
TableInputInProgress | Indicates whether a Table or Treeview Table control is currently in edit. |
TableInputSearch | Switches to input mode the search area found in the column title of the Table or Treeview Table control . |
TableInsert |
Inserts a row into
TableInsertChild | Inserts a row into a treeview table control, in a given hierarchy level. |
TableInsertColumn | Inserts elements in the format of columns into an horizontal Table control. |
TableInsertLine |
Inserts a row into
TableInsertLineWithAnimation | Inserts a row into a Table control or into a TreeView Table control with an animation. |
TableItemStatus | Returns the status of a node in a Treeview Table control: collapsed, expanded or not found |
TableListChild | Lists the "children" of a node and the "child" elements of these "children" in a TreeView Table control. |
TableMode | TableMode is kept for backward compatibility. |
TableModify |
Modifies a row in
TableModifyColumn | Modifies a column in an horizontal Table control. |
TableModifyLine |
Modifies a row in
TableMoveBranch | Moves the content of a row as well as its entire descending tree structure in a TreeView Table control. |
TableMoveColumn | Moves a column in a Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableMoveLine | Moves a row or swaps two rows in a Table control. |
TablePosition | Displays a Table or TreeView Table control from a specified row or returns the subscript of the first row displayed in a Table or TreeView Table control. |
TablePrint | Prints the content of the specified Table control without having to create a report based on the Table control. |
TableRecNum | Returns the number of the current record in a browsing Table control. |
TableRefreshVisible | Modifies or returns the visibility status of the refresh bar in a Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableRestorePositionAndSelection | Restores the scrollbar position in a Table or TreeView Table control as well as the selected elements. |
TableSave | Modifies or adds the record associated with the current row into the browsing Table or browsing Treeview Table control. |
TableSavePositionAndSelection |
TableSeek |
Performs a search in
TableSeekChild | Seeks a value in a column of a TreeView Table control, in a specified branch. |
TableSelect | Returns the subscript of the element selected in the Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableSelectCount | Returns the number of elements selected in a Table or Treeview Table control (notably in the case of a multi-selection control). |
TableSelectMinus | Deselects a row from a Table or Treeview Table control. |
TableSelectPlus | Selects a row in a Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableSelectToFile | Positions on the data file record corresponding to the row selected in the multi-selection browsing Table control |
TableSetFocus | Gives focus to a row found in a Table or Treeview Table control: the control switches to edit for the specified row and column. |
TableSort | Sorts a Table or Treeview Table control on one or more columns (lexicographical sort). |
TableSort_55 | TableSort_55 is kept for backward compatibility . |
TableSortChild | Sorts a branch in a TreeView Table control on one or more columns. |
TableSortedColumn | Returns the list of sorted columns found in a table. |
TableStartFilling | Indicates the start of fill for a memory Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableSwapBranch | Swaps the content of two rows (as well as their respective tree structure) in a TreeView Table control. |
TableSwapLine |
TableToClipboard | Copies the content of a Table or TreeView Table control into the clipboard. |
TableToExcel | Creates an Excel file from the data found in a Table or Treeview Table control . |
TableToText | Creates a character string from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control. |
TableToWord | Creates a Word file (.RTF) from the data found in a Table or Treeview Table control. |
TableToXML | Creates an XML file from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control . |
TableTypeItem | Checks the existence of an element in a treeview table and returns its type (node or leaf) if the element exists |
TabLoadConfiguration | Restores the configuration of the dynamic panes in a Tab control. |
TabOpen | Opens a new pane in a dynamic Tab control. |
TabSaveConfiguration | Saves the configuration of the dynamic panes found in a Tab control in character string format. |
TabStatus | Returns the status of a dynamic tab pane (identified by its alias). |
Tangent | Calculates the tangent of an angle. |
tapiAnswerCall | Answers an incoming call that was detected. |
tapiBlindTransfer | Performs a "blind" transfer. |
tapiCallDuring | Returns the duration of the call (difference between the start date and time of call and the end date and time of call). |
tapiCalledID | Used to find out the phone number called. |
tapiCallEnd | Returns the date and time of the end of call. |
tapiCallerID | Used to find out the calling phone number (the one that calls). |
tapiCallIsBusy | Used to find out whether the number called is busy. |
tapiCallIsOver | Used to find out whether the incoming or outgoing call is ended. |
tapiCallIsWaiting | Used to find out whether the call is on hold. |
tapiCallStart | Returns the date and time of the beginning of call (incoming or outgoing call). |
tapiCapability | Returns the characteristics of a telephony device. |
tapiChangeDeviceParameter | Modifies the parameters of a telephony device. |
tapiCompleteTransfer | Performs a call transfer (with ability to retrieve the call). |
tapiDevice | |
tapiDeviceList | Returns the list of TAPI 2.0-compatible devices installed on the current computer. |
tapiDeviceParameter | Reads the value of a parameter for a telephony device. |
tapiDial | Dials a phone number for a voice line. |
tapiDialerCall | Opens the default telephony application (dialer) found on the phone and dials the specified number |
tapiDialerDisplay | Opens the default telephony application (dialer) and displays the specified number. No call is made |
tapiError | Indicates whether an error was returned by the last tapixxx function (functions for managing the phone calls) to the TAPI module. |
tapiHangUp | Hangs up a phone line that was opened by tapiDial or by telAnswerCall. |
tapiHold | Puts a call on hold. |
tapiKeyPressed | Used to find out the history of the keys pressed on the phone keypad since the last call to tapiKeyPressed. |
tapiLineDial | Dials a phone number for a voice line and chooses the device to use. |
tapiListen | Starts the call detection (also called "call monitoring service"). |
tapiNoAnswer | Used to find out whether an answer was given to the call. |
tapiOrigin | Used to find out the origin of a call (incoming call, outgoing call, ...) |
tapiPlay | Plays a sound file (.WAV) for the specified line. |
tapiRecord | Saves the current communication in a .WAV file. |
tapiSendKey | Allows you to simulate the use of phone keys. |
tapiStop | Forces the reading of a pre-recorded message to stop (tapiPlay). |
tapiStopCallDetection | Stops the specified call detection that was started by tapiListen. |
tapiUnhold | Picks up a call on hold. |
TaskAdd | Adds a task to the task list of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
TaskDelete | Deletes the current task from the task list of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
TaskFirst | Reads the first task found in the task list of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
TaskLast | Reads the last task found in the task list of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
TaskModify | Modifies the current task in the task list of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
TaskNext | Reads the task found after the current task in the task list of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
TaskPrevious | Reads the task found before the current task in the task list of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
TaskRead | Reads a task in the task list of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging. |
TaskReset | Reinitializes the Task structure. |
TelemetryAddMeasure | Adds a measure for a value sensor or for a time sensor. |
TelemetryAddPassage | Signals the code execution for a passage sensor. |
TelemetryConfigure | Used to find out and modify the telemetry parameters. |
TelemetryDisable | Disables the telemetry. The telemetry data is not sent to the server anymore. |
TelemetryEnable | Enables the telemetry manually. |
TelemetryIdentifyUser | Identifies the current user for which the telemetry data is saved. |
TelemetryIsEnabled | Used to find out whether the telemetry is enabled. |
TestAddIteration | Adds an iteration into the current test and gives the values of test parameters for this iteration. |
TestVerify | Writes a result into the status report of a test according to the result of a boolean expression. |
TestWriteResult | Writes information or an error into the status report of a unit test, in the test editor. |
TextEllipsis | Returns, for a given text, the text with ellipsis displayed in an edit control, in a Combo Box control or in a Static control. |
TextHeight | Calculates the height (in pixels) of the text displayed in an edit control, in a Static control or in a Combo box control |
TextToHTML | Converts a text string into an HTML string (the CR characters are replaced by <BR>, the accented characters are replaced by their equivalent in HTML, ...). |
TextToRTF | Converts a text string into a string in RTF format |
TextToXML | Converts a character string in ANSI format into a character string in XML format. |
TextWidth | Calculates the width (in pixels) of the text displayed in an edit control, in a Combo Box control or in a Static control |
ThreadCurrent | Returns the name of the thread currently run. |
ThreadEnd | Ends the execution of the current thread. |
ThreadExecute | Starts the execution of a secondary thread. |
ThreadMode | Changes the management mode of threads. |
ThreadPause | Pauses the current thread during the specified duration. |
ThreadPersistent | Makes a thread persistent. |
ThreadPriority | Returns or modifies the priority level of a thread. |
ThreadResume | Resumes the execution of a thread that was interrupted by ThreadSuspend. |
ThreadSendSignal | The current thread sends a signal to the specified thread in order to unlock it. |
ThreadState | Returns the current status of a thread. |
ThreadStop | Stops a secondary thread. |
ThreadSuspend | Temporarily suspends the execution of the specified thread. |
ThreadWait | Waits for the end of execution of the specified thread. |
ThreadWaitSignal | Locks the current thread until it receives a signal from another thread. |
TileAdd | Adds a new tile customization for the current Windows Store Apps application |
TileDeleteAll | Deletes all the modifications made to the application tile |
TileDisplayBadge | Displays a badge (numeric notification or image) on the tile of a Universal Windows 10 App application. |
TimeDifference | Calculates the difference between two times in hundredths of a second. |
TimelineAddEvent | Adds an event into a TimeLine control. |
TimelineAddTrack | Adds a new track to a TimeLine control. |
TimelineChangeMode | Modifies the period (which means the number of seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, ...) displayed by a Timeline control. |
TimelineDeleteAll | Deletes all the events and all the tracks from a TimeLine control |
TimelineDeleteEvent | Deletes an event from a TimeLine control. |
TimelineDeleteTrack | Deletes a track from a TimeLine control. |
TimelineDisplay | Reinitializes the content of a TimeLine control from its data source (HFSQL file for example). |
TimelineListEvent |
Timeout | ..Timeout is used to find out and modify the maximum time-out. |
TimePicker | Displays the time picker of the system. |
Timer | Periodically and automatically calls a WLanguage procedure. |
TimerSys | Periodically and automatically calls a WLanguage procedure. |
TimeSys | Returns or modifies the system time (current time defined for the current computer). |
TimeToInteger | Transforms a time into an integer. |
TimeToString | Formats the time passed in a parameter according to the specified format. |
TimeValid | Checks the validity of a time. |
ToastDeleteAll | Deletes all the toasts displayed by ToastDisplay |
ToastDisplay | Displays a "Toast" message |
ToastDisplayPopup | Displays a popup page during a given duration in order to display a "Toast" message. |
ToClipboard | Writes text or image information into the system clipboard. |
ToClipboardRTF | Writes a character string in RTF format into the clipboard. |
Today | Returns or modifies the system date (date of the day defined on the current computer). |
ToolbarDock | Docks a toolbar to a window or changes the anchoring position of a docked toolbar. |
ToolbarPosition | Specifies the display mode of a toolbar. |
ToolbarUndock | Transforms a docked toolbar into a floating toolbar. |
ToolTipColor | Modifies the colors used for displaying the tooltips. |
ToolTipDelay |
Used to modify:
ToolTipMargin | Modifies the text margin in the tooltips. |
TooltipMaxWidth | Modifies the maximum width of tooltips. |
Trace | Displays the requested information (content of a control for example) in a window opened in parallel of the current window. |
TraceBuild | Displays a customizable message in the trace window opened in parallel of the current window. |
TraceEnd | Closes the trace window if this window was opened or stops saving the trace information in a text file. |
TraceStart | Opens the trace window or saves the trace information in a text file. |
Transfer | Copies a block of bytes or a fixed-length string from a memory address into another one. |
TreeAdd | Adds a "leaf" element (and all the necessary nodes) into a TreeView control. |
TreeCollapse | Collapses a branch that was expanded beforehand. |
TreeCollapseAll | Collapses a branch that was expanded beforehand (as well as its child elements). |
TreeCopyItem | Copies an element (leaf or node) into a TreeView control. |
TreeCount | Returns the number of elements found in a branch of a TreeView control. |
TreeDelete | Deletes an element and all its "child" elements from a TreeView control. |
TreeDeleteAll | Deletes all the elements from a TreeView control. |
TreeDeleteChild | Deletes the child elements of an element from a TreeView control without deleting the element itself |
TreeDisplay | Refreshes the display of a treeView control from a given position. |
TreeExpand | Expands a node in a TreeView control. |
TreeExpandAll | Expands a node and all its child elements in a TreeView control. |
TreeFind | Seeks an element (leaf or node) in a TreeView control and returns its path. |
TreeGiveChild | Returns the "children" of an element found in a TreeView control. |
TreeID | Used to build the path of the elements found in a TreeView control by differentiating the duplicates. |
TreeIdentifier | Returns the identifier associated with an element (node or leaf) in a TreeView control. |
TreeInfoXY | Returns the treeview element found at a given position. |
TreeInsert | Inserts a leaf into a TreeView control at a specific position. |
TreeListItem | Lists the "children" of a node and the "child" elements of these "children" in a TreeView control. |
TreeMapAdd | Adds an element into a TreeMap control. |
TreeMapCount | Returns the number of elements found in a TreeMap control. |
TreeMapDelete | Deletes an element from a TreeMap control. |
TreeMapDeleteAll | Deletes all the elements from a TreeMap control. |
TreeMapInfoXY | Returns the subscript of the element displayed at a given position in a TreeMap control. |
TreeMapSearch | Seeks the subscript of an element in a TreeMap control from the path of the element. |
TreeMapSeek | Seeks the subscript of an element in a TreeMap control from the path of the element. |
TreeMapSelectGroup | Visually selects a group of elements in a TreeMap control. |
TreeModify | Modifies an element (node or leaf) in a TreeView control. |
TreeMoveItem | Moves an element (leaf or node) in a TreeView control. |
TreePosition | Displays a TreeView control from a specified element (node or leaf) or returns the name of the first element displayed in a TreeView control. |
TreeSelect | Returns the full path of the element selected in a TreeView control. |
TreeSelectMinus | Deselects an element in a TreeView control |
TreeSelectOccurrence | Returns the number of elements selected in a TreeView control (for a multi-selection TreeView control). |
TreeSelectPlus | Selects an element in a TreeView control. |
TreeSort | Sorts the elements found in a TreeView control. |
TreeStatus | Returns the status of a node: collapsed, expanded or not found. |
TreeTypeItem | Checks the existence of an element in a TreeView control and returns its type (node or leaf) if the element exists. |
TrialVersion | Used to find out whether the current execution of the application is in "trial version" mode. |
Truncate | Truncates the right part of a string or buffer. |
TwainCurrentSource | Allows you to find out and change the Twain device used by default. |
TwainListSource | Returns the list of drivers for the Twain devices connected to the current computer. |
TwainProperty | Used to find out or modify the properties of the current Twain device. |
TwainScanZone | Used to define or re-initialize the area to scan. |
TwainSelectSource | Displays a standard dialog box used to list the different Twain devices available on the current computer. |
TwainSourceHeight | Returns the height (in millimeters) of the document captured by a Twain device. |
TwainSourceWidth | Returns the width (in millimeters) of the document captured by a Twain device. |
TwainState | Returns the status of the current source. |
TwainToBMP |
Used to:
TwainToClipboard |
Used to:
TwainToControl |
Used to
TwainToGIF |
Used to:
TwainToJPEG |
Used to:
TwainToPDF |
Used to:
TwainToTIFF |
Used to:
TypeVar | Identifies the type of an expression, a variable (during a call to a procedure for example) or a control. |
UncompleteDir | Removes the "/"' or "\"' character found at the end of a string. |
Uncompress | Decompresses a memory block (buffer) that was compressed by Compress. |
Uncrypt | Decrypts a character string that was encrypted by Crypt. |
UncryptStandard | Decrypts a message that was encrypted with a symmetrical encryption algorithm (AES, DES, etc.). |
UnicodeToAnsi |
UnloadProcedure | UnloadProcedure is kept for backward compatibility. |
UnloadWDL | Frees the library that was loaded in memory by LoadWDL. |
UploadCopyFile |
Saves on the server a file "uploaded" by the Web user. This upload may have been performed
UploadCurrentFile | Indicates the file currently uploaded via the Upload control. |
UploadCurrentFileSize | Returns the total size (in bytes) of the file currently uploaded via an Upload control. |
UploadCurrentFileSizeSent | Returns the size (in bytes) already sent for the file currently uploaded via an Upload control. |
UploadDelete | Deletes a file from the list of files to upload: the file will not be uploaded on the server. |
UploadDeleteAll | Clears the list of files to upload: no file will be uploaded on the server. |
UploadFileName |
Returns the name of a file "uploaded" by the Web user. This upload may have been performed
UploadFileSize | Returns the total size (in bytes) of a file found in an Upload control. |
UploadSize | Returns the total size (in bytes) of the file currently uploaded via an Upload control. |
UploadSizeSent | Returns the total size (in bytes) of the files already sent by the current upload via an Upload control. |
UploadStart | Starts sending the selected files into an upload control. |
UPNPExecuteAction | Runs an action on the UPnP service |
UPNPFindDevice | Finds a device based on its unique name (UDN). |
UPNPGetBrightness | Retrieves the brightness of a UPnP device. |
UPNPGetContrast | Retrieves the contrast of a UPnP device. |
UPNPGetMute | Retrieves the 'Mute' status of a UPnP device. |
UPNPGetSharpness | Retrieves the sharpness of a UPnP device. |
UPNPGetVolume | Retrieves the volume of a UPnP device. |
UPNPListDevice | Lists the UPNnP devices available on the network |
UPNPMediaOpen | Opens a media on the UPNP device. |
UPNPMediaPause | Pauses the reading of the current media on the UPnP device. |
UPNPMediaPlay | Starts reading the current media on the UPnP device. |
UPNPMediaStop | Stops reading the current media on the UPNP device. |
UPNPModifyBrightness | Modifies the brightness of a UPnP device. |
UPNPModifyContrast | Modifies the contrast of a UPnP device. |
UPNPModifyMute | Modifies the 'Mute' status of a UPnP device. |
UPNPModifySharpness | Modifies the sharpness of a UPnP device. |
UPNPModifyVolume | Modifies the volume of a UPnP device. |
Upper | Converts a character string into uppercase characters according to the localization settings defined in Windows. |
URLDecode | Decodes an encoded URL (which means with characters in %xx format). |
URLEncode | Encodes a URL with a sub-set of ASCII characters. |
URLExtractPath | Returns the different elements of a URL: protocol, user, password, domain, port, resource path, resource name, resource extension, request and fragment. |
USBDetectRemovableStorage | Detects whether a removable storage unit (CD, USB key, USB camera, ...) was added or removed. |
USBDisconnect | Disconnects or ejects a USB device. |
USBFind | Finds a USB device according to keywords. |
USBListDevice | Returns the list of USB devices currently plugged into the current computer. |
USBProperty | Retrieves the value of a property for a USB device. |
Use | Opens a WINDEV window and closes all the other windows that were opened beforehand. |
UTF8ToAnsi | Converts a string in UTF8 format into a string in Ansi format |
UTF8ToString | Converts a string in UTF8 format into a string in ANSI or UNICODE format. |
UTF8ToUnicode | Converts a string in UTF8 format into a Unicode string. |
UUDecode | Decodes a character string in UUEncode format. |
UUEncode | Encodes a character string according to the UUEncode algorithm. |
Val | Returns the numeric value of a character string. |
ValidatePassword | Indicates whether the specified password is valid for the current user. |
VariableReset | Resets the variable to its initial value. |
VariantConvert | Converts the value stored in a Variant variable]. |
VariantToJSON | Converts the content of a Variant variable to JSON format. |
VibrationStop | Stops the vibrations of the device (even if they have been triggered by another application). |
VibrationTrigger | Triggers the vibrations of the device. |
VideoCapture | Saves the video currently transmitted by a "camera" as an image or a video sequence. |
VideoConfigure | Used to configure the driver for video capture. |
VideoDisplay | Displays in a "Camera" control the video sequence currently transmitted by a "web camera" or by the camera of the mobile device. |
VideoGenerateThumbnail | Generates a thumbnail of the specified photo or video. |
VideoListDriver | Lists the drivers for video capture installed on the current computer. |
VideoListParameter | Lists the values supported by the device camera for a given parameter. |
VideoParameter | Returns or modifies the value of a parameter for the device camera. |
VideoRequestPermission | Requests the permission for using the video camera found on the device. |
VideoSetDriver | Connects the "Camera" control to a specific driver for video capture |
VideoStartApp | Starts the native camera application of the device in order to record a video or to take a photo. |
VideoStartDecoding | Starts decoding bar codes in a Camera control. |
VideoStatus | Returns the status of a Camera control. |
VideoStop | Stops playing or recording a video sequence in a Camera control. |
VideoStopDecoding | Stops decoding a bar code in a Camera control. |
VolumeGet | Retrieves the current setting of the volume for a sound source. |
VolumeModify | Modifies the setting of the volume for a sound source. |
VolumePhysicalButton | Identifies or modifies the sound source associated with the physical buttons used to set the volume of the device. |
Wait | Temporarily stops the execution of the program. |
Warning | Displays a custom message in a system warning window. |
WebserviceClientIPAddress | Returns the IP address of the computer that calls the webservice. |
WebserviceParameter |
WebserviceReadHTTPHeader | Reads the HTTP header received during a call to a REST Webservice. |
WebserviceReadMIMEType | Returns the MIME type of the request received during a call to a REST Webservice. |
WebserviceWriteHTTPCode | Fills the HTTP code that will be returned at the end of execution of the function of REST Webservice. |
WebserviceWriteHTTPHeader | Adds an additional HTTP header to a request of a REST Webservice. |
WebserviceWriteMIMEType | Indicates the MIME type of the response returned by the Webservice (case of a call to a REST Webservice). |
WeekNumber | Returns the week number in the year corresponding to the specified date (this date is a character string). |
WeekToDate | Returns the date of the Monday for the specified week and year. |
WHelp | Displays a file or a help page in HLP or CHM format. |
WidgetDisplay | Refreshes the display of a Widget window. |
WidgetRunApp | Starts the application to which a Widget belongs. |
WiFiActivate | Enables or disables Wi-Fi on the device. |
WiFiAddNetwork | Adds a new network to the list of Wi-Fi networks configured on the device. |
WiFiConnect | Connects the device to the specified Wi-Fi network. |
WiFiConnectionInfo | Returns the requested information about the current Wi-Fi connection of the device. |
WiFiDeleteNetwork | Deletes a network from the list of Wi-Fi networks configured on the device. |
WiFiDetectAccessPoint | Starts detecting the Wi-Fi access points currently accessible from the device. |
WiFiListNetwork | Returns the list of Wi-Fi networks currently configured on the device. |
WiFiListNetworkCard | Returns the list of Wi-Fi network cards currently available on the current computer. |
WiFiSelectNetworkCard | Selects the Wi-Fi network card that will be used for the next calls to the WiFi functions. |
WiFiStatus | Returns the current activation status of Wi-Fi on the device or asks to be notified when the activation status of Wi-Fi changes. |
WinActivateDDW |
Enables or disables the DDW (Dim Disabled Window) feature:
WinAdaptHeight | Adapts the window height to the content of controls. |
WinAdaptSize | Adapts the window size to the content of controls. |
WinAdaptWidth | Adapts the window width to the content of controls. |
WinAnimationClosing | Modifies the type and duration of the animation used when closing the application windows. |
WinAnimationNext | Modifies the type and the duration of the animation used when opening and closing the next window. |
WinAnimationOpening | Modifies the type and duration of the animation used when opening the application windows. |
WinBackgroundImage | Modifies the background image of a window and specifies the display mode of this image. |
WinChangeAlias | Modifies the alias of a window. |
WinChangeLayout |
Applies a specific layout to
WinCopyForm | Copies the content of a form into the clipboard. |
WinCurrentLayout |
Returns the subscript of the current layout
WinDevVersion | Returns the version number of the wdxxxvm DLL. |
WinDisableEffect | Disables the visual effects of the graphic engine of WINDEV (for a use in TSE mode for example). |
WindowBitmap | Creates the image of the specified window in a BMP file. |
WindowCount | Calculates the number of windows currently opened in the current application. |
WindowsVersion | Returns the runtime mode of Windows. |
WinEdActive |
Used to
WinEdCreateNote | Creates a Repositionable Note control. |
WinEdDeclareUndo | Declares how to cancel an action that was added by WinEdDo. |
WinEdDeselectAll | Deselects all the controls when the interface is modified by the end user ("Edit by the end user" mode enabled). |
WinEdDo | Runs an action (defined by programming) with support for Undo/Redo. |
WinEdLoad | Loads the modifications performed by the end user in a window. |
WinEdRedo | Runs the last action canceled by the end user when modifying the interface ("Edit by the end user" mode enabled). |
WinEdRestore | Cancels all the modifications performed by the end user ("Edit by the end user" mode enabled). |
WinEdSave | Saves the modifications performed in "Edit by the end user" mode. |
WinEdSaveNote | Exports the repositionable notes created by the user into a file. |
WinEdSelect | Returns one of the controls selected by the end user when modifying the interface ("Edit by the end user" mode enabled). |
WinEdSelectMinus | Deselects a control when the interface is modified by the end user ("Edit by the end user" mode enabled). |
WinEdSelectOccurrence | Indicates the number of controls selected by the end user when modifying the interface ("Edit by the end user" mode enabled). |
WinEdSelectPlus | Selects a control when the interface is modified by the end user ("Edit by the end user" mode enabled). |
WinEdUndo | Cancels the last action performed by the end user when modifying the interface ("Edit by the end user" mode enabled). |
WinForceDDW | Forces the DDW (Dim Disabled Windows) feature on a window even if this window is not accessible. |
WinGiveSuitableHeight | Returns the height of a window, adapted to the content of controls. |
WinGiveSuitableWidth | Returns the width of a window, adapted to the content of controls. |
WinIconBarHeight | Returns or modifies the current height of the "Icon Bar" area in the current MDI parent window. |
WinInactiveEffect |
Enables or disables the DDW (Dim Disabled Window) feature:
WinInHeight | Returns the internal height of a window (without title bar and border). |
WinInitialized | Allows you to find out whether the "end of initialization" code was run for a window. |
WinInput | Identifies the window containing the WLanguage code currently run. |
WinInWidth | Returns the internal width of a window (without border). |
WinInXPos | Returns the horizontal position of the top left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the top left corner of the screen. |
WinInYPos | Returns the vertical position of the top left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the top left corner of the screen. |
WinOrientation | Modifies or retrieves the display orientation of the current window. |
WinOutHeight | Returns the full height of a window (including the border, the menu bar and the title). |
WinOutWidth | Returns the full width of a window (including the border). |
WinOutXPos | Returns the horizontal position of the top left corner of a window in relation to the top left corner of the screen. |
WinOutYPos | Returns the vertical position of the top left corner of a window in relation to the top left corner of the screen. |
WinPasteForm | Pastes the content of a form stored in the clipboard. |
WinRateDDW | Enables you to find out and modify the level of gray for the windows that use the DDW feature (Dim Disabled Windows). |
WinRedraw | Immediately redraws the window controls that must be graphically refreshed. |
WinScreenRectangle | Returns the coordinates of the screen that contains a window. |
WinSize |
WinSlidingVisible | Displays or hides a sliding window (sliding menu). |
WinStatus | Identifies or modifies the status of a window. |
WinSystemButton | Modifies the type of the system button displayed in the title bar of a window. |
WinUsefulSize |
Specifies the useful size of an internal window with automatic scrollbars. The useful size corresponds to the full size of the internal window
WithSpace | Adds or deletes the spaces found on the right of a text item when reading it. |
WordOccurrence | Returns the number of words in a string |
WordToArray | Fills an array with the words of a string |
XamlDisable | Simulates the absence of .Net 3.0 framework. |
XamlEvent | Associates a procedure written in WLanguage with an event of an Xaml control. |
XamlProperty | Used to find out and modify the value of a .Net property for an Xaml control or for a Carousel control. |
xlsAddWorksheet | Adds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document. |
xlsClose | Closes an XLS file. |
xlsColumnTitle | Retrieves the title of a column found in an XLS file. |
xlsColumnType | Returns the type of data entered in a column of an XLS file. |
xlsCoordinatesToName | Retrieves the name of a cell, XLS worksheet or Spreadsheet control according to its coordinates. |
xlsCurrentWorksheet | Used to find out and modify the current worksheet in an XLS file. |
xlsData | Retrieves the content of a cell found in an XLS file. |
xlsDeleteWorksheet | Deletes a worksheet from the Excel document. |
xlsMsgError | Returns the caption of the last error caused by an XLS function. |
xlsNameToCoordinates | Returns the coordinates of a cell, XLS file or spreadsheet control according to its name. |
xlsNbColumn | Returns the number of columns found in a worksheet of an XLS file. |
xlsNbColumns | xlsNbColumns is kept for backward compatibility. |
xlsNbRow | Returns the number of rows found in an XLS file. |
xlsNbRows | xlsNbRows is kept for backward compatibility. |
xlsNbWorksheet | Returns the number of worksheets found in an XLS file. |
xlsOpen | Opens an Excel file (xls or xlsx files). |
xlsSave | Saves an XLS document. |
xlsVersion | Returns the Excel version that was used to save the file. |
XMLAddAttribute | Adds an attribute into an XML document. |
XMLAddChild | Adds a child tag into an XML document. |
XMLBuildString | Retrieves and formats the content of an XML document (created by XMLDocument and modified by the XML functions). |
XMLCancelSearch | Cancels the search performed by XMLFind. |
XMLChild | Positions on the first child element of current element. |
XMLChildExist | Specifies whether the current tag has children corresponding to the sought type (tag, attribute, ...). |
XMLClose | Closes an XML document created by XMLDocument. |
XMLData | Returns the value of current element (tag or XML attribute) or the value of one of its attributes. |
XMLDelete | Deletes the current element (as well as the entire branch) from an XML document. |
XMLDocument | Creates a new XML document. |
XMLElementName | Returns the name of the current element (tag or attribute). |
XMLElementType | Returns the type of the current element (tag or attribute). |
XMLExecuteXPath |
Runs an XPATH query
XMLExtractDocument | Creates a new XML document from an existing XML document. |
XMLExtractString | Extracts the content of a tag found in an XML document. |
XMLFind | Performs a search in an XML document. |
XMLFindNamespaceByName | Finds an XML namespace according to its XML node and in the parents of the node |
XMLFindNamespaceByURI | Finds an XML namespace from its URI (Universal Resource Identifier) in a node and in the parents of this node |
XMLFirst | Positions on the first element (tag or attribute) in the current tree level. |
XMLFound | Checks whether the current element corresponds to the current browse or to the current search. |
XMLInsertDocument | Inserts the current XML tag found in an XML document into another XML document. |
XMLInsertElement | Inserts an XML element (tag or attribute) into an XML document. |
XMLLast | Positions on the last element (tag or attribute) of the current tree level. |
XMLModify | Modifies the content of the current element found in the XML document. |
XMLNamespace | Returns the prefix of the namespace associated with the current tag in an XML document. |
XMLNamespaceURI | Returns the URI of the namespace associated with the current tag in an XML document. |
XMLNext | Positions on the next element (tag or attribute). |
XMLOpen | Loads an XML document from a file, a URL or a string in an xmlDocument variable. |
XMLOut | Used to find out whether the element (tag or attribute) on which we want to be positioned is outside the XML document. |
XMLParent | Positions on the parent element of current element (tag or attribute). |
XMLParentName | Returns the name of parent tag for the current element (tag or attribute). |
XMLPath | Returns the current position in the document in XPATH format. |
XMLPrevious | Positions on the previous element (tag or attribute). |
XMLRead | Returns the value of an XML element or the value of the attribute for an XML element. |
XMLRename | Renames the current element (tag or attribute) in an XML document. |
XMLRestorePosition | Restores the context of an XML document that was saved beforehand (XMLSavePosition). |
XMLResult | Returns the result of a calculation XPath query. |
XMLRoot | Positions on the root tag of an XML document. |
XMLSave | Saves an XML document in a file. |
XMLSavePosition | Stores the current position in the XML document. |
XMLToText | Converts a character string in XML format into a standard character string. |
XMLValidDocument | Validates an XML document from an XSD schema |
XMLValidNode | Validates an XML node, its children and its attributes from its description in the XSD schema linked to the XML document. |
XMLWrite | Creates or modifies the value of an XML element or the value of the attribute of an XML element. |
YesNo | Displays a message in a standard dialog box that proposes "Yes" and "No" and returns the user's choice. |
zipAddDirectory | Adds all the files found in a directory and in its sub-directories into an archive and compresses them. |
zipAddFile | Adds a file (of any type) into an archive in CAB, ZIP, WDZ and 7z, TAR ou TGZ (TAR.GZ) format and compresses it. |
zipAddFileList | Adds a list of files (of any type) into an archive in ZIP, CAB, WDZ or 7z format and compresses it. |
zipChangePath | Modifies the stored path of a file in an archive (in ZIP, WDZ or 7z format). |
zipClose | Closes an archive. |
zipCompressionLevel | Changes the compression level used when creating an archive in ZIP format or in 7z format. |
zipCreate | Creates an archive. |
zipCreateExe | Creates a self-extracting archive in executable format (.EXE). |
zipCurrentFile | Returns the name of the archived file currently handled by the functions for adding and extracting files. |
zipDeleteAll | Deletes all the files from an archive. |
zipDeleteFile | Deletes a file from an archive. |
zipDeleteFileList | Deletes a list of files from an archive. |
zipExist | Used to find out whether an archive exists. |
zipExtractAll | Extracts all the files from an archive and decompresses them. |
zipExtractFile | Extracts a file from an archive and automatically decompresses it to a physical location or in memory. |
zipExtractFileList | Extracts and decompresses a list of files found in an archive to a physical location. |
zipExtractPath | Returns the path of a file found in the archive. |
zipFileSize |
Returns the size of one of the files found in the archive (in CAB, RAR, WDZ, ZIP, 7z, TAR or TGZ format (TAR.GZ)):
zipFindFile | Finds a file in an archive (in CAB, ZIP, RAR, WDZ or 7z format). |
zipInfoFile |
Returns the characteristics of a file found an archive:
zipIsMulti | Returns the type of archive: single-part archive or multi-part archive. |
zipListFile | Returns the list of files found in an archive. |
zipMerge | Merges the different sub-archives found in a multi-part archive to create a single-part archive. |
zipMsgError | Returns the message associated with an error code on an archive. |
zipNbFile | Returns the number of files found in an archive (in CAB, RAR, ZIP, WDZ or 7z format). |
zipNbPart | Returns the number of sub-archives (parts) found in an archive in CAB, RAR, ZIP, WDZ, 7z, TAR or TGZ format (TAR.GZ). |
zipNbPartNeeded | Returns the number of parts of a given size required to split a single-part archive. |
zipOpen | Opens an existing archive. |
zipOpenCAB | Opens an existing archive in CAB format. |
zipOpenRAR | Opens an existing archive in RAR format. |
zipPassword | Defines the password used to add files into the specified archive and to extract files from the specified archive (RAR, ZIP and WDZ format). |
zipSize |
Returns the size of the archive (in ZIP, RAR, CAB, WDZ or 7z format):
zipSplit | Splits an archive into several sub-archives of a given size. |